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Unreal Septim

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About this mod

Edits some perks to make them more inclusive by making them gender neutral.

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(Description partially taken from Fallout 3 version here:)


Some perks in New Vegas were pointlessly gendered. This mod fixes that, hopefully making the game a bit more inclusive. While I am unable to remove the choice of sex entirely, as it's beyond my knowledge to do so, I can make things a little more comfy for you by making it so that you can now RP as a feminine guy, masculine girl, non-binary person, etc. without having to have your immersion broken every time you enter the perk screen.

List of Perks Changed:

Action Boy/Action Girl: Now one gender neutral perk, "Action Adept."
Black Widow/Lady Killer: Can now be chosen regardless of gender. Description changed slightly.
Confirmed Bachelor/Cherchez Le Femme: Can now also be chosen regardless of gender, in case you want to be like... double gay or something lol
Mister Sandman: Technically "gender neutral" already, but changed to "Forever Sleep" just to be safe. Because more than just men can viciously stab people to death in their sleep, lol.
Plasma Spaz: Changed to "Plasmaniac," as the word "Spaz" can be a derogatory way to refer to epileptic people.