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About this mod

Subtle graphics shaders to remove excessive tint and bring a natural and realistic feel. It will bring depth and immersion with subtle bloom, color correction like in photoshop and more.

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Natural Shaders - Bannerlord

Natural Shaders is a mod where as the title says, gives a natural realistic feel. It will subtly remove excessive tint and normalize it to the colors we see in the real world. It uses techniques Photoshop have to color correct a photo but this time in real time. It brings more depth and immersion by giving a subtle HQ bloom shader to pass through areas that should've been lit and a better grain shader that is in motion, its very subtle and fits perfectly to the atmosphere.

What Natural Shaders offers:
  • Natural and realistic in-game colors with Photoshop color correction.
  • Lightning is improved with a Subtle HQ Bloom to pass though areas that should've been lit.
  • Subtle HQ motion based Grain shader.
  • Clamped highlights is normalized.
  • Everything is subtle just like in real life.


Step 1:
Navigate to %userprofile%\Documents\Mount and Blade II Bannerlord\Configs and find engine_config.txt. Disable these by setting it to zero (0) if its not already.

And optionally activate this one by setting it to one (1):

Step 2:
Download reshade >= 4.6.0 and install to the bannerlord.exe file in \steamapps\common\Mount & Blade II Bannerlord\bin\Win64_Shipping_Client, select the d3d 10/11/12 api version.
Tick all shader boxes except the last one. You might have to scroll.

Step 3:
Download the mod and extract to:
\steamapps\common\Mount & Blade II Bannerlord\bin\Win64_Shipping_Client
Overwrite if needed.

Step 4:
Done, you're ready to play, have fun and enjoy!