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About this mod

This is a small bunker that includes storage for all your needs and some new content.

Permissions and credits
This Is A Work In Progress.

This is planed to be a high tech player home that includes most of the things one needs in a home while not being too small or to large.

What Is Available Now

This is a small vault that includes storage for all your items, it also has work benches, player name and face changer, a full healing cart and lab set. all of the storage and living essentials are put into one room so you can quickly store all of your items and go back to adventuring the wastes. the start of a quest is in place, right now it is just you have to enable the power for the bunker so you can use everything. the quest is not yet labeled because I am still working on the base of the bunker.

Where Is It Located
It is just south of the Kings building on the left side of the street. when you enter this section of freeside it is directly to your left when you are facing the strip.

What Is Planned For The Future

I plan for a full quest to unlock the bunker and to explore the under ground military base that a train tunnel leads to.

What is required
This mod does not require anything but the base game. later on I will add dlc to the bunker.

Please Give Me Feedback

this is why I am releasing my mod early. I want to know
what you guys want for this mod so I can improve my modding abilities and provide a cool mod to all.

Update Info
Ver .05- This will be released this weekend, It will include a new armory and storage area.
The dlc content will be integrated in the mod, and some small changes
will be made to polish the mod.

Ver .04- I found several errors that I made while I was experimenting with this mod. I was forced to
remake some of the Mod and so I changed the naming of things in the geck
to make things simpler for me. You Must take your belongings out of the
bunker before you upgrade to this file. The location has changed as to
make it easier to travel to. I believe it will stay in the new location because I like it better there.

Ver .03- I fixed the navmesh issues and so now your companions can move
around the bunker with you. added more lights and polished a few other
things. I also made the two radios in the main room items so you can
pick them up and sell them. they will eventually be used to travel to
the bunker using a teleport system.

Ver .02- small update. started the metro that will lead to the under ground military base.
moved the location to make it easier to travel to the strip. working on
fixing the navmesh and other small problems.

Ver .01- First file made

If you want to use my mod, feel free to do so but I ask that you credit me as the creator and let me know so I can tell others. However you can't upload my file to other sites.Thanks :)