StickyGoing to echo what baconsama said in July, if youre using wrye mash to install it may ignore the imagelib.dll file in the mod download. was having issues getting this to work, i ended up installing the standalone image magick and then manually added the imagelib.dll file and that fixed it. the imagelib.dll file should go in the Data Files\MWSE\lib in your morrowind directory as Baconsama said. Looking forward to getting started with this mod!
Hello! I love this mod, but unfortunately I've been experiencing issues. Watercolor, ink, charcoal and pencil drawing generally works fine, but every time I try to make an oil painting, or even just put up the travel easel, my game crashes. Borderless window didn't help. Do you know what might be the issue? :(
Small bug I was wondering if anyone else had experienced/knows a fix for: when trying to use watercolours it won't let me paint. Clicking the 'paint' button at the bottom of the UI just does nothing at all, keeps the menu open, but I can close it and exit with no problems. All other painting/materials work perfectly - any suggestions?
Love the mod btw -
Truly an amazing mod!
Hello! I'm just wondering if borderless window mode is still recommended for playing this mod. And if so, should the mod still be *fairly* playable without it? I haven't gotten BW mode to work on my computer for morrowind. It's still recommended in the troubleshooting page on the mod wiki, but that also says to use imagemagick so I assume some of that info's outdated.
Outstanding mod!
Sadly, my old tv\monitor dont support 16:9, so at 1366x766 in tooltip for oil and water paintings there is no place for buttons in tooltip under fog gradient.
Any chance for adding quick button (bind) for "paint"? I mean, thats would be awesome. -
My char is just making screenshots with no scaling no styles
Loving the new release as always! I have however encountered small issue (or maybe a feature?) - Ink and pencil sketches are all wobbly. More importantly contrast and brightness sliders dont work at all. Is this paint skill related? I'll try to grind painting and check if anything changes but wanted to mention it in case its a but or someone else wonders. Tried reinstalling the mod, double checked requirements and all that shennanigans
I love the idea of this mod, but is there any way to make it usable if one has their mouse buttons reversed?
I have tested this by changing my Windows mouse settings to "normal", and everything works as designed.
Once I change back to lefty mode, everything is okay until the painting menu comes up, then no key or mouse button I use will do anything except temporarily hide the menu. I can't even get out of the painting mode without completely closing the game and relaunching.
I get it if this can't happen; I'm used to some things just not being available for me. -
Your mods are consistently incredible. I would never imagine mods like this would exist one day when I first started playing with them back in 2005. Thank you for all of your hard work.
Love this mod, awesome way to roleplay. I'm exerpiencing some bugs in the latest version that is crashing when rotating but also my controls freeze when finishing a painting.
Morrowind has crashed! To help improve game stability, send MWSE_Minidump.dmp and mwse.log to the #mwse channel at the Morrowind Modding Community Discord: https://discord.me/mwmods
MWSE version: 2.1.0-4210
Build date: 20250111
Memory usage: 2213335040 bytes.
Lua traceback at time of crash:
stack traceback:
[C]: in function '__index'
.\Data Files\MWSE\mods\mer\joyofpainting\items\painting.lua:159: in function '__index'
.\Data Files\MWSE\mods\mer\joyofpainting\items\painting.lua:340: in function 'getCanvasConfig'
...\MWSE\mods\mer\joyofpainting\services\photomenu\init.lua:495: in function <...\MWSE\mods\mer\joyofpainting\services\photomenu\init.lua:492>
MiniDump creation successful.
EDIT: Sorry for the quick edit, but upon troubleshooting it appears it only happens when the paininting/drawing gear are inside my backpack