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Created by

cheeseninja333 and DefinitelyNotSade

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About this mod

Fixes an oversight in Actually Useful Charisma where buying a passport didn't check Charisma (it's still Speech) if you: pass the check, decline to buy a passport, then attempt to buy the passport again. Also forwards all fixes from YUP that I could find.

Permissions and credits
This is a tiny mod that fixes a small oversight in Actually Useful Charisma where, if you initially pass the Charisma 6 check to sleuth out Ralph's couterfeit passport gig, and then decline to buy one for whatever reason (not enough caps, etc.), the option to buy a passport is missing if your Speech is lower than 50.

This mod fixes that oversight, where that dialogue option now checks for a Charisma of 6, just like the first check.

Additionally, I forwarded any fixes from YUP that I could find; AUC overrides several fixes included in YUP, so I forwarded any I could find without making YUP a master.

Also included are patches for Nehred's Harder New Vegas Strip Access and PushTheWinButton's JSawyer Ultimate Edition.

The former forwards the Ralph fix, it also raises the Charisma check to 9 if you have `bRalphSpeechBarter` enabled in that mod's `.ini`. Otherwise the check will remain at a Charisma of 6.

The latter keeps the requirement of a Charisma of 6 to take the Lady Killer and Cherchez La Femme perks, while forwarding JSUE's higher damage buffs (15% in JSUE vs 10% in vanilla/AUC).

You DO NOT NEED the original mod from cheeseninja333, this version is standalone.

Credits to cheeseninja333 for making the mod in the first place and having mostly-open permissions to modify it.