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  1. Sn4rk
    • member
    • 11 kudos
    Does this also cover locations from mods? For example A World of Pain?
  2. boota
    • member
    • 7 kudos
    Have you thought about making version for TTW which would also replace some of non-interactive fungi with pickable radioactive ones from Capital Wasteland?
    1. Yukichigai
      • supporter
      • 803 kudos
      I looked into doing it, but unfortunately New Vegas and FO3 technically use different meshes for fungus. I'm not 100% sure I could do a simple find-and-replace like I did in New Vegas without altering the placement of the fungus. I'd need to make a new mesh, which I'm not averse to but I have no particular plans to do so right now.
  3. bronsonf1
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    Great mod. It bothered me a lot that you couldn't pick the mushrooms in the Mojave, only the DLC.
  4. EssArrBee
    • supporter
    • 48 kudos
    YUP changes many of the positions for the cave fungi. Should this mod be updated with those new positions? If so, I could update it for you, since you might be busy with one of your other 142 mods.
    1. Revolvist
      • supporter
      • 3 kudos
      Well, since he is the author of YUP, wouldn't he have taken that into account?
    2. Yukichigai
      • supporter
      • 803 kudos
      Actually I made this mod before I got to the placement changes in YUP
    3. EssArrBee
      • supporter
      • 48 kudos
      I've been testing a new patcher called Mator Smash and I can update the mod with the placement changes in about 5 minutes for each of the plugins in this mod. Let me know if you want the updated files. It's not a problem for me to put together.
  5. ChrisTheClue
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    This is brilliant. It really angers me how negligent Obsidian was with basic stuff like this.
    Ive spent almost an entire afternoon on Nexus finding fixes for things i wouldn't even thought of.
    I love this site.

    Thanks. +Endorsed
  6. BelialIV
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I downloaded this a while ago and loved it so much I forgot to endorse it after the 'trial' period was up. It really deserves more endorsements. Cave fungus is so useful for survival/cooking.
  7. cureformadness
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Does the mushroom become re-pick-able after a few in game days?
    1. Yukichigai
      • supporter
      • 803 kudos
      It does, yes.
  8. gameboytj
    • member
    • 8 kudos
    nice yuki, I didn't know you made this.
    is there a chance that you may add mutant cave fungus support?
  9. Cyberlazy
    • member
    • 102 kudos
    Awesome mod! I once made a 'pickable cave fungus' mod but never released it, I just had the fungus disappear, your 'picking' is much more awesome!

    Pro hint: Randomly rotate (along the Z, 360 degrees, along the x and y, about 5 to 10 degrees) and randomly resize (about 0.5 to 1.5 scale or so) the mushrooms. It makes a very cool and huge diffrence in the game having all diffrent sized mushrooms. (You may need to 'disable' and 'enable' the mushroom in script for its 'hitbox' to rescale properly for picking) I did this in my unreleased mod and it was amazing. Id love to see someone release it!

    It can all be done in script so that mushrooms vary each time you visit a cell (and all existing shrooms are changed) You can also tweak it so the amount of shrooms you get (or chance of getting any shrooms) depends on the size of the shroom (+ randomness factor)
    1. Yukichigai
      • supporter
      • 803 kudos
      Well that's... hrm... quite doable.... If I do that, I'll give you co-credit on the mod.
    2. Cyberlazy
      • member
      • 102 kudos
      Here i'll msg you my fungus script if your going to give me credit Might need some minor adjustments/rebalancing to suit your tastes. I never got to play my own mods much, so balance can be iffy. I had this applyed to basicly all fungus. Maybe a few new aid items could be added for some fungus types, so not all fungus give the more useful honest hearts fungus.
  10. Cag93
    • premium
    • 55 kudos
    Will this be integrated into MMUE+ eventually?
    1. Yukichigai
      • supporter
      • 803 kudos
      So long as the mod is appropriately categorized and documented, anyone can integrate it into their mod if they credit me. It's only misleading mods - deliberate or by omission - that can't use my work. So for example, anything in the ''Bug Fixes'' category would not be allowed to use this since it's definitively NOT a bug fix.