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Alan Q Smithee

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  1. siouxerrat
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    great mod!! the unredeemed is very John Marston, which is an automatic plus. tip for anyone who can't find the sack: open the console and enter "placeatme xx004CDF" (xx being the load order, as per usual) and it ought to spawn the hat sack.
    1. MarauderMC
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      That doesnt work
    2. streetyson
      • member
      • 146 kudos
      That command might be missing a bit - instead of just using placeatme, try player.placeatme instead. Gamebryo commands here.
  2. ahillamon
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Wonderful mod, I love the variety of new hats, and the little scavenger hunt is quite fun too.

    The only change I made to the file was to lower the prices of all the hats by 10x, so that the uniques cost only 50 caps instead of 500. I'm using a mod that allows hats to get damaged same way as the rest of your gear, and trying to get my broken hats repaired was prohibitively expensive (1000 caps each by Major Knight!). I'm using TTW which rebalances NV's economy, so now the new hats have sane and comparable prices to the vanilla hats.
  3. Could someone tell me how to make this work with Megaton Hairs? Thanks
    • BANNED
    • 5 kudos
    i know the mod might be dead, but my female character has some clipping issues with some hats, especially ''worm food'' a small part of her head sticks out and the only way to make it disappear is to use console commands and use racemenu then shrink the width of the head which i don't want to do because it looks horrible (pretty obvious) if any one has a fix, let me know
  5. zacharyhombre
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    hey uh i just got fallout new vegas and i dont have any dlc is it possible to upload this with no dlc required i would really appreciate it. this kinda mod is exactly what im lookin for but this is the only one i found.
      • BANNED
      • 5 kudos
      then get the dlc, Honest hearts is only like 4 bucks, anyone can afford that
  6. singjai108
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Has the sack been moved? i see the car, but there's no sack there, just an empty briefcase or some such.
    1. Stootie
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I just found it today, its in a bush up that path where the fridge and the bear traps are (where that guy asks you to save his girlfriend from Geckos at the 3rd waterpump). When you are heading up the path the fridge, table, chair etc are on the right and the sack is in a bush on the left in line with the fridge. if that makes any sense.haha
    2. singjai108
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      Ah, I know what you mean. Thanks, I'll check it out once I'm done with Honest Hearts.
  7. ladyisatramp
    • member
    • 14 kudos
    love the variety! I always thought I "wasn't a hat person" and would look sadly at the npcs wearing cowboy hats and looking right at home in them. turns out I just never found the right hat for me (thank you for Sidewinder ^^)
  8. lukwng
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    are these added to the leveled lists?
  9. Spasmbot
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    For anyone who would like to use these hats and display custom hair at the same time you may achieve this by opening the mod in xedit and finding the biped flags that it occupies, for most of them this is the same as default hats. Once you see the three of them (I believe it's head, hat, hair) simply delete the hair flag from any hats you want to wear with custom hair. Xedit will ask you if you're sure, but once you done that it should work. To deal with clipping I think it would be possible by messing with the meshes in nifskope but that is beyond my skill.
  10. Aklis
    • supporter
    • 3 kudos
    Here's a list of locations for all(?) the unique hats.



    The Tracker - Longhouse, Red Rock Canyon

    The Dandy - The Prospector's Den

    Worm Food - Goodsprings Cemetery

    The Hat With No Name - Mojave Outpost Barracks

    Ain't Chosen - Nevada Highway Patrol Station

    The Grifter - Atomic Wrangler

    Little Sure Shot - Fields' shack

    Sidewinder - Big Horn Saloon

    Creole Queen - Cap Counterfeiting Shack
    1. danglesmcbutternut
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      Or you could get them all in the sack that's on the ridge where Barton Thorn sends you
    2. TankEpidemic
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Unless it doesn't spawn there or behind the wrecked car.