Vol. 8 is out, really hope this gets updated, I am as well as looking forward to using this mod, was gonna try it rn, but idk if it would work with the current version of the game. :)
not sure if its just out of date (since there was a small update a few days ago) or if ive done something wrong it crashes my game when i load into solo
Spooks5566 mentioned this site which cannot be reached - https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/746406216544157817/1070695386982928496/Unbound_Reckless_Reborn.fbmod. So basically speaking Spooks is a lying false advertising person.
(reuploaded 2nd Jan 2024)
Have no time to update game everytime.
Maybe backup them, remove and try to launch again.
Let me know, thanks.
shame because it looks good.
Don't bother with this mod, it's basically a reckless reborn reskin and there's much better. Just get Reckless Reborn, to anyone who sees this.