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  1. When I walk to random npc on street it doesn't say any greeting speech. How fix that?
  2. Apaseall
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    When loading the mod, a dialog box appears asking you to customize your settings.
    Your options will be to select "Okay" or "Use default settings". Clicking
    "Okay" will allow you to customize individual aspects of the mod.
    Selecting "Use default settings" will, as the name suggests, forego the
    customization and load settings recommended by the mod author.

    You can get this prompt mid-gameplay by:

    • deactivating the mod
    • loading the game
    • saving the game
    • reactivating the mod
    • loading the new save
    I tried that and did not get a dialog box. I checked to see if MCA was loaded with a mod from abot that lists the load order of mods, [it shows them in game] and MCA was listed. Is there a consol command to refire MCA to get the message ?
    1. Apaseall
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I think I have solved my problem. Use console Set MCA_Loaded to 1. Save game, reload that game. Get message. I clicked on use default, so cannot say what happens with the other option.
  3. Faffuz
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Just one question, on a warrior i found a shield named "Ignore this", it had 500 armor rating and 100 condition, what is the purpose of this shield? and why not just make it 0 armor rating and 0 condition or something like that?
  4. dejunai
    • premium
    • 3 kudos
    Is "MCA - TR Addon" still supposed to work? I get hundreds of missing objects across dozens of cells and ultimately the game crashes. Tried to load it in CS and it errors for an hour on end and crashes... Am I doing something wrong? Am I missing an undisclosed master file?
    Or is "TR Addon" just completely out of date?
    1. YourPalKindred
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Also having this issue
    2. Bigdarby98
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      It does not
  5. Retrophyx
    • member
    • 239 kudos
    After an hour troubleshooting the yellow missing nifs, I'm guessing this mod really requires one of the add ons after all. I don't know which one. Some are really old mods, broken links etc. Another is like 200mb big. Needless to say, I'm not getting that. I'll just live with a few yellow triangles.
  6. korootz
    • premium
    • 20 kudos
    "Alive" can be understood ambiguously. I wish it would add depth to existing NPCs, rather than add more soulless puppets...
  7. RyuOfTheWastelands
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    This is bullshit! When i set "enemies in caves respawn" to on i didn't want it so that the next in-game hour you visit this cave again there already be another pack of goons. also the same with road brigands! i just sold the loot from the last one and going the same road again theres another!!!!!! its like half a minute irl! 
    1. Farzaneh
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      Use custom setup.
    2. DunwichChild
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      What do you mean? Be clear and don't treat people like idiots
    3. Dreikantbrot
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      @DunwichChild When loading the mod, a dialog box appears asking you to customize your settings.
      Your options will be to select "Okay" or "Use default settings". Clicking "Okay" will allow you to customize individual aspects of the mod. Selecting "Use default settings" will, as the name suggests, forego the customization and load settings recommended by the mod author.

      You can get this prompt mid-gameplay by:

      • deactivating the mod
      • loading the game
      • saving the game
      • reactivating the mod
      • loading the new save

      However, I have to disagree with @Farzaneh, since the respawn timer for enemies in caves cannot be customized through this menu. The respawn feature can only be toggled on or off, unless there's an alternative method of customizing the mod settings that I'm unaware of.
  8. FizCap
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Really cool mod, I live for the 20 man battles that happen randomly at towns lol
  9. Jemineye226
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    I've encountered a weird issue where im being attacked by rogue's in town, and i get crime bounties when either I defend myself, or when they get killed by guards.
    1. 77cats
      • premium
      • 7 kudos
      Having this happening to me, lots of thugs/ruffians rushing at me in every town, and doing preemptive strikes gets me bounties (which I clear using the console as they don't make sense). As a glass canon mage, I can't wait for the thugs to lend their attack just to avoid a nonsensical bounty.
  10. Bergmanmalton
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    some guys have pink boots guys pls help

    the one i found is specificly 1 "mca caravan guard imp"

        diffuseMap: textures/
        diffuseMap: textures/
        diffuseMap: textures/
        diffuseMap: textures/
        diffuseMap: textures/kzbc/
        diffuseMap: textures/bb/
        diffuseMap: textures/bb/
        diffuseMap: textures/bb/