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About this mod

Being a huge fan of Bioshock, I always wondered what it would be like to put some of the clutter and misc objects from the game into FNV, this mod aims to do just that

Permissions and credits
Being a huge fan of Bioshock, I always wondered what it would be like to put some of the clutter and misc objects from the game into FNV, this mod aims to do just that.

This mod Replaces/Retextures :
-Stimpak (EVE Model)
-Pre War Money (Ryan Dollars)
-Camera (Research Camera)
-Sierra Madre Vending Machine (Circus Of Value)
-20g Shotgun Shells
-Cash Register (from Bioshock Infinite)
-Holotape (audio Diary)
-Doctors Bag (Bandages)
-Potato Chips
-Wrench Misc Model
-Mojave Express Machine
-Atomic Cocktails 
-Newspaper Dispensers
-Health Kits
-Nuka Cola Quantum, Quartz, and victory 
-Sierra Madre Chips

- Added a big daddy static model inside the lucky38 casino floor
- added a gene bank opposite the vending machine's inside the lucky 38 which you can access to add traits to your character (WIP)
- added atomic cocktail replacer (plasmid bottle)
-added newspaper dispenser replacer (the one's found on the strip) 
- added the U-Invent model as a workbench replacer 

I Also Added an Ammo Bandito Machine, A machine that sells weapon attachments, you can find the machines at these locations
*Goodsprings, Outside the General Store
*Novac, Next to the apartments
*Primm, Outside The Mojave Express Office
*Lucky38, Casino Floor.


Under no circumstances will any content from this mod be allowed to be distributed anywhere else, or integrated into another mod without mine, as well as the developers of the BioShock series (2k games)
No profit or gain will be made from this mod in any-way
All assets are property of 2k/irrational games and I will never claim them as my own as this is for non-commercial use