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  1. chronicallybored
    • premium
    • 22 kudos
    Guys, please keep discussions and comments as civil as possible.
    While I understand that sometimes heat can build up, please abstain from insulting each other.

    I will remove any and all disrespectful/insulting comments.
  2. chronicallybored
    • premium
    • 22 kudos
    IMPORTANT - Read before making a post claiming the mod doesn't work properly

    Before getting started, you should always make sure that you are using the latest drivers for your hardware, especially for your graphics card, the latest updates for your operating system and that your system meets the game's minimum requirements. Also if you're using an overclocked system you might wanna revert the overclock at least for testing purposes as that could be a potential cause of system instability and therefore lead to problems.

    1.a Always make sure you are using a clean and legal copy of the most recent version of No Man's Sky first. Chances are high it won't work with older versions. You won't get any support for pirated versions here.

    If you are running the Microsoft Store/Game pass version of No Man's Sky please be aware that sometimes it may take longer until the latest patch releases on those platforms. Sadly there's not much you can do in this case besides waiting.

    2. Make sure you are not using the experimental branch of NMS. My mods are always for the latest public build.

    3. Verify your game files. For example, if you're a steam user you can do this by clicking on "Library", then right click on "No Man's Sky" in the game list. Then click on "Properties", a new window should open. Click on the "Installed Files" tab and click on "Verify integrity of game files". Now just wait until it's done.

    4. Delete the file DISABLEMODS.TXT. It should be located in <YourNoMan'sSkyDirectory>\GAMEDATA\PCBANKS\. The game likes to sometimes recreate this file on a new update or after verifying game files, so check if you need to delete it again.

    5.a Double check you've installed the mod folder in the correct path, which is <YourNoMan'sSkyDirectory>\GAMEDATA\MODS. If the Mods folder isn't there, create it manually and put the mod folder in there. Also install only one version of my mod at the same time.

    5.b Vortex Mod Manager is currently NOT supported so please install manually for now. Thanks.

    6. If all of the above still fails, you can always try completely uninstalling (make sure to also remove any leftover files of the game too) and redownloading the game. Some reported it can help to start a new save file.

    Also always keep in mind that mods might break every time Hello Games releases an update. Sometimes even the smaller patches can cause issues. In this case please be patient and give mod authors some time to update their mods/adapt to the game changes. Sometimes this might even take a little longer, especially on bigger updates - Please be patient - I try to check this page at least once a day but sometimes life can get a little busy and it might take me a while to get to it.

    That's all I can think of right now. I might expand this list in the future if new info comes up. I hope this helps users solving most issues and getting the game/mod to work for everyone. Cheers! And as always, have a great time playing. :)
  3. chronicallybored
    • premium
    • 22 kudos
    No Man's Sky's huge Worlds Part II Update has finally dropped and changed the way mods work drastically.
    The mod had to be rebuilt to adapt to those changes, that's why it took me a while this time. Also life has been keeping me fairly busy so apologies for the delay.

    Should you run into any issues, please feel free to leave a comment and let me know. It should be fine though from what I've tested so far.

    With all that said, have fun playing and exploring, as usual!
    Thank you for your support! :)

    IMPORTANT - Please read:
    With Worlds Part II there is new instructions for installing mods for No Man's Sky.

    1. Go to <YourNoMan'sSkyDirectory>\GAMEDATA\PCBANKS and delete or rename the file called DISABLEMODS.txt.
    2. Now move to <YourNoMan'sSkyDirectory>\GAMEDATA and create a new folder called MODS.
    3. Download the mod and unpack the ZIP file. Then copy the folder (eg. "cb Remove Technology Overload") straight into the MODS folder.
    4. That's basically it. You can start up the game now and it should work as usual. :)

    With the new changes to how the game handles mods there should be (almost) no compatibility issues anymore so there is no need
    for .lua files anymore.
  4. delukard
    • member
    • 0 kudos

    nice mod.

    is there a version where we can expand the suit but not the ships inventory size?


