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Von Djangos

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  1. alexpublius
    • premium
    • 39 kudos
    Okay, this was cool. 10% chance that Caius is smoking a skooma pipe, and the first time this ever happens to me, it's as I'm returning to deliver the Urshilaku reports that confirm I show signs of being the Nerevarine. It's a huge moment for my character... and Caius is blitzed out of his mind and can't pay attention to what I'm saying. Really really great character moment. Thanks!
    1. vonwolfe
      • premium
      • 199 kudos
      Thanks for taking the time to comment! Making moments like those are exactly what I was hoping for!
  2. Caran7hir
    • member
    • 7 kudos
    This will almost definitely conflict with my mod, but I like what you did, might inspire me to make it compatible once i have time to rework my own mod again. Do you plan to add to this mod?
    1. vonwolfe
      • premium
      • 199 kudos
      Not at the moment! Perhaps reactions to the Andrano family after robbing the tomb. 
    2. Caran7hir
      • member
      • 7 kudos
      Cool, still thinking myself how I'd like to handle any expansion to that quest. I'll be watching to see what you come up with.
    3. vonwolfe
      • premium
      • 199 kudos
      You can see in the cs notes it was intended to have an effect on npcs.

      I'll likely just add unique greetings to each andrano npc with a negative disposition modifier. You match the description of the tomb robber, but they cant prove it.
  3. illyria311
    • member
    • 10 kudos
    What are you using to make the text in your screenshots so clear?
    1. vonwolfe
      • premium
      • 199 kudos
      This font: https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/49201
  4. wcfcarolina13
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Any issues installing this mid-playthrough? Seems minor enough.
    1. vonwolfe
      • premium
      • 199 kudos
       Nope, will be fine.
  5. LevchenkoArt
    • member
    • 7 kudos
    The so-called "Nerevarine Prophecy" is a heretical superstition. The province sure does need saving but it won't be through the deeds of some magical superhero, come on! On the other hand: very cogent changes. Much appreciated!
  6. AniHVX
    • premium
    • 74 kudos
    I'm getting duplicate Casius, one sitting on the floor smoking his skooma and another standing in his usual spot.
    1. concit
      • member
      • 31 kudos
      c0da predicted all this you know
    2. vonwolfe
      • premium
      • 199 kudos
      My bad, this happens if you haven't started the mq yet. Fixed in the new version.
  7. deleted4003972
    • account closed
    • 7 kudos
    Despite likely conflicts for me, I am adding this purely for 10% Cauis smonking.
  8. Sonja
    • member
    • 192 kudos
    Sounds great, and I'll definitely be interested in downloading when I reinstall Morrowind! Just a question, if you happen to know off the top of your head:

    A little more nuance to the Hassour Zainsubani informant quest.
    Do you know if it will be compatible with Julan - Ashlander Companion, which edits Hassour somewhat significantly?
    1. vonwolfe
      • premium
      • 199 kudos
      It only edits the thoughtful gift topic, so it's pretty small in terms of footprint.
    2. Sonja
      • member
      • 192 kudos
      Awesome, thanks for the fast reply. From what you say, it should be fine, then.