About this mod
Mojave Survival is an overhaul mod that extends FNV's Hardcore mode and adds a number of new gameplay systems and mechanics, including farming and brahmin herding, while overhauling many vanilla systems for an extra challenge. Despite these changes, it retains the vanilla New Vegas feel – with an extra dash of pain.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
Mojave Survival is an overhaul mod that extends FNV's Hardcore mode and adds new gameplay systems and mechanics, while overhauling many vanilla systems for an extra challenge. Despite these changes, it retains the vanilla New Vegas feel – with an extra dash of pain.
NOTE: If you only want the farming / brahmin herding / housing without the Survival mechanics, see this distinct mod which ports that functionality.
TL;DR Version: This mod makes the game very challenging and adds a lot of new gameplay features and mechanics.
Have fun!
- Caravan Network. Fast-travel between major map locations via a caravan network.
- Motorcycle. New for 1.3.0. You can purchase a motorcycle for travelling (seller at 188 Trading Post).
- Player Housing. Purchase up to five (5) properties across the map from a property dealer in Freeside.
- Farming. Any crop/plant you see in game can be farmed at any of your properties. The farming system requires water, fertilizer, and maintenance. It is entirely optional, but can yield you a reliable supply of ingredients for high-end crafting.
- Brahmin herding. You can purchase Brahmin from a dealer near the 188 Trading Post. These Brahmin can live at any of your farms and provide a reliable source of fertilizer and Brahmin milk.
- Debadged and Reinforced armors. Any faction armor can be debadged to remove its association with the faction. Many of them also include updated textures to remove faction badges and markings, such as the NCR armor which uses duct tape. Debadging uses the Survival skill; Reinforced armor crafting uses the Repair skill. Also adds the ability to create reinforced versions of many outfit/non-armor articles of clothing.
- Lore-friendly crafting. The mod adds in total over 100 new craftable items, including some very powerful high-end food items and dishes inspired by the original Fallout games.
- New Voiced NPCs, including a property dealer in Freeside, a caravan master, and a brahmin dealer, as well as a few others that appear in choice-dependent encounters.
- New Encounters. The mod adds more than 100 new encounters across the map. Most of which are minor ambush-style encounters that may or may not happen depending on some of your story choices. But it also adds a number of new Wild Wasteland events
- Companion Updates. Companions will now use stimpaks and antivenom that you give them. Cass will drink whiskey. All companions can be dismissed to any of your player properties. You can also only have one active companion at a time, whether human or creature (not including temporary followers).
- Economy Overhaul. The economy is much more unforgiving. Most likely you will spend the majority of the game struggling financially, just like real life.
- Combat/Damage Changes. Combat is faster and far more dangerous than in the vanilla game. There are also many more enemies and some new enemy variants.
- New Conditions / Status Effects, including: long-term injuries, raw-food poisoning, blindness, drunkenness, Jet speed buff, parasite infection, bacterial infection.
- New Perks/Traits. Traits for chronic drunks and Jet addicts, along with some weapon-related perks.
- Skills / Stat Overhaul
- Much, much more. See below for details.
Major Updates for 1.3.0
- Adds motorcycle for an additional travel option (188 Trading Post seller)
- Less punishing skill point distribution on level up.
- Travel has a chance to spoil meat.
- Reduce caravan travel level to 5
- Adjusts Wino Forever perk description to prevent cut-off.
- Fixes missing sound when eating Iguana Bob's Pizza.
- Reduce infection time by half.
- Fix water filter not spawning in merchant's inventory.
- Home on the Range perk prevents outdoor sleep ambushes.
- Fixes caravan travel fadeout.
- Fixes pathfinding issue around New Vegas caravan post.
- Player can now craft 40mm and 25mm grenade ammo
- Reduces travel sleep/food/water rate.
- Lower spray-and-pray perk requirement
- New wild-wasteland encounter.
Starting a new game is required. NVSE v6.0 or greater, is required. JIP LN NVSE v. 56.0 or greater is required. JohnnyGuitar NVSE is required. The FNV 4GB Patcher is required.
All Fallout: New Vegas DLCs are required.
Following the usual Viva New Vegas setup is highly recommended. NVAC is highly recommended, although the mod has been tested without it.
YUP is highly recommended. Load the MojaveSurvival.esm file after YUP. For now, do not use the YUP NPC .esp file.
Mod Organizer 2 is highly recommended. Just install the mod archive as you normally would. For a manual installation, you need to drop the MojaveSurvival.esm file and the (3) three BSA files into your game's Data directory.
MojaveSurvival.esm should be the last .esm file in your load order.
See the Compatibility and Recommended Mods section below for more details.
It should go without saying but if you uninstall mid-playthrough your savegame file is likely borked.
NOTE: This mod has been cleaned with the latest version of FNVEdit.
