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anonx1987 bananasuicide marcusgUploaded by
anonx1987Virus scan
stop waving your d**k around w cool armor to shove in peoples faces if no one else can get it. just use regular armor -_-
lmao cope
I know right, bro's gatekeeping a mod, lmao.
Honestly though I don't understand the gatekeeping
Thank you!
Honestly though I don't understand the gatekeeping [2]
Do you ever plan on releasing at least some of your armors to patrons or public? Come on dont twist our balls blue with this brother...
lmao he released the armor mod already. I get it some of us just like to keep a couple of mods for ourselves either commissioned or made it ourselves and I have several private COD armor mods that I sometimes share. Everyone gotta have some cool toy to keep for themselves and we don't owe you anything nor you are entitled to it.
imagine being this entitled
I just wanted to stop and say...awesome armor. I don't usually find most armors on nexus this appealing. Also, I'm fine if the mod author wants to keep it to himself. It is his creation, his property after all. He's under no obligation to to release it or any of his other weapons mods. I;m just glad he's made what he has made available for free.
They did release the armor though lol. It also took me 10 seconds to find their link through their profile and got even more amazing armors and I didn't even have to be logged into patreon. Stop complaining.
im a stud im ballsy i dont take no s#*! from anyone i can post my private armor mod wherever i want i dont need to make it public for you
bro one of the most expected comments on any mod in existance with cool armor is somebody asking what it is, how is it entitled.
Metrocop1234 because the way OP was behaving like a whiny 6 year old who didn't get that new cool Hot Wheels car . Asking for the armor name isn't the problem it's the way OP thinks just because they can't have the armor that the author shouldn't use their own private armor mod. Nothing wrong with having your own private armor mod it's the people who think they are entitled to it if they can't have it then no should use it.
its not even that cool to be honest
"Keep some mods for ourselves" lol its a video game bruv. Thats such a dorky virgin comment. even if its ported from whatevr Drags been releasing portedm armors for years. Yall are so corny.
I get your point, and I kinda support it because I'm agaisn't this stubborn behaviour with mods, but if hes a dick and he doesn't want to release the armor just don't even bother into texting him, nothing is going to change and you're definitely not even going to feel better. Life is already hard enough to have some asshole telling you s#*! about something so meaningless.
I agree BS like this and the thing they did with the Frontier cars not being released is f*#@ing stupid, so much that it becomes outrageous, but don't waste your time with people like that man, sincerely just don't, it will be the best for you and for them too... be a better friend to everyone including yourself.
With such courage in your heart to insult someone in their own mod comment section (When they are giving you a very nice weapon mod for free) I'm sure you can make an armor a hundred times better, go and do something with your life man.
Though honestly I don't care about the armor, it looks like s#*!, but that's just me, let the guy f*#@ing be. People like you is why trouble happens, can't shut the f*#@ up for a second, if you don't have anything good to say just don't say it unless it is worth it, this isn't... now get the f*#@ outta here. -
Its a VIDEO GAME a almost 20 year old one. Crawl out of your basement. Hogging a mod like a little dorky virgin is actually pretty sad.
Really cool mod, but the reload animation is insanely loud, like deafening. A patch would be nice.
Honestly bro, I thought the M12 was the ugliest gun Beretta ever made, and then I find out they did THIS s#*! :T
I guess when you've been around since the 16th century, you're bound to come up with some of the best AND worst looking and/or functioning firearms in history.
At least the AR70 takes STANAG though -
Mod review: Great and solid rifle. Love the looks of it. :)
Luckily for me on my current playthrough, I used this gun super early when I bought it from Johnson Nash in Primm. -
what texture size are your weapons mods using 512 or 1k? Just asking if I can resize your weapons.
what is this great armor ???
I want that armor; so, where did you get that one?
I don't know (nor believe) this is the fault of the mod, but my gun sounds are a little bit quiet and the reload sounds are really loud. Anyone know of any way to fix this?
Have you ever seen the Trejo pistol? I think it would fit very will with this series of retro weapon mods.
cant find the light bolt mod vendor which one is it