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First off I'd like to credit the fallowing people and their mods for this this mod to be possible.
CS aka Mush and T-Mush-S for making and uploading the lightsaber quest for Fallout 3.
CS aka Mush and ahill33 for making the "sith" lightsaber sounds.
Ghogiel for making the new lightsaber model and textures which this saber model is based on.
So since there is no lightsaber quest for NV yet I made this for the time being, so you actually have to work for your saber.
The saber itself requires high science skill to make (around 70) and you need a lot of parts for it, the most important one being the crystal.
There are 12 different crystals that are: Blue, Green, Red, Purple, Orange; Viridian, Cerulean, Yellow, Silver, Black, Indigo and Vermilion. The crystals can be found in some of the caves in NV, some are more easily optained than others but all are in somewhat dangerous locations.
The crystal formations are the size of metal crate and glow brightly so it's hard to miss them once you are in the same room.
The lightsaber does around 80 damage, 40 base and 40 crit and it always hits critically.
To make the saber, you need: 1 fission battery, 1 camera, 1 stealth boy, 2 scrap electronics and 2 scrap metals; then you can make the "lightsaber frame", after which you can combine the frame with the crystal of your choosing. This is a workbench recipe.
The crystals can be found from the fallowing locations:
Camp Guardian Caves - Blue, Silver Peak Mine - Cerulean, Search Light Goldmine North - Green, Ruby Hill Mine - Orange, Black Rock Cave - Purple, Bloodborne Cave - Red, Dead Wind Cavern - Silver, Charleston Cave - Viridian, Sulfur Cave (vault 19) - Yellow, Lake Mead Cave - Black, Fire Root Cavern - Indigo and Walking Box Cavern - Vermilion.