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Lime and Demorome

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  1. vkv777
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    Good day. The translation was made by Yandex.
    I turned off all food and drink from bottles to restore my health. Is it possible to turn off the treatment when quenching thirst from sources? I have +3 XP per sip. And I would like 0.
    1. LimeMods
      • premium
      • 677 kudos
      I'm sure this is possible and I'll look into it. Development of this mod isn't currently a priority though.
  2. exeworks
    • supporter
    • 3 kudos
    You're doing gods work. I've endorsed your mod. <3

    However there's one suggestion I have to make. In the vanilla game Nuka Cola and Sarsparillas do dehydrate you upon consumption. I get that this might've been set this way for balancing reasons by the devs, but it makes very little sense since those soda pops are meant to be refreshing beverages. Could you add a config option that would allow us to swap the Damage Hydration effect with the Restore hydration effect for Nuka Cola and its variants and Sunset Sarsparillas? Because if you're like me and prefer food/water items not to have healing capabilities and thus have that setting enabled in your INI, all that these beverages do is to dehydrate the player, which makes Nuka Cola and Sunset Sarsparillas essentially useless items to carry around.
  3. megatonton
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Sad that my playthrough already has the optimal healing setting for me (all items that can heal do over time), but if I didn't have that setting set up, I'd use your mod.

    And you're quickly becoming my favorite modder; light mod requirements that doesn't impact performance at all.
    1. LimeMods
      • premium
      • 677 kudos
      Thank you! Nice to see people are coming across some of my older work and appreciating it.
  4. Rosamund
    • premium
    • 5 kudos
    Thank you so much for making and sharing this mod!  This is exactly what  was looking for =]
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    No Food Healing - is only feature I use from this mod and it do what it supposed to do! But I have one BIG OP now - water source like Goodsprings one. It give 30 instant HP and 0 Rads. Maybe you can change that? No Healing +4 Rads or something like that
  6. RebornNoble
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Absolutely thank you for this. The one particular item (well, items) I had checked to see if this affected were the "Them's Good Eatin'" sausages/pastes - And yes. Yes they are. A keeper to be sure, thank you very much!
  7. clayvn
    • supporter
    • 294 kudos
    based af
  8. Ediros
    • premium
    • 4 kudos
    You know, I actually have the opposite problem. I despise food healing, so I mod it out, but it takes dozens of edits to make food restore starvation and dehydration without restoring health.

    I like chems taking time to heal, it feels more immersive than 5 instant stimpacks full heal.
    1. Demorome
      • member
      • 134 kudos
      That actually sounds quite possible to do via scripts. I'll look into it.
    2. LimeMods
      • premium
      • 677 kudos
      Could even expand on the .ini concept right

      0, vanilla behaviour
      1, forced instant healing ON
      2, forced instant healing OFF.
    3. Demorome
      • member
      • 134 kudos
      It's in the newest version btw Ediros. Thanks for the suggestion!
  9. TLoV
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    Does the food option include drinking water from water sources?
    1. LimeMods
      • premium
      • 677 kudos
      Currently this mod only covers inventory based ingestible items.