Searching for some crispy n' crunchy ENB , ENB that adaptive to different mods . Then give your browser some rest because your search ends now .
[size=24]Intro[/size] :
Well its name explain all by it self , to make it i took values from different ENB's which further modified and combined in to one action pack with balance in between performance and quality .
[size=24]Features[/size] :
-Dynamic Lighting , Sharpening , Saturation , Lanes Flare , etc etc :)
[size=24]Installing[/size] :
-Copy/Extract all files to game directory
-To make it work , disable "water displacement" and "MSAA" in game setting .
Requirement :
ENBSeries d3d9 v0249
Changelog :
-Dark Version pitch black night fixed
-Non-lore armors missing mesh fixed
-Interior/Exterior Lighting balanced now
-Brighter tint fixed
Recommended Mods :
Nevada Skies
Western Sky
NMC Texture Pack
Advanced Recon Thermal Nightvision
EVE - Essential Visual Enhancements