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About this mod

If you have played my mod Lyons recoverey operation than i will tell you that mod was a sort of tiny demo compared to this mod in thsi mod lyons has sent a coloney of soldiers and scribes to the Las vegas area (see the story in the description to find out why) but now you will find the dc brotherhood fighting alongside ncr troops to geting pissed o

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Story sow far
After the final Enclave battle at Adams Air Force Base, the Brotherhood of Steel in DC was left with all sorts of interesting and amazing technology, such as advanced power armor, energy weapons, and more importantly parts to rebuild Liberty Prime. Not long afterwards, they destroyed the Super Mutants and Raiders in the DC area, giving the Brotherhood full control over the Capital Wasteland. With Liberty Prime in the Brotherhood's hands, Scribe Rothchild believed that the higher elders would overlook Lyons' attachment to the local population of DC and allow them back into the real Brotherhood. So Lyons launched an expedition back to the west coast. Lyons sent 13 brotherhood soldiers and scribes to explore the area. So, while they were in their vertibird, they picked up a strange signal coming from what was know as Las Vegas. Unknowing of there lack of fuel, they landed at the heart of the signal which was the Enclave Remnants bunker. The Brotherhood entered the bunker to find a stockpile of T-45D power armors and laser rifles, as well as an anti tank howitzer and an empty vertibird. But the Brotherhood's vertibird was out of fuel and the fuel tank in the bunker was empty. So, the Brotherhood decided to set up a base of operations in Las Vegas, and they did so. After a few months, the Brotherhood had gained full access to the Enclave bunker and were able to use their long rang communications array to talk to Lyons and the rest of the East Coast Brotherhood. However, Lyons did not send anymore vertibirds to pick them up, but gave them orders to maintain the base they had set up there until he arranged to send a fall colony to Vegas to help the people there. So, the Brotherhood are still there waiting for Lyons arranged to send the colony

Story when this mod is instailled
Finally elder Lyons was able to get that colony sent to las Vegas and now the DC brotherhood of steel are up and running in new Vegas they have set up many outposts in the area such as bolder city and the 188 trading route and have landed vertibirds in key areas to perform certain tasks such a the 8 manned landed vertibird in hidden valley looking to make contact with the west coast brotherhood again or the 5 manned and 1 robot vertibird unit at the nuclear test sight
But the primary orders for the colony was to make contact with the NCR and they did they both saw eye to eye on almost everything about each other and as such formed an alliance the NCR would help the brotherhood secure the new Vegas area and allow brotherhood troops to use there monorail at camp McCarran as well as giving the brotherhood 10% of the power harvested by hover dam as long as the BOS did key things to help the NCR the main key things being help the NCR keep its boarders safe send the brotherhoods best power armor specialist to train the NCR Heavy troopers in proper use of the power armor give the NCR more water purifying machines and finally to share all 10% of all technology the brotherhood find a use now some of you may be wondering why would the NCR share all these things when they could simple take them why not just over run the DC BOS like they did with the west coast BOS ? Well let me tell you first off the DC BOS had access to thousands of vertibirds (recovered at Adams air force base) as well a liberty prime but they were not the main reasons however as most of you know the DC brotherhood of steel had not problems with recruiting outsiders and waselanders into there ranks as such the DC BOS had so great numbers that they ALMOST out number the NCR itself (with the DC BOS getting almost all the east coast as there recruits ) and to that end if the NCR went to war with Lyons they would be beat by not only the Tec but they would have also lost there advantage of swarming numbers (which they had over the west coast BOS ) and so they formed the alliance

1.A DC BOS outpost in bolder city
2.A DC BOS outpost at the 188 trading post
3.DC BOS Patrol vertibird soldier units at
A. Hidden valley
B. The nuclear testing ground and
4.also you will find the DC BOS helping the NCR examples
A. In camp forlorn hope you will find a landed BOS vertibird with troops and medicine with it now in the camp also the are two brotherhood doctors added to the medical tent in camp forlorn hope
B. At camp McCarran you will find a landed DC BOS vertibird with two BOS soldiers guarding it and a Brotherhood paladin Training a group of 6ish NCR heavy troopers in the use of power armor
5. Also you will see some Brotherhood action on the New Vegas Strip. You will find Drunk BOS Scribes and Soldiers partying on the strip but also a DC BOS landed vertibird on the strip with some guards AND you will also find two DC BOS ambassador Guards guarding the front door of the Lucky 38 but why? You will find out in a future Expansion packs


1.Makeing Big MT the LBOS HQ for the New Vegas area

2.More outpost (please leve a comment on where outposts should be)

3.Further brotherhood support given to the NCR (I may turn about 40% of the NCR forces in new Vegas into Brotherhood soldiers)

4.Chance for the player to join the LBOS (WILL NEED ALOT OF HELP WITH THIS)

5.LBOS Strip (Maybe not sure if its worth doing with all the strip mods out there)

And thats it if you have any ideas please leve a comment and I will write it up here if I will start planning on doing it