Main files
Only affects base game caravans. Master file for patches.
v1.3: debuffed Terrifying Presence
Fixed karma messages taking precedence over result messages
Optional files
Adds compatibility with MrLexx2k's Brahmin Variants Redux.
Update: Debuffed Terrifying Presence option. -
Makes New California's trading caravans robbable.
With this installed, you can now rob the caravan and it also respawns.
Adds Robbable Caravans functionality to a number of TLD caravans.
Updated for compatibility with latest version of TLD. File created by Ding2Ding. -
Adds Robbable Caravans functionality to NPCs Travel's Gun Runner caravan.
Update: Debuffed Terrifying Presence option. -
Adds compatibility with Qolore's edit of Yukichigai's Gameplay Tweaks.
Update: Debuffed Terrifying Presence option.