New Skill Point Table
INT 10 = 14 skill points
INT 9 = 12 skill points
INT 8 = 10 skill points
INT 7 = 9 skill points
INT 6 = 8 skill points
INT 5 = 7 skill points
INT 4 = 6 skill points
INT 3 = 5 skill points
INT 2 = 4 skill points
INT 1 = 3 skill points
Caravan Network
You can travel between major map locations via the Water Merchant caravan network. Talk to the caravan master, Feargus. You cannot travel via this network if:
- You are below level 5.
- You are drunk.
- You are near complete exhaustion.
- You are near complete dehydration.
- You are near complete starvation.
- You are delivering Brahmin
- You cannot travel to Hoover Dam if the NCR is hostile.
- You cannot travel to/from Primm if the town does not have a sheriff.
Water Merchant Outposts can be found at the following locations:
- NCR Mojave Outpost, below the hill, near the traveling merchants.
- Primm (if law has been restored to Primm)
- Novac
- Vegas/Freeside (near the Gun Runners building)
- Hoover Dam
- 188 Trading Post
The Water Merchants faction is aligned with Crimson Caravan.
Player Housing
There are (5) five available player properties/farms across the Mojave. Players can purchase property from Bishop at Mojave Realty in Freeside, behind the Old Mormon Fort. These properties include shared storage between them, so there is a strong benefit to having multiple properties. Properties have from 6 - 24 farming crop slots, and vary in amenities.
You can also keep Brahmin at any location, although you will incur a reputation ding if you keep Brahmin in Freeside.
Housing Options:
- Freeside Apartment
- Novac Shack
- Long 15 Trailer
- New Vegas Home
- West Side Home
Many vanilla perks have been updated to be better balanced with Mojave Survival, for example:
- Tag!
You can take at level 3 instead of 16 - Life Giver
+20 HP instead of +30 - Swift Learner
+5 percent increase instead of +10. - Educated
+1 skill point instead of +2 - Strong Back
+25 to carry weight instead of +50 - Hunter
+50% damage to mutated animals instead of +75% - Good natured
- +10 points to non-combat skills instead of +5
- -10 points to combat skills instead of -5
- Long Haul Perk
Disabled as this perk is irrelevant to Mojave Survival. - Companion Suite
Permanently disabled. Although this perk is notoriously bugged, it does occasionally work which throws off companion DT and carry-weight if active with this mod. - Enhanced Sensors
This EDE companion-perk now gives you the ability to see compass enemies. Normally you cannot see enemies on your compass. - Shotgun Surgeon
Take at level 10 instead of level 6. Ignore 5 DT instead of 10. - Junk Rounds
Requires Repair 65 instead of Repair 45 - Home on the Range
Take at level 14 instead of 8 - Early Risers
- +1 to attributes instead of +2 during the day.
- -1 to attributes instead of -2 at night.
- Hoarder:
Carry weight under 75lbs instead of under 160lbs - Logans Loophole
Stuck at level 15 instead of level 30 - Certified Tech
Min. level changed from 40 to 25. - Broad Daylight
Min. level changed from 36 to 25. - Aint like that now
Min. level changed from 50 to 40. - Thought you died
Min. level changed from 50 to 40. - Just Lucky I'm Alive
Min. level changed from 50 to 40. - Alertness
Min. level changed from 12 to 10. Now affects chance-to-hit instead of compass recognition.
Also adds the following new perks/traits:
- Wino Forever (Trait)
This trait lets you play the game consistently drunk without having to deal with the negative side effects. You can also travel via the caravan network if you have this trait while drunk. However, you are permanently addicted to alcohol, so if you aren't under the effect of Alcohol, you will suffer from withdrawal. - Speed Demon (Trait)
Speed Demon is for chronic Jet addicts. In game, Jet gives you a significant run-speed bonus. This trait gives this speed bonus at all times, but you will suffer a withdrawal penalty while not under the effect of Jet. - Re-Tag!
Lets you cycle out two tagged skills and is available at Level 10 or greater. See Builds for more information about Skills/Tagging. - Medical Marvel (Science)
Available with Science 100, reduces your addiction chance by 75% - Medical Marvel (Medicine)
Available with Medicine 100, reduces your addiction chance by 75% - Raw Foodist
Eating raw meat no longer gives you raw-food poisoning - Weapon Focus, Pistols
Available at Level 10, your attacks with this type of weapon ignore 5 DT, similar to Shotgun Surgeon. - Weapon Focus, Rifles
See above. - Weapon Focus, Revolvers
See above. - Weapon Focus, Heavy Weapons
See above. - Weapon Focus, Energy Pistols
See above. - Weapon Focus, Energy Rifles
See above. - Weapon Focus, Heavy Energy
See above. - Weapon Focus, Blades
See above. - Weapon Focus, Blunt
See above.
This mod adds more than 100 encounters to the map, most of them being ambushes that are conditional depending on time-of-day, the player's level, and/or decisions you've made playing the game. For example, if you kill Tabitha, you may be hunted by her most loyal followers. However, there are also new Wild Wasteland events/items, including a recreation of the Fallout 2 "Mad Brahmin" encounter.
