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Willy Dingas

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  1. NCRVR4572
    • member
    • 0 kudos
  2. It is not straightforward, what these mods are for 
    2 User Defined Leveled Half Health, 3 User Defined Leveled Full Health

    Why no explanation? 
  3. I friggin love you
    1. Though I guess some other mod is overwriting it somehow because I did set the base health to 100 and the endurancemultiplier to 10 but every NPC I prid has exactly +30 hitpoints than they should have. 

      And so another search for what mod causes this starts...sigh...
    2. Even stranger is when I set the Endurancemultiplier exactly the same for the NPC and the player there will be a difference. NPC have exactly 30 hitpoints more than they should have while the player has the correct amount. When I lower the base health value to 70 it corrects the NPC healths but the player loses 30 hitpoints. I dont get it. 
    3. Nevermind, for some freaking reason I changed the npchealthenduranceoffset in another esp to 3.0 lmao. 

      Im such a dumbass
  4. Meatballis1
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    So does this mean any NPC can scale to level 50? Also, is this safe to install and uninstall mid-playthrough? thank you for the mod.
  5. PlasticPotatoes
    • premium
    • 9 kudos
    Just wondering, is it possible to add a blacklist of sorts to this? I really like equalizing health across the board, but I think some of the named NPCs in the game (like the fiend bosses and Ulysses) should keep their high health pools.
  6. HelloOkayThanks
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Thanks for this mod. Works perfectly so far for me.
  7. Sannh
    • premium
    • 5 kudos
    does this only affect humans or animal/mutants aswell? only looking to scale down humans atm
  8. zairairaira
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    good becouse changes i simple with ini .

    this change health for player and human NPCs ,not for creatures right?

    is  compatibility with ather mods if  change NPCs health ?

    i mean like this
    Great Khans' Toughness Increased at Fallout New Vegas - mods and community (nexusmods.com)
    or this
    Super Mutant Overhaulord at Fallout New Vegas - mods and community (nexusmods.com)
    1. WillyDingas
      • supporter
      • 6 kudos
      Only effects NPC health, endurance, and leveling. It overwrites the health of all NPCs using main menu scripts, so it should be compatible. It will overwrite health edits made by other mods.
    2. zairairaira
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      good, i need little upgrate npcs health harder.

      thenks men.
  9. darlingg
    • supporter
    • 11 kudos
    Does this fit the mod request Equal Base Health for All Humans?
    1. WillyDingas
      • supporter
      • 6 kudos
      Should be similar, I didn't base it on the mod request, I just had this mod laying around. The code should be very simple, it is an array that is loaded with all the npcs in the users load order, npcs from other mod also. Next there is the while loop that goes through every npc entry, in this loop you can edit the npcs attribute using if statements and variables. The important section is inside the loop.
    2. WillyDingas
      • supporter
      • 6 kudos
      Mode=1             ;mode one keeps it to 50 for all NPC/PC
      HitPointBase=50.0          ;set base health of all NPC/PC to 50

      These setting above will accomplish the task
    3. darlingg
      • supporter
      • 11 kudos
      Thanks. Say, isn't this redundant with the similar function in your own Classic Fallout Armor Overhaul? Maybe I shouldn't be running both.
  10. XxHiTmAnxX127
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    You mention that this mod also changes the actors for other mods also, does this include Tale of Two Wastelands and also does it matter where the plugin is in the load order?
    1. WillyDingas
      • supporter
      • 6 kudos
      It should edit the health values of npcs in TTW also, load order doesn't matter since the mod uses a script.