  5. Taragonra
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I don't know if its a bug or what but it doesnt seem to be working for me. Yes, I have tried all the options in your "before you post" section. I even deleted all other mods to see if it was a mod conflict. The Mod warning thing pops up when I load the game, but when I look at my inventory it's still a 5x10 grid instead of the 12x10 mod grid. Stared a fresh save too, that didn't work. Ship inventories and tech slots are unchanged too. Do I need to buy all the vanilla slots before the new ones show up? In the ship comparison windows they still show the unmodded inventory capacities. (I'm currently using the ultimate version, I will go try the plus version to see if that makes a difference.)

    Nope. Inventory unchanged on plus version too.

    Instal path: D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\No Man's Sky\GAMEDATA\MODS
    1. chronicallybored
      • premium
      • 22 kudos
      Did you buy/upgrade the slots on the space station? The mod doesn't automatically add them, you still have to buy them all like you normally would. It just gives them the capability to go higher depending on their corresponding class.
    2. Taragonra
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I know they don't unlock automatically, I'm saying there is no visual difference. The question is are the extended slots supposed to appear right away or do I need to purchase all vanilla slots before they show up? Like I said, my inventory is still a 5x10 grid. Will the extra rows show up after I buy all my current slots or should they be there available now? My ship inventory says 10/30 slots unlocked instead of 10/120 (s class ship).
    3. DragosDrakkar
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      It might be that there is a mod conflict going on. I seem to be in the same boat, and in the process of checking some things out I saw that both this mod and gGame Better Faster Scanner WPII change the same file, and since this mod has a name that comes up first, gGame will overwrite this one. Perhaps you have that mod or a different mod that is overwriting that part of this mod. Until gGame gets a lua file uploaded, we can't seem to use AMUMSS to resolve the conflict, but if it is another mod causing your problem, you might be able to merge the mods.
    4. Taragonra
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I thought of that. I had less then 10 mods installed so I just deleted all but this one to see if that was the case. Didn't fix the issue.
    5. chronicallybored
      • premium
      • 22 kudos

      They are not visible right away, no. The grid expands as you purchase more and more storage/tech slots over time. The game uses a dynamic grid system. So no worries if the grid is very small at the start of the game, it will unlock more and more rows as you progress.

      One way to test and see if it's working correctly for you is to start a new test save file. Use the custom difficulty and make everything upgradeable for free. Then to to the space station, upgrade your ship to S class and purchase all tech and storage slots. You should end up with 120 cargo and 60 technology slots.
    6. Taragonra
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Cool. I'll be able to test it soon then. I only need to buy one more vanilla slot.

      Edit: Happy to report that finding a drop pod after getting last vanilla slot did, indeed make the new row appear. Yay!
    7. chronicallybored
      • premium
      • 22 kudos

      While gGame Better Faster Scanner WPII modifies the same files, it is an EXML patch and should not create any compatibility problems, because it changes different entries in the same files. My mod is also just an EXML patch and therefore they should not create any conflicts even when used together.

      I'll do some testing just to be safe, but I'm fairly sure they work fine together.

      Edit: I just loaded both mods at the same time and they seem to work perfectly fine together.
    8. DragosDrakkar
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      Yes, I realize that now. I am still used to modding other games where two mods affecting the same file will not play well together unless there is a merged patch made. Thank you for the confirmation and more information though. Guess I'm off to hunt more slot upgrades for everything so I can get those nice big grids.
  6. Rumray
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hey! Bad news, unfortunately - I found that this mod is responsible for an issue with the building interface. When this mod is installed, snap and free placement for everything (literally everything, including base parts and exovehicles) just stops working. 

    I disabled every other mod in question and tested one by one, and found this guy to be the culprit. :(

    e: Ignore me, actually. For some reason just pulling the mod out and repositioning it in the MODS folder seemed to iron out the issue. Super strange, but it appears to be working now. Sorry for the false alarm!
    1. chronicallybored
      • premium
      • 22 kudos
      That sounds very weird indeed, especially since this mod doesn't change anything even remotely related to the building grid/interface.

      But I'm glad you got it working again!
    2. SleepyFaraday
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Encountered the same issue as the other guy, there's definitely something fishy. Removing and readding the mod fixed the issue (at least for now?) for me too.
    3. Rumray
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Turns out this is not a mod issue, but a game-wide bug. You don't have to reseat any of your mods, but you will need to close out to your desktop and relaunch the game to resolve it. 

