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  1. WotansGlory
    • member
    • 22 kudos
    Are you still working on this mod? I'd love to have some more Legion quests.
    1. gabriel77dan
      • member
      • 5 kudos
      Still on a hiatus from the game so uh, yes and no, no as in not at the moment and won't be for quite a while but yes as in whenever I do start playing New Vegas again I will likely try to finish this mod.
    2. Is this voice acted?
    3. gabriel77dan
      • member
      • 5 kudos
  2. Does this mod add that Caesars Handwriting letter in Legion Radi Camp,I f*#@ing loled so hard,it definitly explains some of the Legion actions
  3. gabriel77dan
    • member
    • 5 kudos
    Updated the mod with perk checks, skill checks and dialogue options exclusive to certain player actions.
  4. gabriel77dan
    • member
    • 5 kudos
    Updated the mod with branching dialogue.
  5. gabriel77dan
    • member
    • 5 kudos
    I'm currently looking at a video of how to create branching dialogue and I wrote up a pitch of how I want this characters dialogue to play out.

    Check it out and feel free to criticize.
    If I learn how to do branching dialogue then I will implement that dialogue set-up.
  6. gabriel77dan
    • member
    • 5 kudos
    Every piece of information about this mod is already in the description and in the screenshots.

    He's part of the Legion faction which means he'll attack you if you are enemy of Legion or in NCR disguise.
    He sells Survival ingredients, food and tribal remedies as well as Nuka Cola.
    He can be found in Legion Raid Camp.

    There isn't any more information that I can give.
    I've changed the name though, I realized that he sells more than poisons and that it's silly to name it after a tiny branch of supplies he has.

    But fine, I'll add additional information.
  7. Gremyo
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    This seems like a really neat mod, but youll get far more downloads and ednorsements if you add some info
  8. gabriel77dan
    • member
    • 5 kudos
    Sadly I do not know how to make expanded dialogue, I've tired on three separate occasions and never fully understood it.

    But if I ever do get the hang of it I will expand upon him.
  9. Good idea. But I suggest expanding him as a character through dialogue, if you know how. I know how much you love the Legion, and I would trust few others with the task of adding fleshed-out Legion characters to the game.