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death knowz and thecaptainhere

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  1. deathknowz
    • supporter
    • 240 kudos
    Ok. Here goes.

    • The ENB I was using is this (It was a long time ago, ok ):
    • Yes, this works with Fallout 3, but only the replacer version. Install it to your Fallout 3 like you would have installed it to New Vegas.
    • The headmesh my character is using is the vanilla head mesh.
    • I created my character as a preset in the GECK and did minor tweaks in game. 
    • The collars are from Vegas Chokers.
    • The neck seam is not going to be fixed, as I am far from a texture artist and don't play this game anymore.
    • If your character's face is purple, you installed the mod incorrectly or don't have Archive Invalidation enabled.
    • I will NOT be adding support for anime hair mods. 
    • And because I'm still getting PMs and comments about my character; it won't be released. Don't bother. 
    • Lastly kids, your Donkey Kong jokes are lame.
    1. TikeRike
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Why won't you release your character, out of curiosity?
    2. deathknowz
      • supporter
      • 240 kudos
      Because it's my own creation, with it's own story and personality traits. I dislike the idea of some random kid out there tossing screenshots of her in anime outfits with bright pink hair on the nexus or his/her home forum.
    3. BlazingBarrager
      • premium
      • 7 kudos
      Amen to that. Let people come up with their own characters and leave it at that without having to share.
    4. deathknowz
      • supporter
      • 240 kudos
      My thoughts exactly. Just because a person isn't happy with what they came up with doesn't mean I'm obligated to give them what I came up with. That's like going to a car meet in a beater and seeing a car someone else built, and asking for it. Haha
    5. TikeRike
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Fair enough, thanks for the reply.
    6. trickyfoxx
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Hey how do I fix the pink face issue I'm not the only one with it reading down the comment list others have it to
    7. bobbythecamel
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Edit: nvm I got it working!!

      So you REALLY used a vanilla race (hispanic maybe ?) It`s unbelievable!!
      Each time I try to make a face in the geck or CK I just stop doing it cause the FoV in the render window just messes up the look and confuses me, it`s too big for that small screen. Any tips ?

      ps +1 on the whole anime thing xD but it still sucks to not have her out as a preset, there`s only two presets I`ve seen on the nexus that blew my mind, this and which is quite similar to yours.
    8. deathknowz
      • supporter
      • 240 kudos
      You can make the window for creating a face in geck fullscreen by dragging th corners.
    9. shadow4thief
      • premium
      • 2 kudos
      Hello just wondering how you made your character look like she does, not trying to copy but want to know if you used any special tools, thanks and cheers for the textures.
    10. deathknowz
      • supporter
      • 240 kudos
      Only special tips I can share is to go into the GECK, reset the preset and manipulate it from there
    11. Archer1
      • member
      • 34 kudos
      Sorry, I can't help but hate you for not releasing her. It's like creating the best game ever and keeping it to yourself while teasing others with pics. That's just mean. But seriously, she is THAT gorgeous.
    12. deathknowz
      • supporter
      • 240 kudos
      You should see half the messages I've gotten since i first uploaded this mod. I'm used to the hate I receive over not wanting to release my character. :/
    13. highhthere
      • premium
      • 351 kudos
      What a shame, some people really have nothing better to do. ;;
      She is gorgeous and we are privileged enough that you would share her face textures with us.
      Especially since they are such high quality.
      So thank you for doing so, this mod makes characters look amazing!
    14. deathknowz
      • supporter
      • 240 kudos
      Thank you!
    15. virreah
      • BANNED
      • 0 kudos
      So you lure people with fake images, expecting to get that exact face after enabling the mod.. Great.
    16. deathknowz
      • supporter
      • 240 kudos
      "Fake images". Are you dumb in the face?
    17. ThePokePoacher
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      dude he made his character the way it is if you want a character as good looking as his make it yourself
    18. User_6538413
      • account closed
      • 0 kudos
      I cannot agree enough, i am so sick of seeing all of this weeaboo s#*! all over the nexus, it looks so bad.
    19. cwmilton
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Hey Man, Nice mod!
      It looks great! Sucks tho that you can't give out your character, but I can live with it, like you I don't want to see my character in anime hair or clothes.

