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About this mod

This is a file to overhaul your troops to be based on Mongols (mostly) historically accurate with Europe 1100 mod.

Permissions and credits
Get ready to destroy the enemies with Mongolian horsemen as in history. Soldiers' abilities have been adjusted to a slightly better but balanced level to be compatible with RBM and Erik's troop for Europe 1100 mod.

To start with the mod:
1. Go to a town and go to the tavern.
2. In the tavern click on Import XML-flies.
3. Your troop trees should've changed now!
4. Then exit the game and disable the mod(my mod not original MLW) after that enjoy the troop tree.

Also a little note: I didn't edit the elite troop tree before tier 4 troop on purpose because they are not gonna spawn anyway in town or village so no need to worry about them.