About this mod
Advanced Recon Ranger Helmets retextures from Advanced Recon Thermal Nightvision mod for ADAM Reborn.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- ADAM Reborn (Not a hard requirement)
- Advanced Recon Thermal Nightvision
- Advanced Recon Stealth Armors (Not a hard requirement if you are not using the Advanced Recon Armor - Original Ranger Models.esp plugin file, if you want to use the ADAM Retextures here, you must download this plugin alongside the main mod.)
- Download all required mods
- Download this mod
- Extract the data folder and move it to your New Vegas directory either manually or using a mod installer of your choice.
If you are having issues with the armor not using the ADAM Retextures, attempt to do the following:
1.Download the GECK here.
2.Download the GECK Extender here (Requires NVSE. this is only needed if you are opening GECK using MO2 in order to load the plugins. Otherwise if you are not using it or any similar mod installer that can open the GECK you can skip this step)
3.Launch the geck, check FalloutNV.esm and then find Advanced Recon Armor - Original Ranger Models.esp plugin. Once you do so set as active file.
4.In the Object Window menu, scroll down until you see Miscellaneous tab, expand then click "Texture" then on the Editor ID pane scroll down until you see the following: AdvReconRangerArmorBlack Texture and AdvReconRangerArmor Texture open whatever you want to edit first
for the Black Ranger Armor
5.Click edit, then find the AdvancedRecon folder in the textures folder in Data in your FNV directory or MO2 Mod directory folder. Then open either NCRRanger or NCRRanger black, and select combatranger.dds. Click okay once the textures appear in the small viewer, then save the plugin.
6.Launch FNV and see if they appear, if they are you are good to go!
For issues with the helmets, follow the same steps as you did for the armors.
If there are any issues let me know.