    20. MadHasAHatter
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Okay i understand that you dont play NV anymore, hell i have fallout 4 and i still play FO3 and NV still, the matter that fact that is the neck seam is crappy and not to mention the eyes dont work, your LINK on YOUR page doesn't go to anything
    21. MihoSan217
      • premium
      • 8 kudos
      You can use a different set of eyes besides the one he provided. Probably the mod was hidden or deleted.

      Some examples:

      You can probably find more as these are just samples to replace them.

      Edit: this can work with Fallout New Vegas. Just drop em like normal.
    22. deathknowz
      • supporter
      • 240 kudos
      Links are outdated? That’s wild. It’s almost like I uploaded this 7 years ago or something.

      That’s wild.
    23. TheHandsomeArrow
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      Can we use this with type 3 body or does this mess with body mods too?
    24. AllThingsArgonian
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Preach to that, that's why i'm kinda against releasing the companions i've made (mostly super mutants) my main thinking is that they'll take screenshots of them in a foot fetish or some weird inflation pose s#*! XD
    25. yummy2
      • member
      • 45 kudos
      As he said he also had eye mods. Her eyes and lips had the biggest impact on her look, aside from the lighting.

      This was the best I could do with the vanilla character creator; notice the small, plain looking eyes and thinner lips:
    26. XBL1313
      • member
      • 11 kudos
      I couldn't agree more. I'd feel the same if someone did that to my character. Those kinds of gamers clearly have no imagination.
    27. lintlickers420
      • BANNED
      • 0 kudos
      you're def a dumb little teenage kid deathknowz, go cry to mommy
    28. SweetieLoveLuck
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      just looked at that last comment lol wow  some people just wana be a jerk so badly they they throw out what's spos to be an insult but has literaly no context and makes very little sence its tarable, glad they got baned 
    29. Cyrocynical
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      In response to lickers420, this is probably the funniest comment i have ever seen tbh, mod was posted back in 2010 then they said the creator dude was a teenager lmao.
    30. yesman431
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      "Because it's my own creation, with it's own story and personality traits" she's not real dude lol its a 13 year old videogame lmfao
    31. yesman431
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      "That's like going to a car meet in a beater and seeing a car someone else built, and asking for it. Haha" if I could make infinite copies of my nice expensive car, any argument for why I shouldn't make a copy and give it away to someone seizes to exist outside of "I don't want you to have a car that looks like mine haha" which is fine but your analogy assumes scarcity on your part, a car cant be theoretically reproduced ad infinitum. 
    32. yesman431
      • member
      • 0 kudos
  2. danielcool15
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    What is the best mods use to combo this?
  3. shadowmagix
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    This is still one of the GOATs. Looks great with Reloaded
  4. MoonStarfall
    • member
    • 6 kudos
    "And lastly, my character used in the images will not be released. Don't PM me about it. Don't leave a comment about it. Don't email me about it. You will be ignored."

    It's SO weird when people are like this over characters they made in a video game. 
  5. angenwn
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    What ENB do you use?
  6. Ionutro
    • premium
    • 9 kudos
    Does this work with the Zion natives?
  7. marksmods202
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    will this work with type3?
  8. ShawnAdam8276
    • premium
    • 27 kudos
    I wanted to say thank you for this mod and it really improves upon vanilla Caucasian presets.  Thanks again!
  9. Cyrenite
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Anyone have any advice on creating characters in the GECK?
  10. LuckyGoldenCarrot
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    I'm experiencing a problem where npc faces are much more pale compared to the body.
    I'm using this body mod Mojave Delight For Type 6 Body with this face mod.

     I tried editing bLoadFaceGenHeadEGTFiles in all three fallout ini's to no avail. Help appreciated.
  11. AnunCeight
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Texture looks great in game.

    Heck, I know it's ancient history, but I sort wish you would upload her (or a similar one so she can stay yours) just so I could use her as a template. I've been fighting with creating a character in the geck that isn't a hideous, broken monster for hours... I commend your skills with this frustrating tool.