File information
Created by
cheeseninja333 and DefinitelyNotSadeUploaded by
DefinitelyNotSadeVirus scan
Main files
This is standalone, you do NOT need the original mod.
See changelog for changes.
Optional files
Fixes a conflict between AUC and Nehred's Harder New Vegas Strip Access mod. Will raise the Charisma check to 9 if you have `bRalphSpeechBarter` enabled in HNVSA's `.ini`, otherwise the check will stay at a Charisma of 6.
Merges all the other patch files into one for convenience and to save on ESP's in load orders.
As such, dependencies for this file are: YUP (+ DLC's), JSUE, and Harder Strip Access -
This forwards one record from YUP that necessitates having YUP.esm as a master. I couldn't include this in the original mod as I wanted to try and not make YUP a master.
Load after the main file. -
JSUE changes the damage buffs from the Cherchez La Femme and Lady Killer perks to 15%, and AUC keeps these vanilla at 10%, while changing the requirement to have a Charisma of 6.
This keeps the CHA requirement and JSUE's higher buffs.