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  1. Torreny
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    What, no ranch soda?
  2. MrShersh
    • premium
    • 256 kudos
    I check bottle neck and I think you try use my method to add transpancy effect?)
    If yes, I see that it effect low quality (how on my early version).
    If you want to know, how did really cool transpancy effect, I can write how :)

    Examples: <-- much more examples

    Sorry for my english
    1. SHAD0WC0BRA
      • premium
      • 82 kudos
      Hey there. The "transparency effect" that I did here is really just a color change in the texture. I did it this way because I used the existing Sunset Sarsaparilla bottle as a base (I wanted that sort of shape instead of the Nuka-Cola bottle shape) and I needed the "empty" bottles to be all the same color so that the Empty Novelty Soda Bottle makes logical sense. So, thank you for the offer and images, but it's primarily a consequence of my modification of vanilla assets and necessity.

      Are those images a modification of the Nuka-Cola bottle mesh in the game files or is it a new mesh altogether?
    2. MrShersh
      • premium
      • 256 kudos
      This is new mesh bottle of nuka cola from Nuka World Import + editing.
      I see that it just retexture, because I was did this too in search of how did really transpancy effect :D
      I think vanila mesh of Sunset can be change to do for transpancy effect like I show.
      So, you have default bottle of Sunset and empty version of course, but for youre unique (modded) bottle with liquid you will can have vanila mesh bottle + edits and with transpancy effect for bottle neck (how on my examples)
      In geck you just change of model your modded bottles
      I just offering :)
    3. SHAD0WC0BRA
      • premium
      • 82 kudos
      I wouldn't know how to go about it. I'm also not sure because while the Nuka-Cola in New Vegas has multiple blocks/NiTriStrips, the Sunset Sarsaparilla (and thus my mesh as well) are all one piece - the "liquid effect" inside the regular Sunset Sarsaparilla game is done only with the bottle texture itself, which is different from the various Nuka-Cola types.
    4. MrShersh
      • premium
      • 256 kudos
      Oh, yeah, I see a problem

      I try to edit polygon's and will see that I can do :)
    5. MrShersh
      • premium
      • 256 kudos
      Hello again!

      I was did it yesterday (but need to redo because it is was an experiment):

    6. SHAD0WC0BRA
      • premium
      • 82 kudos
      That looks really good. I'd be willing to add it to my mod as an .esp-less patch with the new models, or you could create it as your own mod and link to this one as a requirement.
    7. MrShersh
      • premium
      • 256 kudos
      I was think it do it like that:
      If I will can create all bottle for your mod (IF)
      I will just give you new model's and you just use it in your mod :)
      If you using my models of bottle you will need just change bottle models in your esp. Without new esp add or something like that.
      If I will can create new models and you will use it in your mod. Just add me in credits and all :)
    8. SHAD0WC0BRA
      • premium
      • 82 kudos
      Oh, yeah, I will definitely credit you. Basically I would make a "patch" that has your models with the same file names, so that someone can easily download it and then overwrite without even needing to modify the plugin.
    9. MrShersh
      • premium
      • 256 kudos
      I was did it
      (My friend help me)

      Take a look:

      I did transpancy effect and change (small) textures for right work.
      I will go to do all bottle :)
      Okay, I did that, but empty bottle have trouble,
      Trying to fix it.
    10. SHAD0WC0BRA
      • premium
      • 82 kudos
      Well, even if the empty bottle proves impossible, the others can still be used. Thanks again.
    11. MrShersh
      • premium
      • 256 kudos
      Send result in PM :)