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  1. OTinMan
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    ah yes i always wanted to make dead money an even worse experience, a must have mod!
  2. xKOHTAKTx
    • member
    • 7 kudos
    Hi, can i ask some questions, pls. Maybe it still makes some sense to add this poisonous effect to that pedo-bear-trap-fist whatever that thing name is... either. The weakest non-lethal effect altough, and reduce the chance to 5-10% or leat 1-5% of chances. Coz it looks rather illogical. Why are they so selective with their weapons? Are they somewhere sitting in the back room, and doing calculations of their damage? They do? Oh hello, John! So this is my new 120-mm-electric-rail-beam-pedobear-cannon that can produce one billion dot 11034566759 % of damage. It's my favour. It's clearly doesn't need the poison effect on top of that damage ... The thing is, I see them Ghost People as brain dead carnivorous cannibals who doesn't do to much calculations... They doesn't looks like chemistry lab-suits to me either. Apparently, this effect was obtained by their weapon due to constant contact with harmful substances around. This is how i see the situation in general. Of course, It's doesn't mean that everything was exactly like i just said. Well, maybe they do calculations, who knows... They may have some brain, and even make such a decision on their own, to improve their weapons, nevertheless, this does not make everything I just said so pointless, as it seems to me. But just one gun... pedobear-trap-thing... that excluded that effect, really?
    1. CarlZee
      • premium
      • 191 kudos
      It was a gameplay reason more than anything, the Bear Trap Fist Ghost people already have more health and do more damage than the other Ghost People, so to have them poison the player on top of that felt unfair and annoying.
    2. xKOHTAKTx
      • member
      • 7 kudos
      Yes, in general, I understood this from the very beginning, why did you do that, I read the description. In principle, I do not insist, especially since for myself, I can do it my own. I just meant that it looks extremely illogical, even from a gameplay standpoint! All I suggested was to make a separate version of that Base, and Object Effect "MGEF and ENCH" - weakened, so that not a single weapon was out of the picture, thats it. 
  3. lordhenrythe23
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    would this be compatible with dead money stealth fix by McFearo? since these two mods would go together great
    1. CarlZee
      • premium
      • 191 kudos
      Yes, I use that mod as well and there are no issues.
    2. lordhenrythe23
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      great! so should i load yours or theirs first?
    3. CarlZee
      • premium
      • 191 kudos
      Doesn't matter, they both edit different things so they won't override one another.
    4. lordhenrythe23
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      excellent! thanks a bunch.
  4. iDeadSea
    • premium
    • 15 kudos
    Nice idea, thank you
  5. PlatinumShad0w
    • premium
    • 194 kudos
    Great idea. Anything that shows Dead Money more love.