This page was last updated on 02 December 2024, 1:19PM
Version v0.1
Final version for TA v0.1+ Reupload 1.12.2024: Each of the three name versions has its own unique directory, ID and name so they can all be installed at the same time and can be switched between them as needed in the Game Launcher. Fixed a bug in one helmet-bevor dummy and nerfed body armor of all bevors, nerfed leather gloves 23 (was 25).
Finished all Late Medieval Era helmet. Added cultural and quality variations for helmets. Added up to 3 non merchandise, **name prefixed replacers (Face Scarf, Steel Bevor, Noble Steel Bevor) for each suitable helmet to overcome BL and RBM limitations.
Version v0.0.9.9
Added Late Medieval Era: Body Armors. Next update final version v0.1 with added Late Medieval Era Helmets.
Version v0.0.9.8
Added Late Medieval Era: Shoulders, Arms and Legs All four mods must be enabled: TA Core, Byzantine, Rus & Mongols and Late Medieval Era Added helmet dummies for both bevors and face scarf, all dummies names start with ** so they are at the beginning of the list in the library and are non merchandise. All dummies hide beards and add appropriate values for face and head armor, which is not possible with shoulder armor in BL and RBM.
Version v0.0.9.5
Added Rus & Mongols. All three mods must be enabled: TA Core, Byzantine and Rus & Mongols If you don't want / can't use some of the submods, for example Rus & Mongols, you have to: - In SubModule.xml delete or comment out <!-- <DependedModule Id="BL.Terra_Armarium.Rus&Mongols"/> --> - Delete / move out (rename the file .xml extension) the relevant files in items folder eg. rusmongols_items_head.xml to rusmongols_items_head.xml.backup, etc.
Version v0.0.9.0
So far only Core and Byzantine. Requires both mods enabled in the Launcher.