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Melchior Dahrk

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    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Still waiting a replacer for a jewelry gems (for jewelry in general would be great too ^_^^_^_^_^). Just look how obsolete this gems look. Even my bottle have a transparent texture.

    Sorry for being mean to the gems. They're beautiful! I just WANT TO BE THEM TRANSPARENT and shiny!!! And twinkiling! And and and....and THANK YOU!!!!!
  2. Zzarcon
    • member
    • 32 kudos
    You thinking about adding this into OAAB? I think it would be great.
    1. MelchiorDahrk
      • premium
      • 526 kudos
      I've thought about it! They're a fairly specific theme. But it might be cool for them to be usable by other mods. We'll see.
  3. cubanbface
    • member
    • 13 kudos
    Great job MelchiorDahrk! Beautiful pearls. Thanks.
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Great mod! Waiting same for the gems. Make them transparent, twinkiling, shiny and beautiful. Wish you all the best.
  5. Batkan1234
    • supporter
    • 3 kudos
    Looks amazing as all your mods. Thank you!
    I just have noob installation question.
    If i want use Pearl Trinkets should i just copy it over Core or use only one? I am confused because both have "Lustrous Pearls.esm"
    Also i noticed MWSE folders, can i safetly ignore them and will it still work, specifically with OpenMW? 
    Thank you and sry for noobish questions
    1. MelchiorDahrk
      • premium
      • 526 kudos
      Good questions! So you will always install the `00 Core` mod first and then install `01 Pearl Trinkets` afterwards. And yes, the MWSE folders can be safely ignored for OpenMW users (the one in Core simply adds Tooltips).
  6. Atanvarn
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    Perfect sword for Kheran. Will this mod work with Danae's Shinies?
    1. MelchiorDahrk
      • premium
      • 526 kudos
      I think this will work with Danae's shinies. Worst case scenario, you will find more types of pearls with both mods active.
  7. freakuac
    • supporter
    • 54 kudos
    Alright, now where is THAT cat? He moves around in my game with some random relocation mod.

    Just kidding, finally managed to "craft" the fabulous sword with a little metagaming through quest objectives. Quite an enjoyable journey along with a selection of other quest/immersion mods(e.g. Pearl Divers, Shipyards, Shipwrecks, Khajiit mods, etc.) along the way.
    1. MelchiorDahrk
      • premium
      • 526 kudos
      Haha, I'm glad you were able to find the cat!
  8. Remiros
    • premium
    • 1,077 kudos
    Melchior Dahrk Not Releasing A Perfect Mod Challenge (Impossible)
  9. Briala
    • supporter
    • 39 kudos
    You have combined my two favourite things (pretties and collectables) and now I owe you my soul. Use it wisely.
    1. MelchiorDahrk
      • premium
      • 526 kudos
      In honor of my acquisition of your soul, I've added support for the two Tamriel_Data pearls in version 1.1.0!
    2. Briala
      • supporter
      • 39 kudos
      Totally worth the cost!
  10. DimNussens
    • member
    • 24 kudos
    That sword is *gorgeous!*
    1. MelchiorDahrk
      • premium
      • 526 kudos
      Thanks! It was a pretty last minute addition. But I think the quest for it is a fun little Easter egg in honor of the May 4th release date.