Okay, this was cool. 10% chance that Caius is smoking a skooma pipe, and the first time this ever happens to me, it's as I'm returning to deliver the Urshilaku reports that confirm I show signs of being the Nerevarine. It's a huge moment for my character... and Caius is blitzed out of his mind and can't pay attention to what I'm saying. Really really great character moment. Thanks!
This will almost definitely conflict with my mod, but I like what you did, might inspire me to make it compatible once i have time to rework my own mod again. Do you plan to add to this mod?
You can see in the cs notes it was intended to have an effect on npcs.
I'll likely just add unique greetings to each andrano npc with a negative disposition modifier. You match the description of the tomb robber, but they cant prove it.
The so-called "Nerevarine Prophecy" is a heretical superstition. The province sure does need saving but it won't be through the deeds of some magical superhero, come on! On the other hand: very cogent changes. Much appreciated!
Sounds great, and I'll definitely be interested in downloading when I reinstall Morrowind! Just a question, if you happen to know off the top of your head:
A little more nuance to the Hassour Zainsubani informant quest.
Do you know if it will be compatible with Julan - Ashlander Companion, which edits Hassour somewhat significantly?