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Zumbs and Tekuromoto

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  1. Zumbs
    • member
    • 52 kudos
    ZLP does not touch any locks nor any keys. Most likely it is another mod that is interferring with your game. Try to open your mods in TES4Edit and find the mod that edits or add those chests. For ease, a good place to start would be to look at newly added mods.

    Edit: Out of curiosity, which house is it, and which chests can't you open? Also, you can open pretty much any lock if you open the in-game console (press the ~ key below Esc), click the container and type unlock followed by return. The console can be closed by pressing the ~ key again. Note that if the house is added by a mod, it may be intentional that some containers can't be unlocked with the house key - you may have to ask the mod maker to find that out.
  2. Haliph
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    This is a great mod but there seems to be a limitation. What about keys? Do they work as well? Because I have house keys that wont open chests anymore :/
  3. Zumbs
    • member
    • 52 kudos
    Thanks for the comment KrimsonRose. To lockpick under water you have to use the "Bare Hands Lockpicking" lesser power, preferably while having your lockpicks equipped. This unintuitive way of doing it is due to a limitation in the Oblivion engine. If you use OBSE, I highly recommend that you use the OBSE version of Zumbs' Lockpicking Mod, as the OBSE expansions to the scripting language allows me to dodge that and a number of other limitations.
  4. KrimsonRose
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    First off, I love the mod. I was getting a bit bored with the minigame.

    I did however, find an issue. I can't pick locks under water! I think it is because the lockpick has a 'spell' on it, because I get the message 'cannot cast ranged spells underwater'. (Or something to that affect.) Will there be something that can be done to remedy this?

    Again, love the mod, and keep up the good work!
  5. Zumbs
    • member
    • 52 kudos
    It is an unfortunate consequence of limitations in the Oblivion engine. If you use OBSE, I highly recommend that you use the OBSE version of Zumbs' Lockpicking Mod.
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Great mod! But the lockpick is floating infront of my hands when not in sneak.
  7. Zumbs
    • member
    • 52 kudos
    I just hotkey the picks and my prefered weapons, making it pretty fast to equip/unequip them. I would also recommend that you get the OBSE version as it blends much more seamlessly into Oblivion. Thanks for rating and comment!
  8. No6
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I have given this file my endorsement.

    I used this mod when I played Oblivion a few months ago and liked it very much. It's one of those must-have mods. I'm picking up Oblivion again this month and remembered something that is kind of annoying. The constant weapon-switching every time a chest is to be opened. Stop, equip the lockpick, unlock, re-equip the weapon and carry on. Or, forget to re-equip and get slaughtered. Heh. This comment does not take away from the mod, nor am I expecting the author to accomodate every player that comes out of the woodwork with a "suggestion," so I'm not making one. I am simply endorcing the mod with this small caveat which may or may not be important to other people.
  9. Zumbs
    • member
    • 52 kudos
    It's easy to get back. Just delete lockpicking.xml :-)
  10. Zumbs
    • member
    • 52 kudos
    Hi Bluelyth

    You'll be happy to hear that the upcomming version 1.3 will include sounds :-)

    The problem with getting animations right isn't lack of animations - all the needed animations are in the game - the problem is getting the game to use the right animations at the correct time. This could be done, if the construction set allowed adding new weapon types (with "custom" animations. Unfortunately, new weapon types can't be added.

    The only solution I've seen to the animation problems requires use of OBSE. An example of this can be seen in Skycaptains Spear mod or Scryggsy's lockpicking mod (unfortunately, still in beta).

    - Zumbs