See the POI and encounter map below:

Farming gives you reliable access to ingredients used in high-end crafting, which can outclass even the most potent chems. Each player property has a farm area with a number of crop-planting slots (ranging from 6 to 24 depending on the property). You can plant the following (you must have a specimen in your inventory):
- Maize
- Mutfruit (not crunchy)
- Barrel Cactus
- Xander Root
- Broc Flower
- Jalapeno
- Honey Mesquite
- Banana Yucca
- Buffalo Gourd
- Coyote Tobacco
- Nevada Agave
- Prickly Pear Cactus
- Potato
- Pinto Bean
- White Horsenettle
Each property also has a Water Reservoir and Fertilizer Storage. You must keep these replenished for your crops to grow.
Every day (except the first day a crop is planted) your crops will check the Water and Fertilizer to ensure some amount exists. It will then perform a growth dice roll dependent on your Luck and Survival skill. If an individual plant succeeds in this check, it will perform two other dice rolls to determine if it consumes fertilizer and/or water.
You can use dirty water or purified water; however, plants will consume twice as much dirty water as purified water.
There is also an in-game manual called the Wasteland Farming Guide which you can reference.
Fertilizer can be crafted from dung found in Brahmin Piles around the Mojave where Brahmin exist. However, for a reliable source of fertilizer, consider buying some Brahmin for your farm.
It can also be crafted with Spoiled Meat
Brahmin Herding
You can purchase Brahmin from Wild Bill Brahmin just south of the 188 Trading Post. They are 800 caps per animal and you must have a player property to purchase them.
After purchase, you will receive a quest to deliver the Brahmin to your selected property. The Brahmin will follow you to your destination. Once you arrive, as long as at least one Brahmin is still alive, the quest will complete, or otherwise fail.
Once you have delivered your Brahmin, they become attached to your property and will graze the area. Brahmin will produce (1) one Brahmin Dung unit per day, which will appear in your property's Brahmin Pile.
Your stock Brahmin can also be milked all at once instead of (1) one bottle at a time. Each Brahmin can be milked (5) five times per cell reset (once every 18 hours).
After delivering the Brahmin, you can activate it and tell it to follow you, which you can use to move the Brahmin around the property or to a different property.
TIP: Brahmin have a tendency to wander and graze out a little further each day. So if a Brahmin starts to get too far away from your property, you may need to move it. Tell it to "Stay Put" where you want it to graze.
There is no hard limit on the number of Brahmin you can keep at a property. But the game engine does not handle tons of NPCs grouped together well. I'd recommend no more than around 20 Brahmin at a single property. More than that and you could see decreased performance in the area.
Sobriety Tracking System
The mod features a drastically reduced carry weight, which can be temporarily boosted with Alcohol. However, you'll need to balance your Alcohol intake over time to avoid becoming drunk.
Beer and Wine count for +1 Alcohol, while hard liquor are +2 Alcohol. Your player character can hold an Alcohol amount equal to one-half of his Endurance. If the meter goes higher, you will become drunk, which is a great detriment that drastically cuts your chance to hit, gives you blurry vision, and can cause you to stumble and fall to the ground.
Around once every 3-5 minutes in-game, your Alcohol meter will reduce by one, allowing you to slowly sober up. You can also sleep off the Drunk effect.
Bitter Drink and Dunton's Drymeat (craftable) will reduce your Alcohol meter by (1) one per item ingested.
TIP: There is no visual "meter" on the UI or Pip-Boy. You will need to monitor your Alcohol intake closely to avoid becoming drunk.
TIP: Players with the Wino Forever trait can avoid the majority of the negative effects of being drunk, however, there is a small chance that players with this trait will black out and wake up in a random location while drunk, which can be quite inconvenient.
Status Effects / Afflictions
- Raw Food Poisoning
All meat in the mod must be cooked, or it will inflict raw food poisoning. You can cook basic versions of all meat with a fairly low Survival skill (15). See Crafting below for more info. - Drunk
When you are drunk, your vision will be blurry, your chance-to-hit will be cut in half, and you may be prone to stumbling and falling down. See the Sobriety Tracking System section for more info. - Long-term Injuries
If you fail to heal your crippled limbs, you will eventually acquire a long-term injury with a permanent stat debuff related to the limb/body part. - Chronic Drunk
A condition associated with the Wino Forever trait, provides a permanent carry-weight and Charisma buff, but a permanent alcohol addiction effect. - Chronic Jet Addict
A condition associated with the Speed Demon trait, provides a permanent run-speed bonus but a debuff to Intelligence and Endurance, as well as a permanent Jet addiction effect. - Bacterial Infection
A condition you can acquire from wild-animal attacks or swimming. Also has a Strength/Endurance penalty. Can only be cured with Antibiotics, but will go away on its own after about (2) two real-time in-game hours. - Parasite Infection
Functions exactly the same as Bacterial Infection. - Blindness
If your head becomes crippled, you will need to pass a dice roll aided by your Luck skill. If you fail, you will become blinded for around (3) three minutes. You will incur a Perception penalty and your vision will be obscured. There is no cure but the passage of time.
