About this mod
Torches for night battles. Don't fight in the dark anymore.
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Update LogSpoiler:Show
V1.0 ~ V2.5
- Now can choose the option of holding the torch by hands.
- The default value for the torch ratio has been changed.
- When using the hand-held option, the defense archers do not raise torches in the siege.
- The brightness and range have increased.
- When using the hand-held option, now troops don't lose their throw weapons.
- Flame effect correction.
- Remove the ugly tail of the flame.
V3.0 ~ V3.8
- The flame changes more realistically. (The flame has become a little bigger, and the position has been adjusted.)
- Added a spark effect to the flame.
- Now added the option to set the minimum and maximum levels to allow torches.
- Moved the Config.xml file to the parent folder to make it easier to find.
- Fixed errors in settings according to levels.
- Fixed a bug where the flame floated in air when using the siege weapon.
- Stability work due to the addition of exceptions.
- Updated for compatibility with other mods.
- Added an option for the player.
- The torch effect applies even if you don't hold a torch at first and pick it up in the middle.
- The effect also applies when the controller changes due to RTS camera mod.
- Rarely, if all equipment is lost by algorithms, each tier will now have a weapon of different tiers.
- When the equipment was lost, the problem of having only stones or only throw weapon was fixed.
- Config manual that supports multiple languages has been added. (If want to add localization to this manual, translate it and send it to me.)
- I divided the file two. If you use the Perfect Fire Arrows mod together, light will be added, so archers may not need torches.
- Adjust the location and size of the flame effect.
- Some effects have been restored or readjusted
V4.0 ~ V4.3
- Fix the problem with the light of the torch attached to the ground. (I'm surprised that no one, including myself, noticed it)
- The radius of the light has been adjusted.
- The intensity of the light has been adjusted.
- The default value has been changed.
- Added codes that was missing.
- In Siege, cavarly and horsearchers also follow the settings of footman or infantryarcher.
V5.0 ~ V5.1
- The effect of the flame is now expressed in 3D.
- If you have Perfect Fire Arrows in your modlist, it will automatically detect.
So don't need to download "If Perfect fire arrows options" anymore.
- The option to equip torches on the waist has been removed.
- The brightness of the torch has increased.
- Removed unused code. (Optimized)
- From this version, soldiers with torches are created separately. They appear in the battle only, and then disappear at the end of the battle. Their injuries/deaths have nothing to do with your unit.
- This feature only works in campaign battles, but in custom battles, is the same as the previous version.
- Soldiers with a torch has the same name and shape as your troop member.
- Be careful when using battle size mode. Because now this mode creates more objects on its own.
- When used with Raise your Banner mod, this mod will refer to the second setting in this config.xml.
- At night, there are relatively fewer soldiers with banners than day, but soldiers will have torches.
- If you use it with Raise your Banner mod, make sure to use Raise your Banner V13.1 or higher.
- The Perfect Fire Arrow option has been deleted. However, modifying the value of the range unit in config.xml will achieve the same effect.
- Changed the name of the party from a test name to Support Party.
- If you suggest a better party name, please let me know. I created templates for translating this party name for each language.
- If you let me know the word 'Support Party' for each language user, I will reflect it in the next update.
- Null value reference bug fix
- If you use it with Raise your Banner mod, make sure to use Raise your Banner V13.2 or higher.
- Fixed a problem that bearers at a higher tier came out with a sickle for farmer.
- Adjusted for the presumptive problem in the siege.
- You can select one of two modes from config.xml. (add torch bearer version, Reality version (old version method)
- The default value of config.xml has changed slightly.
- Changed the Japanese translation of the party name.
- The default value of config.xml has changed slightly.
- Update for compatibility with BattleSize mod.
- Within the engine limits, clone soldiers with torches(or banners) are created, but when the engine limits are reached, then handed out to existing soldiers.
- If you use Raise your Banner together, that mod should be updated as well.
- Performance optimization updates, and code integration cleanup updates.
- Increased the maximum level to be applied to 99.
- Now can set whether to give torch an attacker or defender in the siege scene in config.xml.
- Fixed a bug that flames float when using siege equipment in siege.
- Recommend to use RYB V14.0 or later if you used with Raise your Banner mod.
- Fixed bugs.
- Fixed an issue that banners only came in one type if there was no banner data
- Integration and refactoring of code.
- Translated the term "Support Party" into 13 languages using AI.
- You also need to update Raise your Banner mod if you use together.
- If you use with Raise your Banner, it should be used with RYB 15.0.0 or later.
- Apply the test build to the main build.
- If you use with Raise your Banner, it should be used with RYB 15.0.0 or later.
- Performance optimization (reducing CPU usage)
Simple words and sentences used in this mod are provided, having been translated into various languages using an AI translator.
This mod gives torches to troops during night battles.
Night battles were visually rather dull, but this mod makes them much more engaging.
No requirements mod. This mod can be installed or uninstalled mid-playthrough.
Soldiers with torches appear only during battle and disappear afterward, with no impact on your unit's status.
If used with Raise your Banner mod, both effects will apply simultaneously.
Manual Installation
Download the mod, and unzip.
Drag and drop the mod folder onto the Mount & Blade II Bannerlord\Modules directory.
Check the mod in the game launcher.
Vortex Installation
Download and enable, the same way as with other mods.
It will remain the latest version except Beta version.