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NicoWaves _ Ko4evnik

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  1. Ko4evnik
    • premium
    • 43 kudos
    Known Incompatibilities

    Conflicted mod: Fourberie
    Results: 0% food consumption does not work. (claimed by golgo13131313)

    Conflicted mod: RBM
    Results: breaks some options of this Cheat mod that affects health, and also sometimes caused CTD. (claimed by Webexplr)
    Invincible works incorectly. The character can be hit but does not take health damage. (Tested by me)

    Conflicted mod:  Xorberax Legacy
    Results: messed with the incivible player and invicible party. (claimed by Pascles)

    Conflicted mod:  Better Attributes
    Results: This mod is causing exception when clicking the map. (claimed by CelestialStarmie)

    Conflicted mod: Adjustable Leveling
    Results: As both mod edit the same values. (claimed by CelestialStarmie)

    Conflicted mod: Primae Noctis
    Results: For some reason it preventing cuting through enemys and crushing shields. (claimed by EagleGundam)

    I will add to this list if someone find incompatible mods.
  2. Ko4evnik
    • premium
    • 43 kudos
    Missleading report

    If in the report in the Involved Modules section you see only OnTick patches, then with a probability of 99% it is not the fault of this mod

    To suspect this mod of being involved in the crash, look in the Exception section and look for BannerlordCheats there.
    First of all game don't think this mod is the problem. Crash report that you see is generated by ButterLib mod.
    And don't get me wrong, it's a very cool tool but from the first report like this I knew it would be a disaster of endless reports on any crash in the game since Core.Game.OnTick is called almost every FPS.

    Now, on the subject of Involved Modules in report.
    There's no magic or complex algorithms using AI to find the mod that caused this crash. All that Involved Modules shows is a list of mods that have called their code in the call stack in which the crash occurred. Take a look at the sticked picture of exception. In it you will see the call stack detail, as it is a stack it shows the order of code execution from bottom to top. In Involved Modules you can see that my mod executes its code in the OnTick method. It is number 15 in the stack numbering! I.e. after executing my code nothing broke and the game managed to execute 13 rather large and complex methods and only AIHourlyTick, which is number 1 in the stack, crashed.

    Could my code called by the 15th in the stack cause this crash? I won't say it's impossible in general. This time difference between calling my method and the method where the crash occurred just makes it less likely to happen.

    Why then am I 99% sure and not 70% or 50% sure that it's not related to my mod? Look at the message box in the report.
    It said "Object reference not set to an instance of an object.". In theory, if I found some object that is used in the AIHourlyTick method and nowhere along the way, deleted or modified that object so that it was not available, you would get exactly the same report, and my mod would be at fault.

    And here's what my method does:
    if (SettingsManager.EnableHotkeys.Value && SettingsManager.EnableHotkeyTips.Value)
         Message.Show("Encyclopedia Screen Cheat Hotkeys:");
         Message.Show("CTRL + H: Add 1 soldier of the selected troop type to the party.");
         Message.Show("CTRL + SHIFT + H: Add 10 soldiers of the selected troop type to the party.");
         Message.Show("CTRL + X: Kill the selected character.");
         Message.Show("CTRL + H: Change to the selected character.");
         Message.Show("CTRL + H: Transfer ownership of settlement to you.");
    It prints hints about possibly applying hotkeys! And it prints only if you enable it in the MCM menu. Thats it! My OnTick method does not interact with any game objects , and therefore cannot be to blame for this type of error.

    Why then am I 99% sure and not 100% sure? Because I can't know everything but more importantly you can't forget that this is a multithreaded application. Again, it is possible that another method of mine deleted or corrupted an object in a parallel thread at the moment of AIHourlyTick method execution.But in this case you could hardly play for more than a minute without crashes. And this is almost impossible to debug.
  3. Ko4evnik
    • premium
    • 43 kudos

    Before posting that the mod does not work on x.x.x version of the game
    or some function does not work
    or the game crashes
    you can easily verify whether it is true or not.

    To do so, simply start a new game with this modlist and test it.
    Bannerlord.Harmony: v2.3.1.1200 (or corresponding to your version of the game mod version)
    Bannerlord.ButterLib: v2.8.16.0 (or corresponding to your version of the game mod version)
    Bannerlord.UIExtenderEx: v2.11.0.0 (or corresponding to your version of the game mod version)
    Bannerlord.MBOptionScreen: v5.9.2.0 (or corresponding to your version of the game mod version)
    Native: v1.2.10.44489 (or your version of the game)
    SandBoxCore: v1.2.10.44489 (or your version of the game)
    Sandbox: v1.2.10.44489 (or your version of the game)
    StoryMode: v1.2.10.44489 (or your version of the game)
    CustomBattle: v1.2.10.44489 (or your version of the game)
    BannerlordCheatsReload: e1.2.9.5 (or corresponding to your version of the game mod version)
  4. rua288
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hope that the addition of towns will be effective for AIThe weak faction remained weak until it was destroyed. T T
  5. RedBereli
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Enemis Never Run Away section only works if I'm alive during the battle ? I just wanted to use this mod because of enemy always run away/flee, but I was in a siege defence then I got wounded and enemies started to run away.
  6. nicety14
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Smithing option is very simple, no unmlimited stamina no free material no nothing :(
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hello, can I please update to 1.2.12? I would be very grateful
    1. IvreaMaiku
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      its most likely compatible with 1.2.12, since that update is just a bunch of fixes (im playing on and works fine with 1.2.11)
  8. IvreaMaiku
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Works with Better Attributes as of 1.2.11. In my case, no issue whatsoever
  9. robin19
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    hi can someone test out for me if the cheats all works for the Old Realm mod as i have tried it on my end and i still lose troops and even lose health on my character and my horse even when i had invincible on for my troops my horse and my character as i know other of the cheats works so can someone that play the same mods with is cheat mod also test it out for me?
  10. hoskio
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Anyone know why I crash when I try to load into save or start new one?
    1. DotuLord
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Mod conflict either with another mod or with the base game.
  11. IvreaMaiku
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Fantastic mod! Love the experience multiplier <3
  12. 1061430230
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Great mod, absolutely a lifesaver! Is it possible to add a morale cheat or free prisoner recruit(no morale loss) function in future updates?
    1. Permeg
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      yo i have a question. does your trade skill ever go up?
  13. toboots18
    • supporter
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    Is there anyway to possibly add an option to increase the learning speed for clan members? The option for “player” and “party members” doesn’t apply to clan in my party. Great mod and I have had no issues!