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  1. MrAnyx
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hi. I tried your mod but it doesn't seem to work with great khans and power gangers. I am vilified with them though but when I put on their faction armor their settlements say I am neurtral but they don't appear in the reputation tab either. Is there something I misunderstand about the mod? I also have no witnesses, but I don't think that should affect it right?
    1. Raestloz
      • premium
      • 57 kudos
      I don't recommend using this mod anymore. Not even I use this anymore. EVEM came up with smarter solution: just present the option to use the disguise or not and that's all she wrote
    2. MrAnyx
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Alright thanks for the reply. Appreciate it
    3. fizelstix121
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Hi could you specify what you mean by EVEM? i"ve been looking forever and struggling to find it haha
    4. MrAnyx
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Essential Vanilla enhancements merged.
  2. Ravidsol5
    • supporter
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    i currently have a good reputation with the ncr but like wearing full ranger gear. is there any way i can wear the helmet and armor without it being considered a disguise?
  3. juicccythiccc1
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    just curious but why did you recommend to use NMM to download?
    Just wondering.  I use mo2 and i find it amazing
    1. Raestloz
      • premium
      • 57 kudos
      because back then MO2 didn't exist
  4. AP84
    • member
    • 31 kudos
    Tried it but Simple Reputation and Disguises works better
  5. GamingOverlord01
    • BANNED
    • 5 kudos
    I wonder if this conflicts with NCR Rearmament and Caesar's New regime? I want to try this out, but I'd hate to screw my game up.
  6. GlumTundra013
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    It sucks because I am using dragbody khans overhaul and the faction armor looks awesome but it doesn't work with this mod sadly.
    1. Rrezz
      • supporter
      • 8 kudos
      I use a Merge Patch. And I just copy over all the Lines from Dragbody's Mods and just keep the Script from this one.
    2. Filmer1995
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      How would I go about doing that?
    3. Rrezz
      • supporter
      • 8 kudos
      Open both Plugins up in FNVEdit. Under the Armors section. Copy over the stuff so everything from both Mods is in the Merge Patch.

      To create a Merge Patch, Open up FNVEdit with all your mods activated in it. Right click on any plugin, go to "Others" then select "Create Merge Patch. Then go to the Armor entry in whichever mod you want to edit, right click the entry, then toward the bottom select "Copy as Override into..." and then just select whatever you named your Merge Patch as.

      Mess around with, and eventually you'll get it set up to something to like.
  7. Alphastalker9
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Please, I am having a small but not least problem and I believe it is a bug. When I wear the full ncr armor I get the status of adored, but when I remove it I lose it completely. Was that really the purpose? If not how can I fix it?
  8. phyro1223
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    I found a bug you may be aware of. When i use the NCR face wrap armor and enter Camp McCarran the under cover legion soldier becomes immediately hostile and attacks. None of the other soldiers care if i kill him either.
    1. ARVSPEX
      • member
      • 6 kudos
      That's actually a problem from the vanilla game. Curtis isn't added to the list of NPCs that will be "fooled" by your faction armour so even if, for example, you're working for the Legion, he'll still attack you on sight because he's otherwise just a regular member of the NCR faction as far as the game is concerned.
      The latest version of YUP should have fixed it (there's also another fix on the nexus that simply removes him for the NCR faction in case you don't want to use it for some reason).
  9. EMPeace
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    Still works after all these years, makes the faction armor less frustrating and more immersive, thanks.

    Now the legion won't recognize any random sod as one of their elite Centurions, and the NCR won't attack me for sporting some of their admittedly cool armor.
  10. Martindn
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Normally it lists the rep for everyone, but say i put on legion recruit armor that covers the entire body all my rep disappears with everyone but primm. I kill two legion men i go to hated, i take it off but it still shows my undisguised character as hated. Is that actually how it works?
    1. SNIPD
      • member
      • 18 kudos
      "This mod changes the disguise system to only work with armor sets that factually and literally covers your whole body and face"

      "Explorer, Prime, Recruit, Veteran and Vexillarius armors give fame, but when worn with their respective helmets (including Decanus version) function as disguise, because they all cover the face."

      Regardless of the late response, I hope that this helps