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Diplomacy TeamUploaded by
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About this mod
A vanilla-friendly mod for the campaign and sandbox modes of Bannerlord. Diplomacy's goal is to provide balanced, fun, and creative options for characters to have an impact on the world, including both the player and NPCs. Diplomacy creates more believable world behaviors while giving the player the agency to shape their world.
- Requirements
Nexus requirements
Mod name Notes ButterLib Requires v2.9.9 or newer. Harmony Requires 2.3.3 or newer. Mod Configuration Menu Requires 5.10.1 or newer. UIExtenderEx Requires 2.11.0 or newer. Mods requiring this file
- Permissions and credits
Credits and distribution permission
- Other user's assets All the assets in this file belong to the author, or are from free-to-use modder's resources
- Upload permission You are not allowed to upload this file to other sites under any circumstances
- Modification permission You must get permission from me before you are allowed to modify my files to improve it
- Conversion permission You are not allowed to convert this file to work on other games under any circumstances
- Asset use permission You must get permission from me before you are allowed to use any of the assets in this file
- Asset use permission in mods/files that are being sold You are not allowed to use assets from this file in any mods/files that are being sold, for money, on Steam Workshop or other platforms
- Asset use permission in mods/files that earn donation points You are not allowed to earn Donation Points for your mods if they use my assets
Author notes
This author has not provided any additional notes regarding file permissions
File credits
Wesir54 - Used his mod to determine how to set up Harmony and basic logging.
Basilpanda - Used his mod to determine how to set up the settings on the MBOptionsScreen
Nightmaremen- Looked at his mod (DiplomacyReworked) to save time on implementing the Send Messenger functionality.Donation Points system
Please log in to find out whether this mod is receiving Donation Points
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Translations available on the Nexus
Language Name Spanish Author:Osimeus Diplomacy Spanish - v1.2.12 Mandarin Author:DKC Diplomacy - Simplified Chinese German Author:Amalrix Diplomacy (v1.2.13) Deutsch Turkish Author:Mattdown Diplomacy - Turkish Translation 1.2.x Other Author:Cartoonist57 Diplomacy - Traditional Chinese translation Spanish Author:Khotec Diplomacy Spanish v1.2.13 English Author:rihla team Diplomacy Arabic Translation Russian Author:Sweazy Diplomacy Fixes RUSSIAN TRANSLATION Polish Author:Arksit Diplomacy - Polish Translation Portuguese Author:TMGames Diplomacy Traducao PT-BR Turkish Author:Morgoman Diplomacy Turkish Translation - v1.2.10 Japanese Author:SKatagiri Diplomacy - Japanese Translation Russian Author:Sol898 Diplomacy v1.2.13 - Russian Translation French Author:Florian85V Diplomacy - Traduction francaise (MIS A JOUR) Italian Author:Reyngade Diplomacy - Traduzione Italiana Turkish Author:pirvondal Diplomasi Turkce Ceviri 1.1.0'dan 1.2.8'e Spanish Author:Kokemen Diplomacy Spanish Translation by Kokemen Spanish Author:Gorky22 Diplomacy in Spanish for 1.2.7 Turkish Author:SwordK10 Diplomacy v1.2.7 Turkish translate Russian Author:Woozle Diplomacy - Russian Translations Fix Other Author:Yan Lidski - Reiko Belarusian Diplomacy German Author:kingsellone Diplomacy German Translation Portuguese Author:Arhamis Diplomacy Traducao Portugues Ukrainian Author:Tu_DypeNb Ukrainian for Diplomacy Updated German Author:Adiranos Diplomacy German - Deutsch Release Version English Author:reefderl Diplomacy Korean Languge Ver.1.0.0 Polish Author:DhivinX Diplomacy Spolszczenie Mandarin Author:XiWang Diplomacy-Chinese translation 1.8.0 Polish Author:Daedalus Diplomacy - Spolszczenie (Polish translation) Turkish Author:AtamanDms Diplomacy - Turkish Translation Turkish Author:Vatallus Diplomacy 'TR Localization Korean Author:cavekim diplomacy for korea 1.7.1 Turkish Author:alpeerkaraca Diplomacy Turkish Language Support (Latest Diplomacy V1.1.9) German Author:Kontikater Diplomacy - German Russian Author:Diplomacy Team Katarn2000 Diplomacy RUS Spanish Author:Jove Chiere Diplomacy Spanish Spanish Author:cgize Diplomacy - Spanish Korean Author:Bannwbie Diplomacy (Korean translation) Other Author:TuDypeNb Ukrainian for Diplomacy Mandarin Author:FranciscoLos Diplomacy - Chinese translation Turkish Author:Emre Uygun Diplomacy Turkish Translation - Game Ver. e.1.6.0(BETA) Turkish Author:LOWALES Diplomasi Fixes Turkish translation 1.5.9 Korean Author:Gyular Diplomacy Fixes Korean Translation Mandarin Author:WPB DiplomacyFixes Experimental Beta - Chinese Translation Mandarin Author:blenkor Diplomacy Fixes_Chinese Translation Turkish Author:FLESHCER DiplomacyFixes Turkish Translation - Changelogs
Version v1.2.13
- Adapted for v1.2.10.