Weapons in Mojave Survival will degrade at a much faster rate than in vanilla FNV. Many vanilla weapons have minor changes to various attributes such as HP and damage. Some Strength requirements have also been adjusted. Using VATS will degrade your weapon at a much faster rate.
The mod also adds the following new weapons (repurposed models):
- Stun Gun
Basically a gun version of the Shock Baton for a pacifist-type playthrough. Uses your Speech skill instead of Guns skill. - Prototype Shrink Ray
Only available during a Wild Wasteland encounter. As the name suggests, it applies a shrinking effect to its target. It works most of the time, although has about a 10 percent chance to make the target larger instead of smaller. - Battered Scoped Rifle
A very cheap and low-level scoped rifle for an early-game Sniper build. Can be purchased from Chet in Goodsprings. - Sharpened Knife
Craftable version of the basic knife weapon that does more damage. - Molotov Cocktail / Super Molotov Cocktail
An explosive that can be crafted with empty Sunset Sarsaparilla bottles and fuel. - Red Ryder LE BB Gun
A crit-happy version of the BB gun, located in a dungeon/gauntlet romp to the south of Mojave Outpost. - Boomstick
A flavor of the Hunting Shotgun available in a special encounter.
Armor in the mod degrades much faster than in vanilla FNV.
All armors in the game have a carry-weight offset ranging from 5 to 25 pounds, depending on the weight and type of armor. This works in conjunction with a severely restricted carry weight.
The mod adds craftable debadged versions of all faction armor (Survival skill), most of which have updated in-game models.
Also adds a number of craftable Reinforced outfits (Repair skill), which can be crafted with the item, scrap metal, and Metal Armor. This generally adds 8 to 12 DT as well as additional HP.
- Reinforced Vault 13 Armored Jumpsuit
- Reinforced Businesswear
- Reinforced Benny's Suit
- Reinforced Jailhouse Rocker
- Reinforced Merc Charmer
- Reinforced Merc Troublemaker
- Reinforced Merc Adventurer
- Reinforced Pre-War Casualwear
- Reinforced Bright Brotherhood Robe
- Reinforced Caravaneer Outfit
- Reinforced Settler Outfit
- Reinforced Brahmin-Skin Outfit
- Reinforced Merc Adventurer
- Reinforced BoS Scribe Robe
- Reinforced Debadged BoS Scribe Robe
Core Gameplay Changes
- Hardcore-mode is permanently enabled.
- Fast-travel is permanently disabled. You can travel via the caravan network or with your motorcycle.
- Timescale is halved, effectively doubling the day length. Changing the Timescale is frowned upon as it can throw off some NPC schedules, however, it is necessary for the experience of this mod. UPDATED 1.1: There is an optional .esp which restores the vanilla Timescale setting.
- Cell Respawn reduced to 18-hours
- Vendor Reshuffle happens daily.
- Loot has been drastically reduced. Pre-war loot even more so.
- Skill point investment matters much more than in the vanilla game. The impact of skill-point calculations have been restructured to be far more extreme, on the positive and negative side.
- Nighttime is much darker, and there a number of feral ghoul packs you may run into should you venture out past sundown.
- You can no longer craft chems at a campfire. You must use a chemistry set workbench. All in-game static chem workbenches have been replaced with interactive ones (except the one in Doc Mitchell's house).
- You cannot access your inventory while taking damage. There is a cooldown of approximately 10 seconds, with an exception for if you are poisoned.
- Opening your Pip-Boy uses action points.
- Perception now plays a very large role in your VATS accuracy. The base chance-to-hit with Perception 1 is 25%. Every point of Perception increases this by 5% to a maximum of +75% at PER 10.
- Skill points have been drastically reduced.
You get (1) skill point per each permanent Intelligence point.Skill point table has been updated for 1.3.0. See New Skill Point Table above. - Tagging a skill means you increase the ranking by (2) points two instead of (1) one. It is very hard to build a true jack-of-all-trades character. You will need to pick a few skills to be good at and build your character around them. This coupled with the reduced XP progression means it's very difficult to level up non-tagged skills. At level 10, you can take an additional Re-Tag! perk if you want to focus on other skills.
- All difficulty levels have been flattened, so the mod essentially has (1) difficulty mode, which is harder than vanilla FNV "Very Hard."
- The mod allows you to sleep on couches.
- You can cook at any barrel fire.
- Run speed has been increased slightly (~5 percent).
- Walking speed while encumbered has been increased slightly.
- Luck has been slightly nerfed, but is still very powerful.
- Maximum casino winnings have been reduced by ~25%
Hardcore Mode Changes
Hardcore needs such as thirst, hunger, and sleep have been strengthened and balanced around the reduced game Timescale (cut in half, from 30 to 15). Most have been rebalanced for an extra challenge. For example, chems have more of an effect on your dehydration rate, so they must be used wisely.
