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  1. GlitchGMG
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  2. GlitchGMG
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    I am sorry to hear the save is seriously bugged, I am going to work on a way to fix this. It may take some time as my computer isn't stable in running games at all, I however am still going to attempt to fix the save, but I will have to complete some of the quests sadly.
  3. CookiePow
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Does this save have all expeditions unlocked?
    Does this save get any risk of ban in multiplayer?

    It is possible to make an optional file that has all the story completed?
    Is this up to date?

    Basic questions
    1. GlitchGMG
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Yes, it has all expeditions unlocked, no ban risk as Hello Games promotes modding, I have  no clue as to making an optional file to complete all story, no it's not up to date I am posting a new save today that fixes all the issues and is up to date.
    • supporter
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    use just no man's sky save editor
    1. deowashere
      • supporter
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      How do use for the quest to flagged?or when do theupdate be released
  5. XCrosseur09
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Here are some screenshots to realize that the quest does not work from the beginning with Artemis and that we cannot follow the story mode with this save.
    This screenshot shows that you can't learn words from aliens.

    The following image shows that one cannot learn words about old buildings either.

    And finally the last one also shows that you can't learn words on the monoliths and that the translator calibration remains at 0 and completely blocks the story mode.

    Could you do something to correct this problem?
    Thank you
    1. skkkkt
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      +1 同样的问题
  6. kalador2009
    • member
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    when comes an new update? for new verson? is this mod stil alive?
    1. GlitchGMG
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      This mod is up to date, excpet for a few bugs. I have to fix those. I will try to but as said my PSN is banned currently, Im trying to find a cheap pc that i can snag to continue my work for now.
  7. sebagato
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    Si pudieras subir le mismo archivo guardado pero sin aprender ninguna palabra, seria excelente!
    1. XCrosseur09
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Hola, para nada, en las primeras misiones tenemos que aprender palabras, y si no podemos, la misión del principio se bloquea y todas las demás también. 10 palabras para aprender que no es la muerte ;-)
  8. XCrosseur09
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hello, thanks for the backup which is great.
    Unfortunately it is seriously bugged, we can't do the main story because we can't learn the words of the NPCs that mark "already learned" for the translator, so we are blocked the first mission to save Artemis. There are also the frigates, when we want to do a mission, we can put 5, the level of the fleet remains at 1 star and the frigates are damaged. Is there a way to fix this? Thank you
  9. GlitchGMG
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    To all who have waited, I have uploaded a PC save, all you need to do is download it then follow the instructions in this message to get it going 

    * go to this path on your pc C:\Users\{WHATEVER YOUR USER IS}\AppData\Roaming\HelloGames\NMS 
    * double click the folder located here and ensure you delete all files that say mf_save and save after backing them up in a safe place
    * now paste the files from the zip file into the folder and it should load right up 
  10. GlitchGMG
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    I will be uploading the PC version later today, Be on the look out for it.
  11. XCrosseur09
    • member
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    Hello thanks for the MOD, I used vortex but the MOD does not work. A little tutorial on how to install it please?
    1. scored
      • premium
      • 4 kudos
      I think this is for PS machine, see the L and R buttons in pics
    2. XCrosseur09
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Yes that's what he says, but for 2 months there are cross saves so multi platform, I hoped to be able to install them on Steam.Thanks for your answer and have a nice day
    3. XOmniWraithX
      • supporter
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      you need to have a ps4 and save wizard transfer the save to ps4 using save wizard then you upload it to cloud saves in no mans sky on ps4 and then download it from cloud on steam
    4. XCrosseur09
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      ok thank you so much
    5. rcmundell03
      • supporter
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      if you did this any chance you could upload the pc version so some of us without a ps4 can download?
    6. XOmniWraithX
      • supporter
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      ive uploaded a pc version
    7. XCrosseur09
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      where can we find it please?
    8. XOmniWraithX
      • supporter
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      on here search Modded starter save for PC and STEAM
    9. GlitchGMG
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      This is a PS save however I can give you the raw json and you can import it using a save editor like goatfungus
  12. JoshuaMicah
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