- Updated translations from Crowdin.
Version v1.2.12
- Added Xbox support
- Restored version support
Version v1.2.6
- Adapted for latest game versions.
- Reworked Diplomacy Kingdom Elimination option description and implementation for v1.2.X game versions.
Version v1.2.5
- Fixed a crash on making peace when War Exhaustion is disabled.
- Fixed a crash after loading a save when attempting to fix any faulty factions (again).
- Fixed a bug due to which kingdoms were sometimes not destroyed when they should have been.
- Fixed a bug due to which War Exhaustion breakdowns were sometimes showing wrong values (unaffected by rates).
- Making peace should now use all of the mod's enabled mechanics, no matter what interface option was used for it.
- Adjusted the calculation of war reparations to make it even more lenient.
- Adjusted the way war reparations are gathered by the paying kingdom to make it less stressful.
- Adjusted the way war reparations are distributed among the winning faction.
- Adjusted the calculation and default values for some of the War Exhaustion entries.
- Adjusted War Exhaustion rates calculation.
- Adjusted descriptions of some settings for clarity.
- Added an option to disable the elimination of fiefless kingdoms.
- Added an option to disable fief repatriation after losing a war.
Version v1.2.4
- Fixed a crash after loading a save when attempting to fix any faulty factions.
- Fixed a bug due to which the factions checkup did not always work as intended.
- Fixed a bug where war exhaustion was still not initialized properly when declaring a war.
- Fixed a bug due to which NAPs and Alliances were evaluated for the wrong side of the agreement.
Version v1.2.3
- Fixed a bug where war exhaustion was not reseted when making peace and not initialized properly when declaring wars.
- Fixed a crash that happened sometimes when sponsor clan was removed from a faction.
Version v1.2.2
- Added a way to add casualties that are not related to map events.
- Adjusted war reparations calculation and related setting defaults to be considerably more mild.
- Adjusted default settings for Kingdom Diplomacy.
- Gold and Influence costs are joined under a single Costs heading for better usability.
- Made sure that the settings are reset to default when you first start the game after updating from previous versions of the mod.
Version v1.2.1
- Fixed rare crash that happened when War Exhaustion event precedes the war.
Version v1.2.0
- Adapted for v1.1.0
- Diplomacy events should now be ready to be a part of the public API, if we ever have one.
- Changed some setting hints to make them clearer.
- Fixed excessive UI overlap when repeatedly pressing the Factions button in the Encyclopedia.
- Better compatibility with other Encyclopedia mods for Faction page.
- Diplomacy console commands should no longer cause crashes when executed from the main menu.
- Added diplomacy.form_non_aggression_pact console command.
- Added diplomacy.break_non_aggression_pact console command.
- Added diplomacy.legitimize_rebel_kingdom console command to help fix broken civil wars.
- Fixed diplomacy.set_war_exhaustion console command.
- Fixed some cost calculations using wrong settings.
- Added Kingdom Wallet costs. They are used to pay war reparations and other interstate payments.
- Diplomatic actions now include up to 3 different costs: a gold cost (usually representing organizational expenses and benefiting no one), an influence cost, and a kingdom wallet cost (used for interstate payments when required).
- Added settings for proper calculating of gold and kingdom wallet costs.
- Adjusted kingdom scaling factor calculation for kingdoms with mercenary clans.
- Adjusted kingdom scaling factor calculation to be more notable for larger kingdoms.
- Donating gold to a clan now affects character traits.
- Fixed a bug preventing faction to consolidate when its demands are fulfilled.
- Fixed a bug where eliminated clans were not removed from factions.
- Fixed several crashes related to factions and Civil Wars.
- Made some overall stability improvements.
- Added a checkup on game load to fix the most common issues with current factions and civil wars from older saves.
- Fixed a bug due to which messengers did not move if the game was not saved and reloaded after sending the messenger.
- Restricted sending messengers only to the people you personally met or at least likely to know of, in order to keep intended game pace.
- Added a chance of messengers not reaching their target (road accidents).
