About this mod
This is the official port of the Pipboy Readius mod from Fallout 3. It replaces the regular ingame Pipboy with a handheld Readius-like device. It also removes the default Pipboy from the player\'s arm, as well as the accompanying glove.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
open your console and type this ... player.equipitem 15038[/size]
Pipboy Readius - New Vegas Edition
Version: 1.1.0
Date: November 10, 2010
Category: Models and Textures
Requirements: NVSE Beta 2 or higher, Ability to Read
Authors: AlexScorpion and Brianide
[size="5"][b]I AM SPECTACULARLY STUPID (NOV. 10, 2010)
The last upload contained the old ESP. The new upload contains the new one. Let's all pretend that this little incident did not transpire and overlook the fact that I am a complete ass.
UPDATE (NOV. 10, 2010)
The new version requires NVSE Beta 2 or higher. If you do not have NVSE or do not have Beta 2 or higher, please get it here.
Also, FOV options have been added to the mod options, accessible via the [Pip-Boy Readius Options] aid item.
The armor repair glitch should be corrected now. Thanks to Antistar for recommending a working fix.
Finally, the models, textures, and other resources are now packed into a BSA file. Users upgrading from version 1.00 can delete the following files, as they are no longer necessary, though leaving them should not cause issues:
FILE meshes\characters\_1stperson\locomotion\male\pipboy.kf
FILE meshes\characters\_1stperson\locomotion\female\pipboyfemale.kf
FOLDER meshes\scorptech
FOLDER sound\fx\ui\pipboy
FOLDER textures\pipboy3000
FOLDER textures\scorptech[/size]
== Description ==
This is the official port of the Pipboy Readius mod from Fallout 3. It replaces the regular ingame Pipboy with a handheld Readius-like device. It also removes the default Pipboy from the player's arm, as well as the accompanying glove.
== Differences from Fallout 3 Version ==
- Controllers work. This is something we received a lot of complaints about in Fallout 3. Credit for this is mostly due to Vivanto, so you should all express your gratitude by appropriating him his deserved kudos (see Credits section at bottom for link).
- The Pip-Boy light is no longer remapped. There is now an Aid item "[Pip-Boy Readius Options]" which can be used to access the uninstallation menu, should the need arise.
== Installation ==
1.) Extract the files to a temporary location.
2.) Examine the folder structure and make corrections where necessary.
3.) Copy files to (install folder)\Fallout3\Data\
4.) Start the Fallout New Vegas launcher, click Data, and place a checkmark beside Readius_NV.esp.
== Uninstallation ==
This is currently a rather unpleasant task; it'll be better automated when a suitable mod manager exists.
1.) Open the mod options menu and choose the "Uninstall Mod" option.
2.) Reequip your armor, save, and quit.
3.) Deactivate Readius_NV.ESP.
4.) Optionally, delete Readius_NV.ESP and Readius_NV.BSA.
5.) Load the save and play as normal.
== Known Issues ==
- The Readius does not appear in your hand until your hand stops moving. Hoping to fix in the near future.
- Rarely, ironsights will temporarily fail to appear. Opening and closing the Pip-Boy menu seems to fix this. Still trying to isolate the cause of this one.
== Version History ==
v.1.1.0- Fixed the NVSE check notification so that it properly antagonizes users who have neglected to install it
- Fixed armor repair bug (thanks, Antistar)
- Added ability to change FOV distance via ingame options
- Packed resource files into a BSA archive to ease of (un)installation
v.1.0.0- Initial release
== Credits and Kudos ==
Modeled and Animated by AlexScorpion
Scripted by Brianide
Special Thanks to Vivanto for his contributions to the script.
Kudos links, for those feeling generous:
http://www.fallout3nexus.com/modules/members/kudos.php?id=341894 - AlexScorpion
http://www.newvegasnexus.com/modules/members/kudos.php?id=1273328 - Vivanto
http://www.fallout3nexus.com/modules/members/kudos.php?id=821309 - Brianide
== Legal ==
You must contact AlexScorpion before repackaging any part of this mod. If you do not receive a response within two weeks, feel free to do whatever you like with this mod, so long as its authors receive proper attribution.
Contact Brianide for inquiries concerning the script.