File information
Created by
Xilandro Axeuora and Hitman47101Uploaded by
XilandroVirus scan
About this mod
This mod lets you to physically grab items you're picking up!
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits

This mod lets you to physically grab items you're picking up!
Supports both first and third person point of view
It also makes an item fly to you, to make connection with the hand more natural.
But if you dislike it - you can turn it off in the Data\Config\B42Loot\Settings.ini file

xNVSE 6.3.3 or higher
JIP LN NVSE version 57.21 or higher
ShowOff NVSE version 1.65 or higher
JohnnyGuitar NVSE version 4.93 or higher
lStewieAl's Tweaks version 8.65 or higher
kNVSE version 20 or higher
Soft requirement (if you use vanilla anims and weapon disappears):
Vanilla Animations Weapon Scale Fix
Very highly recommended for ANY ScriptRunner mod:
Improved Console version 1.6 or higher

Install all required mods first, then this one.
Uninstallation - do the same, but in reverse.

Jazzisparis, ScriptRunner, listening to bugs that make no sense
Hitman47101, Early suggestions, testing, animations
DarianStephens, Final hours blast testing, saved my arse
GSC Game World for that hot S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 trailer that inspired this mod.
Bethesda, for the engine
Obsidian, for New Vegas
Armed Forces of Ukraine, for keeping me alive and safe
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