Hey, in my game the following helmets are all without visors
Vault 87 security helmet brotherhood light helmet footman combat helmet enforcer helmet brotherhood tesla helmet training power helmet Ultrasite power helmet
and the arc helmet shows missing image png as its overlay.
Im not running it vanilla so dunno if that would have an effect, I have stars Rebuld the wasteland armor overhaul patch and titans of the new west rebuild patch.
Vault 87 security helmet
brotherhood light helmet
footman combat helmet
enforcer helmet
brotherhood tesla helmet
training power helmet
Ultrasite power helmet
and the arc helmet shows missing image png as its overlay.
Im not running it vanilla so dunno if that would have an effect, I have stars Rebuld the wasteland armor overhaul patch and titans of the new west rebuild patch.
EDIT: New Version is up, should fix all those issues. LMK if you find anymore, thanks again!