Still waiting a replacer for a jewelry gems (for jewelry in general would be great too ^_^^_^_^_^). Just look how obsolete this gems look. Even my bottle have a transparent texture.
Sorry for being mean to the gems. They're beautiful! I just WANT TO BE THEM TRANSPARENT and shiny!!! And twinkiling! And and and....and THANK YOU!!!!! -
You thinking about adding this into OAAB? I think it would be great.
Great job MelchiorDahrk! Beautiful pearls. Thanks.
Great mod! Waiting same for the gems. Make them transparent, twinkiling, shiny and beautiful. Wish you all the best.
Looks amazing as all your mods. Thank you!
I just have noob installation question.
If i want use Pearl Trinkets should i just copy it over Core or use only one? I am confused because both have "Lustrous Pearls.esm"
Also i noticed MWSE folders, can i safetly ignore them and will it still work, specifically with OpenMW?
Thank you and sry for noobish questions -
Perfect sword for Kheran. Will this mod work with Danae's Shinies?
Alright, now where is THAT cat? He moves around in my game with some random relocation mod.
Just kidding, finally managed to "craft" the fabulous sword with a little metagaming through quest objectives. Quite an enjoyable journey along with a selection of other quest/immersion mods(e.g. Pearl Divers, Shipyards, Shipwrecks, Khajiit mods, etc.) along the way. -
Melchior Dahrk Not Releasing A Perfect Mod Challenge (Impossible)
You have combined my two favourite things (pretties and collectables) and now I owe you my soul. Use it wisely.
That sword is *gorgeous!*