      Hopefully this bug, and the seemingly hundreds others right now, get ironed out quickly. :(
    4. chronicallybored
      • premium
      • 22 kudos
      I haven't encountered this issue myself, but it sounds like a bug in the game that HG would have to fix indeed.
  7. RevontuletCXVII
    • premium
    • 8 kudos
    Hi. You need to fix the current version field for your mods as mod managers get upset by the difference between file version and claimed version. This affects several of your mods, like this one and Planetary Flight Fixes, and likely others as well.
    1. BraveCaperCat
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Vortex doesn't work for NMS 5.5 and later. Please install your mods manually.
    2. RevontuletCXVII
      • premium
      • 8 kudos
      Nobody said anything about Vortex. Please do not make assumptions and allow people that have more overall mod development experience to do their own thing with installation.

      Additionally, anyone with even a minimal amount of JavaScript experience can update the NMS plugin for Vortex locally.

      NB: insomnious has already merged that minor change with the github repo, so yes, Vortex should support Worlds 2.
  8. max1725
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    после обновления 03.02.25 перестал работать
    1. chronicallybored
      • premium
      • 22 kudos
      Модификация по-прежнему отлично работает с последней версией игры. Обязательно проверьте «No Man's Sky\GAMEDATA\PCBANKS\» и посмотрите, не нужно ли снова удалить файл «DISABLEMODS.txt». Иногда игра заново создает этот файл после обновления.

      Также прочтите прикрепленный комментарий «Устранение неполадок» для получения дополнительной информации.

      (Created with Google Translate)
    2. max1725
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Файла «DISABLEMODS.txt» по адресу Sky\GAMEDATA\PCBANKS\» нет. Игра просто перестала видеть какие либо моды, не только выш.
    3. chronicallybored
      • premium
      • 22 kudos
      Попробуйте проверить No Man's Sky\Binaries\SETTINGS и посмотреть, есть ли там файл под названием GCMODSETTINGS.MXML. Если да, откройте его с помощью выбранного вами редактора (например, Notepad/Notpad++) и найдите здесь эту строку:

      <Property name="DisableAllMods" value="false" />

      Если value имеет значение true, установите вместо него значение false, сохраните файл и попробуйте снова.
    4. max1725
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Спасибо помогло.
  9. hunterhawk22
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I wanted to ask. The "old" method of installing mods is still working? Will the mod work with .pak versions of other mods? Or now need to use only a new installation method for all mods? I just want to understand. <YourNoMan'sSkyDirectory>\Gamedata\PCBANKS\MODS - Do i need to delete this folder or mods what used .pak files will still work too?
    Sorry for my bad English, I have to use a translator.
    1. chronicallybored
      • premium
      • 22 kudos
      The old method of installing mods is gone with game version 5.50 and higher. So if you wish to play on the latest version of the game only the new method will work.

      You'll have to delete the old MODS folder in GAMEDATE\PCBANKS\ and create a new one in GAMEDATA\ instead. PAK files are no longer supported in the latest patch, so you will have to get rid of them and use updated mods instead. Cheers.
  10. Gandora25
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    I'm a bit confuse at the moment but having use this mod for a few years now, I have always install at least 7 S-class upgrades to my ships and I notice when installing the Photon Cannon modules to the new Starborn Phoenix, It's only recognizing up to 5 modules. Anything after that doesn't get applied to the stats. I was watching my damage stats go up as I install them one by one and it stopped about a quarter before reaching the end of the bar. Meanwhile, the Hyperdrive is overflowing. I don't have any other mods that touches starships soo, I thought maybe I could leave this here and maybe get an answer on what I should do?
    1. chronicallybored
      • premium
      • 22 kudos
      The mod is still working like it always has, even after the recent changes. It removes tech overload on all ships, no matter which one you are using. Though, I think I know what you are talking about and I think I can help clarify this with a showcase.

      I went ahead and bought the Starborn Phoenix as well for this example.