These slow down to a much lower rate while you are sleeping to avoid death.
Sleeping will restore your limb condition a small amount, but not if they're crippled. You must use a Doctor's Bag, Hydra, or visit a doctor to heal crippled limbs to avoid obtaining a long-term injury.
Water Collection
Empty bottles (all of them) now have a purpose in FNV -- they can be used to collect water. You can choose to fill (1) or all of your bottles at any water source, which will return either dirty or purified water depending on the source. Each water source, including those in player properties, have a daily ration limit of 20.
Crafting / Consumables
- Most ingestibles/chems have been rebalanced for effects, weight, and value.
- Ammo crafting has been simplified:
- Instead of large/small variants of Primer, there are only two types of primer: Pistol and Rifle. Shotguns use Pistol Primer.
- Some campfire recipes, such as the Gecko-backed armors, have been moved from Campfire to Workbench.
- All Chem recipes have been moved from Campfire to the new Chemistry Workbench.
- There are now basic cooked versions of all raw meat which can be made with a fairly low Survival skill (15).
Additionally, there are a number of new ingestible/chem recipes:
- Jet
- Jet, Homemade
- Stimpak, Homemade
- Turbo (alternate way to craft with Science 90 instead of the Khan quest)
- Armor Repair Kit
- Weapon Repair Kit, Lesser
- Scrap Metal (can be crafted from a variety of metal junk items)
- Fertilizer (Spoiled Meat)
- Fertilizer (Brahmin Dung)
- Crispy Deathclaw Fingers
- Wasteland Chili
- Brahmin Butter
- Hardtack
- Broc Flower Loaf
- Tortilla
- Centaur Chops
- Brahmin Dog
- Brahmin Fries
- Radscorpion Stew
- Canis Burger
- Flour
- Mantis Marsala
- Modoc Molerat Tacos
- Medallions of Grilled Gecko
- Dunton's Drymeat
- Purified Water (craftable with water filter + 2x dirty water)
- Geck Egg Omelet
- Mom's Rat Pie
- Brahmin Pot Pie
- Baked Potato
- Iguana Bob's Pizza
- Cookie
- Sweetroll
- Mutfruit Smoothie
- Brahmin en Brochette
- Brahmin Bourguignon
- Gecko Pie
- Nightstalker Tail Soup
- Spoiled Meat (not craftable)
The higher-end (Survival 50+) food recipes often exceed the power of chems. They can be incredibly helpful buffs to get you through difficult encounters
A spreadsheet containing the effects and requirements for all craftables can be viewed here.
You can only keep one active companion at a time, excluding temporary followers.
EDE is repairable now, with x2 Scrap Metal and x1 Scrap Electronics. You can also repair him without parts if your Repair skills is >= 75.
- All companions have been nerfed to a degree. Their default weapons do far less damage and their stats have been adjusted. They have been made slightly more tanky to deal with the more punishing combat encounters, but are still prone to perma-death.
- Veronica's default ranged weapon has been changed to a Laser Pistol
- Companions can be sent to any of your purchased player properties.
- EDE's perk has been changed to show enemy NPCs on your compass. You will not detect NPCs on your compass anymore without EDE.
- Companions will use Stimpaks to heal themselves, as well as Antivenom. Cass will drink Whiskey after combat if it's in her inventory.
NPCs / Creatures
Many or most creature and NPC stats have been adjusted for an extra challenge. Often you will be fighting enemies that are a much higher level than your player character. Enemy count has also been greatly increased across the board.
The mod adds a number of new enemies, all of which use repurposed vanilla FNV models:
- Greater Mole Rat
- Greater Giant Mantis
- Miniature Giant Space Rat (Wild Wasteland)
- Irradiated Radroach
- Gojira (Wild Wasteland)
- Irradiated Scorpion
- Lesser Cazador
- Irradiated Golden Gecko
- Jethead Jane
- Viper Thug
- Fiend Stalker
- Pack Ghoul
- Grieving Bright Follower
- Grieving Boomer
- Grieving Sycophant
- Grieving Tabitha Follower
- Orphaned Brotherhood Initiate
- Orphaned Brotherhood Paladin
- Orphaned Brotherhood Scribe
- Orphaned Brotherhood Knight
- Mercenary
- Mercenary Leader
And adds a few neutral/friendly NPCs:
- Feargus, Caravan Master (voiced)
- Wild Bill Brahmin, Brahmin Trader (voiced)
- Bishop, Property Dealer (AI voiced)
- Mojave Realty Crier (AI voiced)
Level Progression
Level progression has been totally overhauled. You will level at an increasingly slower pace, and the level-cap has been reduced from 50 to 40. See the below table for a comparison vs vanilla FNV:

The mod aims for a vanilla game experience so does not generally make changes to story and/or questing. However, there are a few side quests:
- Baptized in the Fire of the Bomb. Wild Wasteland only.
- Cowboy Night Herd Song. Repeatable quest to purchase/escort Brahmin.
- Bringing It All Back Home. Quest to visit your newly purchased property.
