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Is there a known reason why my game crashes when i talk to lords? Like, when i click on one, and you have the 3 options to identify yourself, when you click on any of them it crashes.
LockedIf your not going to be bothered to design the proper GoT Map to make it an enjoyable and appropriate GoT Mod then dont bother wasting everyones time making it. Playing GoT using the Bannerlord map is retarded, and wont even work correctly for the historic record, kingdom strategy and so on.
If they could make the proper map for GoT Warband it can be done here or leave it to a professional group!
Can someone upload pictures of the entire troop tree? I like to see the models.They look good.
Can I suggest renaming the mod slightly to game of thrones - a twist of fate as anyone searching for game of thrones on the nexus won’t find this easily.
So, I made a ATC version of your mod, essentially only using the regular Northern and Stark units and adding them in the recruiting lineup, I was wondering if I can either post it up the nexus or send you the zipped folder so you can put it up here in case more people want to use these units without changing everything?
Thanks for your time and for making this amazing mod.-
This mod
Thanks mate, good luck with the rest of the mod, looking forward to Stannis The Mannis
Hello,Your Mod is great! Can I put this mod and the ATC Version on mbbbs.cn? I will mark your link and translate your mod introduction. More Chinese players can know and use your mod.
I will not upload the mod file to Anyother websites, but Please allow me to introduce your mod on MBbbs.cn. It's a great mod. I want to let more Chinese players know about it.
Hey it's me again, I'm trying to port this new version to ATC again, quick questions:
1. Is the .vs folder necessary for the mod to work?
2. The northern units now have their own culture and civillian template that they use, I'll keep the only civillian template they use for the units but I've thought about changing their culture to Sturgian.
3. Still on the topic of culture and civillian template, the Stormlands have their own culture and template, but they don't use either of them, is it supposed to be like that or not?
I think that's all, thanks for your time -
True, I mainly chose the Sturgians because they're the people living in the cold and all that
help im too dumb to figure out how to set the individual house banners up
What are the features of this mod? Does it include improved garrisons, patrol parties, diplomacy fixes etc?
Love it man! Already a very promising mod! Deserves way more popularity, but I'm sure in time people will start to notice :)
Hi, I have several Game of Thrones banners that I found. Two of them I had to fix and i have the codes right here.
House Stark Banner Code:
House Bolton Banner Code:
House Tully Banner Code:
House Baratheon Banner:
Here is Stannis's Banner:
House Targaryen Banner Code:
There is also a House Arryn one but I can't find it.
Update: Here is the House Arryn banner I made.
House Arryn Banner Code: -
Nice. keep it up!