File information
Created by
The Wanderer and LSpace TeamsUploaded by
TheWanderer001Virus scan
About this mod
A large quest (20+) based new town mod. Who's originally idea started way back in 2004. Yes you read that right 20 years ago.
Note! Open Morrowind does not play nice with this mod.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits

May Modathon 2024
The 10th Anniversary Competition

So… Just What is this mod ?
We know this mod is not 100% Morrowind Lore compliant…
We do believe it to be 100% within the keeping of the spirit of the Morrowind Lore though.
This mod is not companion friendly.
In fact they will probably spoil a lot of it for you if you try to bring them along.
You don’t need them here !!!
Send them off on that well earned R&R and tell them all about your adventure when you get back
Okay with that said here is the introduction:
As all who know of Terrry Pratchetts Discworld will know, books = knowledge = power = energy = matter = mass, in short books distort space, in all four dimensions.
This mod has been based on this idea and we have tried to incorporate the same sort of humour that is to be found in those books. You do not need to be familiar with them though in order to enjoy it.
On our own world there are few collections of books big enough to do anything but mutate and bulge their own bookshelves, but in any world where there are magical books, such as here on Tamriel, they can form entry points to parallel universes, connecting libraries, and any other collection of books.
In Morrowind any collection of books large or small may produce a connecting portal to the area known as "L'Space". This is however not to be confused with the “L-space” of Discworld.
Upon first entering L’Space you will find yourself in a large library.
From here you may explore further and could eventually even find your way to the chamber containing "The First Book". It is more likely though you will end up in Booktown, which is fortunate as this is where all the fun is to be had.
A point to note here though both the library and the connecting area, known as “Dreamland”, before reaching “The Core” chamber and “The First Book” are infinite, (or are you just seeing things), therefore it may be easy to get lost in there. You will need your wits about you if you are to navigate your way around.
Built on a small horseshoe shaped island, it has been occupied ever since “The First Book” created the first portal. It has grown from the first few humble shacks to the current thriving town. The only way in or out though is through the portals in the Library. This is where all of your adventures will start.
“The Library”:
This is where all the portals of L’Space converge and you will find hundreds if not thousands of new books to browse. Which is rather handy as you may end up lost in there for some time and a good book to read will help pass away the hours.
“Dreamland”:Got to from The Library
An infinite area of empty bookcases, well until you reach the core that is. These shelves contain all the books that could ever have been written and all the books that never were written (thus you cannot actually see them).
“TheCore”:Got to from Dreamland
In the void – surrounded by the dreamlands and containing The First Book
“TheFirst Book”:Found at “TheCore”
This book is said to be infinite in content. Its paper infinitely thin and it's writing infinitely small, it is “The First Book”. In it everything is written, and from it, all things that will ever be written are derived from its pages. As can be seen this book has so much book in it, it creates L’Space itself, and it is only because of this book that L’Space exists. Why people would like to know this is beyond me though.

It will take you many hours to complete, so settle down and be prepared to have lots of fun.
The language and spelling use in this mod is British/English. A decision that was made way back in 2008 by the then active team.
Some of the more obvious differences between this and American/English are:
We use an ‘s’ where you use a ‘z’, we often have a ‘u’ where you have none, we also like to PP now and then and it is ‘re’ not ‘er’.
Compatibility with any other mod can not be guaranteed. But every effort has been made so as not to conflict with any other mod.
(See details below for areas changed by this mod)
This mod uses a system of schedules for door locking, interior and exterior window lights, and NPC movement.
They are totally separate from and DO NOT affect any other such schedules, and NETHER are they affected by any other such schedules.
Also note with each cupboard, wardrobe, table and desk, each drawer and door are treated as seperate containers.
YES…It is possible to fail a quest…
and NO don’t expect to advance further if you do !!!
The solution… is to save often.
Future plans:
There are many more quest that were planned and partly written but... they will require the help of a new dedicated team of quest and/or dialogue writters. If this is of interest to you then please connect with us.
Should this be forth coming then watch this space for a v2.0 or a multi quest .esp add-on.
Areas Changed by this mod:
Most of this mod is within new Interiors and as such should not conflict with any other mod.
Balmora: Bookshop – Portal added in front of shelf unit at back of shop.
Vivec: Library – Portal added in front of book shelf just inside by door.
More may be added in the future.
Legal Stuff/Disclaimer Copyright Information:
All things Morrowind and Elder Scrolls are copyrighted by Bethesda Softworks PLC
NOTE: For modders only
Additional permission IS required if you wish to use any of the content of this mod in any other game.
This includes, but is not limited to, any other of “The Elder Scrolls” series.
This mod adds a lot of new and interesting meshes created by The Wanderer.
Along with many great meshes you may not have seen before from other modders.
All my meshes are prefixed with either “ls_”,” wl_”, “ss_” or “tw_” but not all meshes prefixed as such are mine... If you wish to use any of them and are not sure whose they are then please ask.
Additional Modders Permission:
New items added in this mod can be considered as modders resources and used in your own mods BUT!
the original Meshes, Textures and Folder MUST be used. They are NOT to be copied, moved or renamed.
If you want to do so permission must be obtained first, but this is unlikely to be given.
An email to let me know would also be appreciated… it is always nice to see how others use ones work…. but this is not conditional upon its use.
Thank You.
The Wanderer
Click here to see all my other mod releases on The Nexus.
The Who’s Who of credits:
Original Works and Book Donations:
Anonymous - Hundreds of freely made available books from the internet.
RemuscdLupin - Many new books
Stuporstar - Books from “Books of Vvardenfell”
The Wanderer - Most of the other books
Other meshes and Textures:
Building construction set by Zyndaar
Many meshes from the Silgrad project by: Baalthazaar, Quentin Fortune, Razorwing, & Lady E – introduced by dietBob
Canopy bed and Display Cabinet by Dongle.
Furniture from kw's Rich Furniture pack – greatly expanded on by The Wanderer
Drawers as individual containers from Nicholiathan – hugely expanded on by The Wanderer
Kneeling pray animation by Lingarn
Crypt, Cemetry, Fireplaces, Doors and extras Barabus
Oil lamp and various other items Quarl
Two doors from the Clavis collection.
Kitchen stuff by TheSlof
More kitchen stuff from psychopie
The Oracle by The Wanderer - original idea from a window display in France.
Animated Oracle and swirling paper by Melchior Dahrk
Ruined books and pages from OAAB
Mostly all of the other new meshes and textures by The Wanderer
Heads from:
Texture Freak, MacKom, Better heads
DrSilent, Wulfgar, dietBob, The Wanderer
All Exteriors:
Miran – the Docks area
The Wanderer – the rest
Interior layouts:
The Wanderer
Interior furnishing:
DrSilent, Denina, dietBob, The Wanderer
Quests and Dialogue:
Ossie, CathyM, The Wanderer
Oracle and Julianos voices created by AI
If we’ve missed anyone please let us know and accept our apologies it was not intentional.
Beta Testers:
Although I personally have played through several times successfully. Because over the years we have not been able to find effective, diligent beta testers this mod has not been put through it's paces. So you will still most likely find bugs :(
We have had several volunteers to test but all but one, thank you Denina, have disappeared before reporting anything useful.
I guess the immensity of the task has just overwhelmed them.
A big “thank you” to the community at large for all the inspiration to complete this mod.
And especially to Bethesda for such a fantastic game to start with.