- Queenie's Revenge. Conditional event.
- Wanted Man. Conditional event if you murder a certain NPC.
- King of the Road. Small quest to acquire/fix a motorcycle.
- All damage multipliers have been doubled or more, making combat faster and deadlier. Player/Companion HP pools have also been drastically reduced.
- You will need to utilize cover, strategy, and buffs at your disposal to survive combat.
- Expect to die often and be forced to reconsider your strategy for a number of encounters.
- Opening your inventory costs AP.
- You cannot access your inventory while taking damage. There is a cooldown of approximately 10 seconds, with an exception if you are poisoned.
- Headshot chance-to-hit has been cut in half. Headshots also do more damage.
- Perception now plays a very large role in your VATS accuracy.
- Using VATS will wear out your weapons very fast. Use it wisely.
Most any build you would go with in vanilla FNV is viable, with the exception of a jack-of-all-trades character, and with some caveats. You need to lean hard into your tagged skills and choose perks that complement these well for a build to be viable. Those should also synergize well with your attribute points.
Here are some builds I enjoyed during development:
- Sniper
- Drug Dealer
- Drunk Cowboy
- Farmer
- Gambler/Conman
- Chainsaw Cannibal
- Explosives Specialist
- Scavenger
Tagging Survival and/or Repair is not required, but admittedly, you will be locked out of much of what the mod offers if you do not tag them, particularly Survival. Fortunately you can choose the Tag! perk when you hit level (4) four for a total of (4) tag skills. After that, you can choose the Re-Tag! perk to swap out up to two tagged skills. You will not lose the investment you made in the original skill, but will lose the bonus moving forward.
Tagging Speech is very much a luxury in this mod, and it will cause you to lose out on things that will help you survive.
The investment you make in your initial SPECIAL attributes matter much more so than in the base game. The economy is quite brutal -- so dumping even Charisma will make your life much harder in some ways. The same could be said for Strength (carry weight), Endurance (resistance to conditions), Intelligence (skill points), and any other attribute.
Bug Fixes
The mod makes some small bug fixes deemed necessary:
- Fixed enter/exit DLC vanilla hardcore crash bug. Well known problem that vanilla hardcore mode will crash when entering/exiting some DLCs when hunger/dehydration are not 0. This mod includes a fix for that.
- Fixed companion defense perk bug Companion Defense perk is notoriously bugged, but it actually works sometimes which wreaks havoc with the mod companions' already reduced carry weight. It has been effectively disabled.
- Fixes a bug with White Horsenettle and Broc Flower plants that caused them to have Havok physics and fall through the ground.
NOTE: All FNV DLCs are required.
DLCs were minimally updated. They receive an extra challenge because of the reduced level progression, tougher combat settings, etc. But there are no extra enemies or encounters added to the DLCs.
I usually start Dead Money around level 15 in this mod. Lonesome Road at level 20+.
This is an overhaul mod that adds or edits over 10,000 records in the game. As such, any similar overhaul mod, such as DUST, JESawyer, Project Nevada, Vicious Wastes, True Wasteland Economy etc. is almost certain to have major conflicts.
For the most part, mods that add new things should be fine, but in the case of problems emerging with popular mods, please reach out, I would be happy to make a merge patch as long as the mod doesn't inherently conflict with the theme of Mojave Survival.
This mod makes changes to many cells, NPCs, Creatures, Weapons, Armor, Ingestibles, and some vanilla scripts, such as the Followers script and companion scripts.
NOTE: You do not need a delay DLC mod here. This mod already includes similar functionality.
See the next section for some highly recommended mods that have been tested fairly extensively with Mojave Survival.
Recommended Mods
The following mods complement the experience of this mod very well:
- Just Dynamic Crosshair
- Live Dismemberment
- Smooth True Iron Sights Camera
- NV Compatibility Skeleton
- StewieAl's Tweaks and Engine Fixes (avoid the gameplay balance changes, they have not been tested and probably conflict with this mod's changes)
- B42 Weapon Inertia
- Loot Menu (requires UIO)
Complete List of Core Gameplay Changes
This list provides more details about Gameplay changes but is not yet comprehensive; it is a work-in-progress.
- Hardcore mode cannot be disabled.
- Normal fast travel is disabled (see New Gameplay Systems -> Caravan Network).
- VATS hit chance is now calculated based on Perception ability score.
- Cooldown of ~10 seconds to access inventory after taking damage.
- AP cost to open inventory of 25 minus your Agility attribute score.
- Loot has been reduced ~25 to 50%, depending on the type. Prewar items have been reduced by 75%.
- Level progression has been significantly changed. See Settings and New XP Progression Table for details. The theoretical level cap has been reduced to 40; however, the practical level cap is probably around 35, if you do all/most of the DLCs.
- Player receives much fewer skill points per level, but tagged skills increase at a rate of 2 for each skill point. You will need to pick a few areas of specialization. You can’t be good at everything. See Settings for details.