- Added new mod settings to regulate new changes to messengers.
- Making peace without an election, whether it be from Kingdom Management or due to War Exhaustion, now imposes a tribute as usual.
- Making peace while on Critical War Exhaustion may result in war reparations being paid, if the other side is winning the War Exhaustion race.
- Losing a war due to War Exhaustion may result in some or even all of the territories captured by the defeated side being returned to the victor.
- A faction without fiefs is now destroyed if it loses the last ongoing war due to War Exhaustion.
- Fixed an issue where War Exhaustion report showed incorrect breakdown numbers if Exhaustion gain settings were changed during the war.
- Added War Exhaustion numbers to the campaign map indicator.
- Optimized the performance of the War Exhaustion map indicator.
- Added UI notification and explanation when War Exhaustion is critical.
- Critical War Exhaustion now affects Kingdom Management.
- Added UI notification when War Exhaustion can not be fully applied due to a campaign questline.
- Active questline now prevents War Exhaustion raising above the critical threshold, rather than capping it at 100%.
- Losing all fiefs no longer instantly raises War Exhaustion to its cap, but moderately increases it and effectively puts a fiefless faction on a timer, greatly increasing its daily Exhaustion gain.
- Some War Exhaustion events now can optionally be accounted for with diminishing returns, preventing rapid and meaningless Exhaustion accumulation when, for example, a single settlement is repeatedly recaptured by the belligerents.
- Added a setting allowing for War Exhaustion multipliers to be set differently for every side of the conflict, depending on the factions individual power scores.
- Added new War Exhaustion entries: heroes imprisoned and heroes perished. Both take into account hero significance for the faction.
- Added new War Exhaustion entry: caravans raided.
- Successful castle sieges now add half as much War Exhaustion as towns.
- Added detailed tooltips to War Exhaustion breakdown numbers in the report.
- War Exhaustion for all ongoing conflicts will be recalculated on first save load according to current mod settings.
Version v1.1.19
- Fixed a crash that occurred for some users on mod loading.
- Fixed a crash that occurred when pressing the "Grant fief" button multiple times in a row in Encyclopedia.
- Granting a fief to a clan would no longer worsen relations with mercenary clans or clans that own considerably more land.
- Granting fief interface now includes the name of the clan you are granting a fief to.
Version v1.1.18
- Fixed a crash that occurred when sending a Messenger to a hero in the field.
- Fixed a rare crash that sometimes occurred in Kingdom Management.
- Fixed a rare crash that occurred on Encyclopedia Hero page when the hero was imprisoned by leaderless party.
Version v1.1.17
- Recompiled for v1.0.2.
- Fixed several issues with the Diplomacy panel in Kingdom Management.
- Fixed several issues with peace and war restrictions not applying properly.
- Fixed a crash that occurred when sending a Messenger to a factionless hero.
- Fixed a crash that occurred when trying to create a caravan using a Messenger.
- Messengers now use correct scene for the conversation.
- Messengers can no longer freely access highborn locations unless you can.
- The speed of Messengers now depends on the maximum arrival time.
- Added an explanation for why some characters may not be available to send Messengers to.
- Made some adjustments to setting hints related to Messengers to make them clearer.
- Added a separate option to show/hide war exhaustion indicator on the campaign map.
- Fixed an issue where the detailed war exhaustion report would sometimes have odd formatting.
- Peace treaties no longer force NAPs, but the war cooldowns are intact.
- Adjusted the cost of declaring war and making peace without holding elections.
Version v1.1.16
- Fixed more issues with eliminated factions
- Better compatibility with other encyclopedia mods for Hero page
- Fixed some inaccurate settings descriptions
Version 1.1.12
- Update dependencies to fix 1.8.0 hotfix crash
- Fix faction selection issue in the kingdom diplomacy view
- Fix messenger teleportation issue
Version 1.1.11
- Compatibility with e1.8.0
Version 1.1.10
- Compatibility with e1.7.2
Version 1.1.9
- Compatibility with e1.7.0
- Another messengers fix
- Messengers fix
- Updated for e1.6.3, e1.6.4 and e1.6.5
- Resumed changelog
Version 1.1.2
- Fixed crash that occurs when a player initiates a conversation via messenger with a hero in a settlement.
Version 1.1.1
- Add support for Bannerlord e1.6.0.
- Resolved incompatibility with the developer console mod.
- Fixed issue where mercenaries could join or create factions.
- Fixed issue where changing kingdoms as mercenary clan wouldn't refresh the war exhaustion UI. This may still occur in e1.5.10 but is definitely resolved in e.1.6.0.
