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About this mod

OTUP - Oblivion Texture Upgrades Pack - Armor retexture and more The goal is to give the original textures more details. As a welcome sideeffect, the (in my mind) a bit overdone overbright effects (HDRR and Bloom) may be slightly reduced in some cases. Resolutions are the same as original, so the improvements come at zero performanc

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OTUP - Oblivion Texture Upgrades Pack - Armor retexture and more

The goal is to give the original textures more details.
As a welcome sideeffect, the (in my mind) a bit overdone overbright effects (HDRR and Bloom)
may be slightly reduced in some cases.

Resolutions are the same as original, so the improvements come at zero performance cost!!! Grass is a exception where I had to increase resolution to 1024 * 1024.

Otup armor 1.0:
Most of the armor textures are included; compared to version 0.2 several textures are reworked/improved.

Otup stoneworks 1.0:
Roads, stonewall, sidewalk and castlewall textures included.

Otup terrain 0.1:

Currently only the four grass textures are included.

Put the textures in the data files/texture folder
Dont forget to use OBMM bsa alteration