- Incoming and outgoing damage is greatly increased while health pools are lower. Combat is much faster and deadlier. See Settings for details. You will need to utilize cover and environmental tactics to survive.
- Increased walking speed when you are encumbered. You are still much slower, but the movement speed is now somewhat bearable.
- Raw meat will now expire if held in your inventory too long. It will turn into Spoiled Meat, which can be used to craft Fertilizer with your Survival skill, but otherwise has no use. See Ingestibles and Crafting for details.
- Most ammo prices have been doubled.
- The economy is much more unforgiving than vanilla FNV. See Settings changes for details.
- Pacifist players can use the Stun Gun to knock out enemies instead of killing them. See Weapons/Armor for details.
- Ammo crafting has been streamlined. Instead of six types of primer, there are two (Pistol, Rifle) to be inline with vanilla New Vegas powder types.
- New water-collection system. If you have an empty bottle, you can choose to collect water. Whether you receive purified or dirty water depends on the source. You can also still drink water from the source as in vanilla FNV.
- Brahmin milking system. You can collect or drink milk from any individual Brahmin, up to 5 times until the next cell respawn event. Scripted Brahmin and Caravan Brahmin are generally excluded. Brahmin Milk is a new ingestible that also has uses in crafting. See Ingestibles and Crafting.
- Cook / access the campfire crafting on any Barrel fire.
- Sleep or sit on any couch/sofa.
- Well-rested effect applies for owned beds as long as you sleep at least 8 hours (vanilla is 12 hours).
- Craft debadged versions of Faction Armor that will not aggro rival factions. See Armor changes for full details.
- Companions will automatically use Stimpaks and Antivenom if supplied with them.
- ED-E (both of them) can be repaired when he has gone down in combat, either by using a high Repair skill or parts. If ED-E is exploded, he is gone forever. (see Misc. Notes regarding repairing ED-E).
- Companion’s default weapon damage has been nerfed to a degree, while they have also been made a little sturdier to keep them from dying 100% of the time. You can still supply them with high-end weapons, but will have to provide them with ammo.
- Mojave Express boxes can be used instantly, with no need to discover additional locations. These boxes have more utility than in vanilla FNV because of reduced carrying capacity.
- Pre-order special item packs have been distributed around the Wasteland, with the exception of the Vault 13 canteen.
- Veronica’s default ranged weapon is now a Laser Pistol instead of a 10mm.
- Jet now provides a significant run speed bonus.
- Jet and its lesser Homemade variety are now craftable with Fertilizer. See Ingestibles for more details.
- Stimpaks have a chance to give you an empty syringe when used, which can be used to craft additional stimpaks. This dice roll is based on your Science, Luck, and Survival.
- Jet now has a chance to give you an empty Jet inhaler, which can be used to craft additional Jet.
- Dozens of new crafting options and ingestibles. See Crafting or Ingestibles for more details.
- All player housing has proper crafting stations, including a player stove which can be used to cook.
- All raw meat will cause you to vomit and suffer a negative status effect for a period. All meat can be cooked as a basic subsistence item with a fairly low Survival skill requirement.
- Eating human flesh, cooked or raw, can possibly grant you the Cannibal perk, depending on a Luck dice roll.
- Eating human flesh while in sight of an NPC will reduce your Karma by 100.
- Alcohol usage is now tracked via a “Sobriety Tracker.” If your drink meter exceeds ½ your Endurance, you will become drunk, which can have a variety of interesting effects (see Items and Perks). The drink meter reduces as time passes, so you have to exercise caution with your alcohol usage to avoid becoming drunk. Beer does not increase the tracker as much as hard liquor.
- Wild creatures (and Ghouls) can cause the Player bacterial or parasite infections, which are only curable with Antibiotics (or with the passage of time). Dice roll based on Endurance/Luck to evade.
- Swimming in Wasteland water can also cause the Player to catch bacterial or parasitic infections.
- Crippled limbs left untreated for too long can now cause long-term injuries/deformations that apply permanent negative status effects that cannot be removed (heal your broken bones with a Doctor’s Bag or Hydra!)
- Some enemies have new variants – such as the Greater Mole Rat. Many enemy stats have also been adjusted to be more challenging. See Enemies for full details.
- Enemy spawns generally have been greatly increased. Not universally, but most places/events with enemies have more enemies.
- Most bosses have been made higher level and/or tougher.
- Five new Wild Wasteland encounters/events/items. Not going to list them here, but you will be rewarded with laughs and cool new items by taking the Wild Wasteland perk.
- Several new Traits/Perks, as well as changes to vanilla perks. See Perks section for full details.
- The cost of medical services has been increased to 200 caps, except for the Followers of the Apocalypse.
- The “credit check” to enter the Strip has been increased to 3,000 caps.
- Equipped armor now has a carry-weight offset of 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, or 30, depending on the type. So generally speaking, armor that you are wearing does not affect your encumbrance. See Weapons/Armor for full details.
