File information
Created by
Hitman47101 and Xilandro AxeuoraUploaded by
XilandroVirus scan
About this mod
This mod adds a fully animated ammunition and weapon condition checking system to the game, complete with 35 scratch made animations and a custom HUD element
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Mandarin
- Changelogs

This mod adds a fully animated ammunition and weapon condition checking system to the game,
complete with 35 scratch made animations and a custom HUD element.
The ammo check HUD displays the name of the weapon, the ammo type you're using, the rounds left in your current mag and how much ammo you have left in total. Condition checking HUD simply shows you weapons condition.

This is a complete rewrite of an old mod Hitman and I made back in 2015.
We overhauled the way the mod works to future-proof it for animators who are interested in such system,
so now B42 Inspect acts as a framework as well.
All required information for animators is in the archive.

When in game, press "O" to check your weapon's ammo, and "P" for condition checking. Customizable via MCM.
In MCM you can also change animation cutoff (it will quite literally cut selected amount of seconds from the end of the anim),
to make transition from inspecting to normal weapon animation less weird.
Considering the fact these animations were made with Hitman's Animation Replacer circa 2015, this feature is needed.

Compatible with all ballistic weapons including mod added ones without issues, no compatibility patches required.
Ammo checking animations for energy weapons are not included. Condition checking, though, should work without problems.
Semi-compatible with most, if not all, animation replacers.
No controller support at the moment.
If you are using custom, non-vanilla fonts, and menu looks displaced/wrong - please let us know in the comment section.

JIP LN NVSE version 56.40 or higher
JohnnyGuitar NVSE version 2.55 or higher, with enabled bLoadEditorIDs
kNVSE version 20 or higher
ShowOff NVSE version 1.31 or higher
User Interface Organized version 2.09 or higher
The Mod Configuration Menu
xNVSE 6.2.3 or higher

Install required mods first. They are essential and without them – this mod will not work.
"B42 Inspect" mod installs like any other mod, manually or using a mod manager.
I recommend the latter for easy un-installation.
Un-installation is same as installation, but in reverse.

Hitman for all them fancy sexy animations
JazzIsParis for all the magic
Korma for Hot Reload and xNVSE
JohnnyGuitar NVSE bois for all the special extra magic
The Shiny Haxorus for testing willing to use the framework in the future :O
cilantro guy, code monkey
Obsidian for Fallout New Vegas
Armed Forces of Ukraine, for keeping me alive and safe
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