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About this mod

Full reanimation of the Sawed-Off Shotgun. One hand for hip fire attacks, two hands for aiming. Uses and requires kNVSE.

Permissions and credits

  • Complete re-animation for the Sawed-Off Shotgun and its variants.
  • Supports TTW.
  • Gameplay-friendly.
  • Switches between one-handed attacks for hip-firing, and two-handed attacks for aiming.
  • Two ordered attack variants for hip-fire and iron-sights fire.
  • Optionally allows the Sawed-Off Shotgun to fire two shots before needing to reload (Fallout 3-style), instead of one (default New Vegas).
  • For use with any locomotion set available on Nexus.

I actually have zero problems with Hitman's animation set for this weapon--it's one of my favorite sets that he's done. If you enjoy that set, and are looking for something more realistic, than keep using it. That's not this set.

This set is meant to look "cool." I've never seen any of the Mad Max movies proper, but I remember seeing a scene in one of them (Mad Max 2? Idk) where he levels his Sawed-Off Shotgun at some dude with one hand, and then stuffs it into his belt when he gets what he wants. The equip and unequip animations are drawn from that hazy, probably-not-real memory. The punching of the gun is just me being me. Fuck guns.

In short, Bethesda had this gun set to be used with one hand, so I made is so that you used it with one hand. Because that's cool. You use two hands while you're aiming, because that makes a bit of sense, at least. There were plans to have you switch between one-handed and two-handed depending on your strength level, but those plans were scrapped. Maybe later.

I was going to make a partial reload for this, but by default, New Vegas empties both shells out with one shot. I have an .esp that switches it back to one-by-one (with appropriate damage changes to compensate), which you can see active in the video, but I have no way of gauging how much interest there will be in that, so I decided to not make a partial. This is besides the fact that the full reload is already only two or three frames longer than the vanilla reload--so I didn't want to make a partial that was shorter than vanilla by a significant margin, and making one that's the same length felt pointless.

Some details on the .esp options: the two Main files have an .esp to redirect some textures to the meshes to avoid bugs on the shell textures, as Quicksilver split the shell meshes for me (thanks again). There's a non-TTW version and a TTW version. This .esp can (and probably should) be safely merge. Resolving conflicts should simply entail copying the .esp records over.

The two optional files also contain changes to edit the default Sawed-Off shotgun only (read: not the uniques) to fire shells one-by-one, as it was in Fallout 3, but not in New Vegas. Conflict and merging rules are still the same. As before, non-TTW and TTW versions are available. Pick only ONE of these four files.



The iron sights may be misaligned. This is very easy to fix.

1. Ensure that you have ISControl Enabler installed.
2. Ensure that all of this mod's requirements (above) are completely up-to-date.
3. Use a baseline iron sights alignment mod, like Vanilla Iron Sights Realligned or Vanilla Iron Sights Realligned - Redux.

4. Open this mod's archive, and navigate to the "config" folder. Open the .txt file, and copy its contents to your clipboard.
5. Open the mod archive for ISControl Enabler. If you installed Vanilla Iron Sights Realligned or Vanilla Iron Sights Realligned - Redux instead.
6. Navigate to the "config" folder, open up "ISControl.ini," and paste the text from your clipboard.

1. Ensure that you have ISControl Enabler installed.
2. Ensure that all of this mod's requirements (above) are completely up-to-date.
3. Use a baseline iron sights alignment mod, like Vanilla Iron Sights Realligned or Vanilla Iron Sights Realligned - Redux.

In most cases, nothing more should be required from you other than this. :)

It is possible that with some weapons, the sights may still be misaligned after completing the steps from Option 2; alternatively, you may be dissatisfied with my presets from Option 1, or unwilling to fiddle with the game's guts. In this case, you have one more step, which is to simply follow the instructions on ISControl Enabler's mod page for re-aligning sights in-game. It is extremely easy, and only takes a couple of seconds. I have also posted an image here with the most relevant control underlined for your convenience.

When I release my animations in packs ("parts"), I will have them bundled with a custom ISControl.ini to simplify the install and avoid senseless overwriting.



  • Provided .esp may require patching to work with mods that edit the stats of the Sawed-Off Shotgun, its variants, or its TTW counterpart.
  • Out-of-the-box compatibility with any mod that does not specifically use kNVSE to edit the same animations.
  • Does not overwrite vanilla animations, allowing you to safely switch back.
  • Uses a plugin to apply mesh/handgrip changes. Safe to merge or edit, and/or remove mid-game.

  • If you enjoy this mod in any capacity, please do consider endorsing it.
  • If you wish to support me and my animating habits further, donations are very helpful. Small, one-time donations are especially helpful.

While I frequently animate firearms for Fallout: New Vegas, I simply ask that my animating of these weapons not be conflated with interest or enthusiasm for firearms, or support of wholly unrestricted gun rights. I do not particularly like guns outside of a passing interest in their mechanics (i.e. how their various little parts move), and I do not support the free, near-unrestricted access to firearms seen in the United States, or the inane "but my rights" debate that happens every single time schools like the one I work at get shot up.

This disclaimer is up simply to avoid being associated with a group whose beliefs I pointedly do not share, and so that public perception of me--limited as it is--can at least be somewhat accurate.

This said, animating these weapons so often has forced me to learn a bit about them. Please know that, by the time an animation set is released, I have done any research I deem necessary. Do not offer me corrections as to the "accuracy" of a weapon; if you seem something that you wouldn't considered 1:1 realistic, know that I already am aware of this, and deliberately omitted it for gameplay,technical, aesthetic, and/or time constraint purposes.

Please note that I am fully open to feedback--the above is simply here to state that I do not conflate 1:1 real-life weapon accuracy with a "good" animation, and to also clarify that I do not shoot for realism in my animations (although I do take inspiration for it in order to create a believable animation). Any critiques animation-side, such as things regarding timing, pacing, anticipation, weight, movements, etc. are extremely welcome and hugely beneficial to the craft.

I will not be commenting on any posts regarding this disclaimer, specifically about anything political. It is not my intention to make people angry, but to simply clear me of any unwanted associations.

Thank you.