NB the reason I didn't update the original mod to do what this mod does was because of the game's AI behavior where NPCs will pause for a few seconds before attacking after ending sprint. The original scripted attacks (as janky as they were implemented) were coded to bypass that. (You can test by backing away from a sprinting NPC and see if he ever manages to hit you)
Yeah I just didn't like the default vanilla behavior where an NPC would come at you full speed sprinting then stops, strafes a bit for a few seconds and mutters "You like that?" then decides to attack which is why I added scripted attacks immediately after sprint in the original mod.
I see. Well, in that case, that's one major aspect that differs than the original one then. This mod just gives melee guys a faster forward movement animation so they can close the distance quicker and nothing else. They still behave exactly the same as vanilla AI wise.
Any chance you could look into adding an exception for Super Mutants? Every other enemy type is fine, but I feel like this mod breaks their balance a little bit.
Is this compatible with enhanced movement?