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  1. chilloucik
    • premium
    • 615 kudos
    TTW version added.
  2. Gach0mpez
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    How's the compatibility with all the bug fix mods from Viva and type 4 body as well? I tried it but the mesh got distorted all over the places. I got all the mesh improvement and mesh fix mods from viva so I think maybe it doesn't compatible with them? Also use type 4 body and I tried various of load order for the esp but the meshes are still distorted.
  3. deleted204612218
    • account closed
    • 0 kudos
    Why does Jack look like Better Call Saul if he were a red neck lol. also great mod!
  4. PlasticPotatoes
    • premium
    • 9 kudos
    For anyone who thinks the new faces are hideous and beyond redemption, just wanted to mention that you can also delete all the NPC records in it and the mod will still work just fine.

    This is what Pearl looks like with the overhaul and New Vegas Redesigned 2. No more unique NPC outfits, but also no more hollywood abombinations in your game!

    1. chilloucik
      • premium
      • 615 kudos
      True, but then you are missing out on all the unique clothing the NPCs wear. Some of them look really cool and sadly can't be used on vanilla/FCO/NVR faces because these armors contain body parts like hair or eyes. The pic below is Jack's armor.
      I personally love the look of dragbody NPCs, they stand out a lot compared to vanilla NPCs because they are much more detailed, but I can't play without them anymore. Some of these faces are absolutely fantastic. Well, it's all a matter of taste really.

    2. isaiahratlief
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      how would i delete them? thru nif or files? when i do files the error checkmark shows up 
    3. PokeyGT
      • premium
      • 20 kudos
      You would have to edit the plugin using NVEdit.
  5. laclongquan
    • supporter
    • 46 kudos
    Since this mod touch armors and weapons item, it definitely conflict with TTW, in the aspect of breaking TTW value/armor rating .
    TTW change DR DT of armor, so there's one series of conflict.
    TTW 332 change value of items to follow F3 scale (in a way, this prevent economy unbalance of FNV) so this is 2nd line of conflict.
    PLayers might still be able to play game with this mod install. But once they visit and loot Boomers, things will break.
    1. chilloucik
      • premium
      • 615 kudos
      If this is the case in TTW, then these mods are definitely not compatible with TTW.
      I need to install TTW myself and check it out, maybe I will be able to balance them correctly.
  6. B4llsAndB4y0n3ts
    • member
    • 15 kudos
    If this forwards YUP changes, does that make it incompatible with TTW?
    1. chilloucik
      • premium
      • 615 kudos
      Hmmm I don't play TTW myself, but it might indeed be incompatible. Most forwarded changes are changes that do not require having YUP installed at all (tweaks for NPC stats and such) but sometimes scripts/packages are edited to some custom ones from YUP and this is where YUP is really needed.
      Does the TTW version of YUP contain "YUP - Base Game + All DLC.esm"?
    2. PokeyGT
      • premium
      • 20 kudos
      I don't see how it would. TTW comes with its own YUP plugin which should make pretty much the same changes as regular YUP.

      I can check out how it looks in my TTW setup in FNVEdit.
    3. chilloucik
      • premium
      • 615 kudos
      Yeah but some changes refer to "YUP - Base Game + All DLC.esm" plugin and this plugin is needed as a master.
      I have just checked and this mod doesn't have any changes that refer to the YUP plugin so this particular mod is definitely compatible with TTW.
      But i remember that one of the previous mods that I've uploaded (Brotherhood or Powder Gangers) definitely requires YUP plugin, which might makes it uncompatible with TTW unless the TTW YUP plugin name is exactly like regular FNV.
    4. PokeyGT
      • premium
      • 20 kudos
      Plugin looks good to me. It is incompatible in the most technical sense with TTW just as most mods that edit or add armor are, since it reverts TTW's DR/DT values back to vanilla, and a couple other small details like No Low Level Processing flags (which affects whether NPCs will go about their days while you're not nearby or not). Nothing that you should ever actually notice in a playthrough. Scripts and packages and the like all look fine.

      Ahh, yeah if the other plugins need YUP as a master then they won't play ball, yeah.
    5. STANirvanaIND
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      If you want to remove the YUP dependency you can manually do so via xEdit (for simple references).  Install YUP (even though you're using TTW) and add it to the load order, then open xEdit with YUP and YUPTTW both active and find any references to the (base) YUP plugin and change them to the same reference in YUPTTW.  Works fine for simple references, obviously not for scripts.
    6. B4llsAndB4y0n3ts
      • member
      • 15 kudos
      Don't forget that after you change the YUP references to YUPTTW references to right-click the mod, then click "Clean Masters (=Remove all unused masters), save, closed xEdit, then remove YUP.