ItsMeJesusChrist for the thumbnail for the fallout font Anubis for grammar Demorome for helping me with the syntax error
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Version 1.3
New code. Now it uses events
swaped to gr prefix
Version 1.2.1
Tried Fixing console syntax spam for those who were getting it
Version 1.2
Narrowed the faction check from NCRFactionNV to vNCRMilitaryDialogueFaction to keep gamblers and prospector from saluting
Version 1.1.1
Added exclusion to cass and kate which are ncr but named
Version 1.1
To avoid weird animations, it wont work on soldiers with their weapon unholstered
Version 1.0
Intial relase
No donations accepted
Upon talking to an nameless NCR soldier if player is Idolized or a good natured rascal. The NCR soldier will respectufully salute the courier If the courier is a Wild child or a dark hero (and due to technical limitations soft hearted devil too) The NCR soldier will briefly salute the courier
Espfull alternative NCR Salute. Despite sharing the same name, i dont know exactly how it works, but i know they don't work alike. But nothing is more reliable than an esp/esm.