- Added an explicit dependency on UIExtenderEx.
- Properly enforce faction creation criteria for players. Removed the cancel faction creation option.
- Fixed some issues with localization.
- Fixed issue where faction creation bug where the player may pay influence but a faction would not be created.
- Updated the way messengers work to support 1.6.0. Should resolve any issues with recruiting wanderers via messenger.
Version 1.1.0
- Added Factions and Civil Wars. Players and AI clans may create or join factions. If a faction gains enough support, they will start a civil war as rebels. If the rebels wins the war, their demand will be applied. If the loyalists win, the rebel clans will return to the kingdom. Victors in the war (rebels or loyalists) also receive an influence gain and relations with their comrades. The losers of the war will lose influence.
- The Faction window can be accessed as a tab in the Kingdom management screen or the Encyclopedia on each Kingdom's page. The Faction window is used to create, join, or track factions in the world.
- Faction tendency (the willingness of AI to create or join factions) can be tweaked in the mod options.
- Added a score penalty to forming multiple Non-Aggression Pacts. Should stop Non-Aggression pact spam by the AI.
- Increased the base score for forming alliances by 20. Should increase the number of alliances that the AI form.
- Player rulers are now forced into a peace agreement when their kingdom's war exhaustion reaches its maximum.
- Bannerlord e1.5.10 compatibility. Special thanks to ToCheckOn for helping on this.
- Added a real-time display of the player's wars at the top of the screen with the current war exhaustion for both factions. Only shows when war exhaustion is enabled in the mod options.
- Added a Non-Aggression Pact Tendency and Alliance Tendency setting. Allows the player to tune the AI's desire to enter these agreements.
- Various updates to the Kingdom Diplomacy screen.
- Kingdom banner elements now properly word wrap.
- Updated the spacing and layout of the action buttons.
- Support for 1.5.10 additions to the screen. (thanks to ToCheckOn!)
- Improved Encyclopedia compatibility by patching using UIExtenderEx instead of overriding Encyclopedia prefabs.
- Reordered some options in Diplomacy's MCM menu.
- Removed CN translations because it is not being updated in official releases.
- Fixed bug where a messenger could arrive at a character engaged in battle and cause a crash.
- Donations
Straight donations accepted
- Messengers
- Alliances
- Non-Aggression Pacts
- Grant fiefs to clans in your kingdom
- Claiming fiefs that you led the assault on
- Improved Diplomacy User Interface
- Vassal Diplomacy Control
- War Exhaustion
- Expansionism
- Donate Money to Lords
- Influence Balancing
- Factions and Civil Wars
- Secede from an existing kingdom.
- Force the ruler of a kingdom to abdicate the throne.
Diplomacy requires the following dependencies. You may need to update them to run the mod:
- Harmony: Requires 2.3.3 or newer
- ButterLib: Requires 2.9.9 or newer
- UIExtenderEx: Requires 2.11.0 or newer.
- Mod Configuration Menu: Requires 5.10.1 or newer
The recommended installation procedure for Diplomacy is through Vortex. Simply download and enable the mod through Vortex, ensuring that the dependencies are loaded first in the load order. Do not use Vortex for mod ordering and/or launching the game though, it sometimes has issues that a hard to diagnose.
It is strongly recommended to use Bannerlord Software Extender (BLSE). BLSE takes care of many potential headaches when using mods.
Diplomacy is compatible with the vast majority of mods. It can be installed mid-game with no issues. It can be removed at any time.
Bug Report
Create bug reports either through Nexus or by creating an issue on the Github repository.
This mod has full localization support. Feel free to create translation mods! Or you can help work on built-in, community-managed translations via Crowdin.
Can I install this midgame?
Diplomacy can be added or removed at any part of a campaign or sandbox game of Bannerlord.
How does Diplomacy work with saves that use Diplomacy Fixes?
Diplomacy replaces Diplomacy Fixes. When upgrading from Diplomacy Fixes, ensure that you disable or remove Diplomacy Fixes before enabling Diplomacy. Any save data from Diplomacy Fixes should be retained if you load a save created with Diplomacy Fixes enabled.
My game crashes!
Provide a crash report. A full crash report, not a screenshot or copypasted part of it! Any reports of your game crashing without a submitted crash report will not be investigated. Most likely they will not even be answered, or the answer will be just a copy of this text.
Join our community Discord Server for discussion, bug reports, suggestions, etc.
Note that the previous server is currently unmoderated and has been infiltrated by spammers, so the new server should be preferred.
The Diplomacy Team:
Special thanks to any other contributors to the project, who can be seen on the Github repository.