      This is a Photon Cannon with 0 upgrade modules:

      A Photon Cannon with 9 upgrade modules:

      And finally - I know totally overkill but just to show functionality - a Photon Cannon with 24 upgrade modules:

      See how the weapon "Peak Damage Potential" went from (0 modules) 6,746 damage per second up to (24 modules) 35,874 damage per second but on the other hand in the upper right corner "Damage Potential" bar barely moved from 326.8 to 343.1?

      Frankly, I don't know exactly how the number on the bar is calculated exactly, but I think it's a rough estimate of all current weapons installed on your ship. So my guess would be from having only the Photon Cannon installed this number would stay relatively low. Maybe it'd rise higher depending on how many different weapons/weapon combinations you install.

      My advice would be to always hover over the specific weapon module and check the peak damage potential and ignore the damage bar in the upper right corner. As far as I know there is no cap to how much technology upgrade modules you can stack this way with the mod installed.

      I hope that helps clarify. Cheers.
    2. Gandora25
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Ah I see now, thank you so much for explaining this to me and indeed, the Damage Potential did increase to a higher number when I add other weapons to the ship. Cheers mate!
  11. chewyourfingers
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I cannot, for the life of me, get this mod to work anymore. I've deleted the Disable mods text file, renamed said file, used Vortex, used Nexus Mod Manager, completely wiped the game and reinstalled it, and nothing has worked so far. Any ideas to get this working will be much appreciated, as I absolutely LOVE this mod!

    1. chronicallybored
      • premium
      • 22 kudos
      Do not use Vortex/Mod Managers to install the latest No Man's Sky mods. That usually only creates problems.

      You have to install it manually. The path for the MODS folder has moved from <YourNoMan'sSkyDirectory>\GAMEDATA\PCBANKS\MODS to <YourNoMan'sSkyDirectory>\GAMEDATA\MODS with the latest update. Make sure you have created a MODS folder in the GAMEDATA folder. Then just unpack the ZIP file of the mod and copy the whole "cb Remove Technology Overload" folder into the MODS folder.

      If installed correctly, you should get a warning about mods being detected right before the game loads into the main menu. Hope that helps.
    2. meteors1332
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      I'm here struggling too
    3. chronicallybored
      • premium
      • 22 kudos
      If all of the above hasn't helped you, try checking No Man's Sky\Binaries\SETTINGS and see if there's a file called GCMODSETTINGS.MXML. If it's there, open it with editor of your choice (eg. Notepad/Notpad++) and look for this line here:

      <Property name="DisableAllMods" value="false" />

      Should the value be set to true, set it to false instead, save the file and try again. If that doesn't work make sure you pasted the mod in the correct folder and deleted DISABLEMODS.txt

      If you have modded No Man's Sky in the past already, there might still be a mods folder in the former location, check the PCBANKS folder, if there's a mods folder in there, delete it. The new location for the mods folder is GAMEDATA. Also .pak files are no longer supported either as of version 5.50+.

      That's all I can think of right now. 
    4. chewyourfingers
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Yeah, I did try that as well, if anything that is the first thing I tried, and still, nothing. I do get the warning after the splash screen but when the game loads, all my extra tech modules show that it is in overload. Trust when I said I've tried everything. I didn't just use the mod managers, I used them as a last resort when I was trouble shooting before I finally left a message here. I've exhausted all my options at this point.  
  12. Dragon1963
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Would you be willing to update this mod to work with Worlds II please? Thank you in advance. Me and my son love this mod and hope to see it soon. He is in Ohio and Me in Arizona, this game helps to keep us in contact with each other, and this mod makes it just that much greater of an adventure.
    1. chronicallybored
      • premium
      • 22 kudos
      It's just been updated, pardon the delay.

      Glad to hear you two been connecting over that great distance! Cheers. :)
    2. max1725
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      не работает
    3. chronicallybored
      • premium
      • 22 kudos
      I don't speak Russian so this is translated with Google translate:

      Несколько человек подтвердили, что это работает. Убедитесь, что вы правильно прочитали описание и инструкции по установке. Также не забудьте удалить файл «DISABLEMODS.txt».
  13. Austin40156
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Thank you for updating this mod. It is very helpful in game.
    1. chronicallybored
      • premium
      • 22 kudos
      Glad to hear that, thanks! Cheers.