How do you get this working
Can you add instructions to the description on how it's supposed to work, etc.?
А как играть то? Всего два сервака и то на пароле( 😒
а как его установить??
Do this work with Epic Games? Wich server status now?
Man, isn’t this like the 3rd time someone’s tried to force randoms onto their private server ?
If y’all want this to take off, better to just release the actual server files so people can run it themselves.
Far more people interested in a faux coop / private dedicated this day and age than being forced to do it with randoms.
you’d get far more attn to more developers to adapt mods to work on it too -
Why is ther no discord link for NA PB server?
Getting Failed to Join.
And is this still pretty active? -
How do I actually join the game? I go into multiplayer after dowloading mod and activate it, but when i try to join any PB server it says "failed to join" "server not available"
How do I add this to a rented dedicated server? I've uploaded the files but to the modules folder but still not working in game.