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Created by

Double Collazo

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  1. DoubleCollazo
    • supporter
    • 7 kudos
    If you have some issues with the mod please watch my YouTube video, I explain about the development of the mod and show some problems and bugs that are already known!
    The RV don't have furniture or anything else, it's just the vehicle.

    Try to use automatic translation.

    YouTube Video Hayosiko RV Safari
  2. Kassu1234
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    could you tell me how to make the hayosiko normal again? i have deleted the files to it yet the meshlap is still there. just please respond.
    1. FittanSiko
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      redownload game
  3. stikynotes
    • member
    • 5 kudos
    would there be anyway to change the textures of the RV addon?
    1. FittanSiko
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      unity assets explorer i think
  4. Gavin12124
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    What mod do i use for the furniture? when downloading the mod it doesnt say the mod needed for the furniture, can you link me to the furniture mod?
    1. FittanSiko
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      in description
  5. Is the mod still compatible with the new MSC update?
  6. 4cringe
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Maybe support for hayosiko turbo?
    edit : Nevermind there's a compatibility dll
  7. can someone upload the original assets? i accidentaly deleted them
    1. DoubleCollazo
      • supporter
      • 7 kudos
      If you dont have backup you can verify your installed files on Steam.
      - Go to MSC on your Steam library.
      - Right click in the MSC and click in properties.
      - Go to installed files and click in verify integrity of game files.
      Steam will update your game with the original files.
    2. appreciate it man
  8. makspro97
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    How to delete this mod? Help me please i want my old hayosiko back :(
    1. DoubleCollazo
      • supporter
      • 7 kudos
      If you dont have backup you can verify your installed files on Steam.
      - Go to MSC on your Steam library.
      - Right click in the MSC and click in properties.
      - Go to installed files and click in verify integrity of game files.
      Steam will update your game with the original files.
  9. timbudna
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Nice skin for the hayosiko, but unfortunately it seems impossible to refuel the campervan with this mod
  10. ataparator
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    It still has issues because its an incomplete mod. But I believe that this mod will improve over time and the bugs will be corrected. please dont stop developing the mod because it will be very successful if its bugs are fixed.
  11. Wigonardo250
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Would be nice if it was an actual RV not just Hayosiko with RV look. I can't lie I can't find sense in something like that due to the lack of actual things in there like a place to sleep or something. RV is supposed to have bed, stove, toilet, shower and etc. The mod or more of assets are very cool tho.
    1. DoubleCollazo
      • supporter
      • 7 kudos
      I understood bro, I dont intend to leave the mod like this, I still want to add furniture in the future, but until that happens, whoever wants to can have this cool experience.