Idk if you're still watching this page of yours but great mod manager! Saved me like an hour of trying to figure out mod conflicts and I have you to thank for it! Cheers!
I'm at the stage where I'm frustrated enough with mod conflicts that I'm downloading anything that can help me (I haven't even unzipped them yet I'm so new to this). I have no idea if this will work or not with the current version of the game (Sentinel 3.82). Does anybody have a clue before I go and Bork my game? Thanks.
About mod conflicts: The mods will conflict if they changes the same proprieties of the same file. My ModManager shows you after you clicked Check Conflicts button, all the mods that modify the same file. It do not mean for sure will conflict. If the mods do not change the same properties, it will work nice.
To fix mod conflicts, you can use another tool: AMUMSS by Mjjstral. So you can use my mod manager to manage which mods you want to enable, disable, remove and check the conflicts. If you found conflicts, you can use AMUMSS to fix them!
Its the way i am doing and it works pretty nice :D
Hello, @joewalabel I am the Daniel of channel Abrigo76, I made a video talking about his mod manager for in man's sky and a subscriber warned me that I should for the direct link to download the site of nexus as credit to the author, had not done this, but not in bad faith, but for lack of knowledge, I promptly went and edited the video with the correct links so that the due credits were given, I found it fair and recognize that I initially did it wrong, but even after correcting the user in question denounced the video as if the mod were his, can you help me in anything?
They told me, there aren't nothing that i can do by now, sorry. I recommend you next time check the software's licenses before post them. If u click the interrogation icon on it, you can see the software's info, authors and site, so its important to visit first. We do our best to make and releases a nice software that will helps a lot of people, for free, and the only think we request is to share oficial's link. As explained before, by here (nexusmod's site) i can knew how much people is using, i can receive bug reports and features by others, so its really important to us this community. I'm using for a long time ago and i found a lot of useful tools, mods, content here, so its better for all the growth of the community ;)
About mod conflicts:
The mods will conflict if they changes the same proprieties of the same file.
My ModManager shows you after you clicked Check Conflicts button, all the mods that modify the same file. It do not mean for sure will conflict. If the mods do not change the same properties, it will work nice.
To fix mod conflicts, you can use another tool: AMUMSS by Mjjstral.
So you can use my mod manager to manage which mods you want to enable, disable, remove and check the conflicts.
If you found conflicts, you can use AMUMSS to fix them!
Its the way i am doing and it works pretty nice :D
thank you.
Thank You .. Great Mod
Thank you ... the Old Gamer ..