- Night-time is much darker. Unless you’re using chems or night vision perks, operating when the sun goes down is very difficult. The Pip-Boy light has been increased to accommodate, but your vision will still be severely restricted if you are in a low-light area.
- All progressive status effects for dehydration, hunger, sleep, etc. have been modified to be more detrimental.
- Companion Suite perk has been disabled. Although it is notoriously bugged, it sometimes works which breaks aspects of this mod, hence it is permanently disabled
Complete List of Core Settings Changes
This list provides more details about Settings changes, and is not yet comprehensive
- Increased all base Hardcore needs rates except dehydration. Generally, you will hit the first stage of being “tired” after roughly 10 hours of in-game time. You will need to eat/drink several times per day, further dependent on your chem usage and/or illnesses and status effects.
- Time scale is reduced by half. One minute of real-world time now equals 15 minutes of in-game time instead of 30. A full 24-hour cycle in-game is now approximately 1.5 hours of real-world time.
- Base Actor movement speed is increased by 8%
- Player base movement speed increased an additional 3%
- Base carry-weight reduced from 75 (Hardcore) to 40. Strength carry weight multiplier increased from 10 to 15 lbs per point of strength (Ex: STR 5 = 115 lb carry weight. STR 10 = 190 lb carry weight).
- Weapon degradation greatly increased.
- Armor degradation greatly increased.
- Melee damage strength multiplier increased by 50%
- Base barter buy/sell rate increased/decreased by 60%
- Barter buy/sell skill multiplier rate decreased/increased by 30%
- Incoming limb damage multiplier increased by ~30%
- Player HP Endurance multiplier decreased from 20 to 7, significantly reducing HP.
- Player Endurance hp/level increased from 5 to 6.
- NPC HP Endurance multiplier increased from 5 to 8
- Initial tag skill bonus decreased from 15 to 10.
- Tagged skills advance 2 points per invested skill point, similar to the original games.
- Difficulty level modifiers were all changed to be in sync with “Hard” mode. Meaning there is effectively one difficulty level.
- Skill points per level up are reduced to be equivalent to Player’s Intelligence attribute. This means INT 5 = 5 skills points per level, etc.
- Karma penalty for stealing was reduced by 80%.
- Movement speed for Player with crippled legs increased by ~15%
- Reduced XP awarded globally by 40% (other modifications to XP stack on top of this)
- Increased the SPECIAL / Skill point modifier by 25%. This means attributes have an increased effect, whether positive or negative, on base skill values.
- Decreased the amount of Karma awarded for killing an evil actor by 90%.
- XP required to advance per-level doubled, from 150 to 300. See New XP Table for a full breakdown. Base value also increased from 200 to 300. At later levels you will generally be 5-8 levels behind where you would be in the base game with equivalent XP
- DLC XP awarded has been roughly cut in half.
- VATS weapon degradation increased 10x. VATS is still very powerful but it will degrade your weapon much faster.
- Ingestible Survival skill multiplier reduced by ~37%
- Player movement speed penalty for 2H weapons cut in half.
- Player movement speed penalty for heavy armor reduced by ~66%
- Player movement speed penalty for medium armor reduced by ~75%
- Reduced global VATS max-hit chance from 95% to 75%.
- Reduced the global VATS weapon accuracy multiplier from 1.00 to 0.20.
- Reduced the heavy armor stealth penalty modifier from 20 to 10.
- Reduced the medium armor stealth penalty modifier from 10 to 5.
- Disabled NPC compass ticks for Player (ED-E’s Perk now grants this ability, but the maximum number of NPC ticks shown has been reduced from 10 to 4).
- Increased global weapon damage modifier by 25% (including creature damage).
- Increased the 1H weapon spread modifier for 1 crippled arm from 0.20 to 0.30.
- Increased the 2H weapon spread modifier for 1 crippled arm from 0.40 to 0.55.
- Increased the 1H weapon spread modifier for 2 crippled arms from 0.40 to 0.55
- Increased the 2H weapon spread modifier for 2 crippled arms from 0.60 to 0.75
- Increased the minimum gun spread from 0.01 to 0.03
- Decreased the Luck skill bonus multiplier by half, from 0.5 to 0.25. Luck is still powerful, but not quite as OP.
- Increased the sneak-attack damage multiplier from 2.0 to 4.0
- Headshot chance-to-hit reduced by half.
- Maximum casino winnings reduced by 25%
Voice Actors:
- Wild Bill Brahmin: Seth
- Feargus: Sunny
- Bishop: ElevenLabs A.I.
- Misc. NPCs: ElevenLabs A.I.
- Pixelhate: Invisible Activator
- Polyfemus: Sausage/Weiner Model
- Nights are Darker: Used values for nighttime darkness.
- Sharp Photography: Adapted for food icon
- Pannet: Adapted for food icon
- Missvain: Adapted for food icon
- Goddard's Pies Ltd.: Adapted for food icon
Future Development
- Dungeons
- Translations
- TTW Version
- Jobs or Career Paths, more ways to use different builds to earn caps.