File information
Created by
ACBRadio Microsoft Blender Foundation Blender NIF Scripts NifSkope PyFFI PythonUploaded by
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About this mod
Start using Blender 2.49b in conduction with Fallout New Vegas...Get the .Nif Plugin & become a pro with an easy to understand tutorial with motion video, commentary and all...Obtain all key essential files in just one place over on the nexus...Happy Modding, ACBRadio :D
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It's all about NetImmerse/Gamebryo baby (ACBRadio)

How to Install Blender with the .nif Plugin...
...please remember to change the name's of folder destinations as mentioned in the instructions below...
...follow a few easy simple steps.
Step 1.
Install Python
1. Run Python-2.6.5.msi
2. Setup - Select "Install for all use" and click Next
3. Select Destination - Click Next to accept default of C:\Python26\
4. Customize Python - Click Next to accept defaults
5. Setup Complete - Click Finish

Step 2.
Install Blender
1. Run Blender 2.49b.exe
2. Welcome - Click Next
3. License Agreement - Click I Agree
4. Choose Components - Click Next to accept defaults
5. Choose Location - Change from C:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\Blender to C:\Apps\Blender and click Next
6. Specify User Data - Select "Use Installation Directory" and click Next
7. Required System DLL Check - Click OK
8. Setup Complete - Click Finish
9. Make sure Blender starts up correctly and then close Blender. If Blender fails to start, install MS Visual C++ 2008 runtime (included on this page)

Step 3.
Install PyFFI
NOTE: You may want to install Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Runtime, or maybe not as it seems that some systems don't need it...but it'll not hurt to have it installed anyway.
1. Run PyFFI-2.1.5-windows.exe
2. Select Language - Click OK to accept default of English
3. Welcome - Click Next
4. License Agreement - Click I Agree
5. Choose Components - Click Next to accept defaults of Documentation, Python 2.6 (32 bit) and Blender 2.4x (Python 2.6, 32-bit)
6. Choose Install Location - Change from C:\Program Files\PyFFI to C:\Apps\PyFFI and click Install
7. Setup Complete - Click Finish
8. Delete the "QSkope" shortcut on your desktop.

Step 4.
Install NIF Scripts
1. Run blender_nif_scripts-2.5.5-windows.exe
2. Welcome - Click Next
3. License Agreement - Click I Agree
4. Choose Install Location - Click Next to accept default of C:\Apps\Blender\.blender\scripts
5. Choose Documentation Location - Change from C:\Program Files\NifTools\Blender NIF Scripts to C:\Apps\NifTools\Blender NIF Scripts
6. Installation Complete - Click Next
7. Setup Complete - Click Finish
8. Review the Readme and then close the file.

Step 5.
Install NifSkope
1. Copy 'NifSkope_2_0_2018-02-22-x64' to the 'Documents Folder'.
2. Install...Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable Update 3 RC (This is required for NifSkope to launch)

...That's it, your all done...Your all set my friend.
Click here to Donate to ACBRadio

Contact: Please feel free to email me at [email protected]
All Applications & Programs Provided on this Part of the Nexus are Products of their Respected Owners, ACBRadio's just the Tutor.
Thanks a million shillings, bye bye.